have you downloaded Adobe XD already?
Have you downloaded Adobe XD already?
Adobe is SO raNdoM!!xDDD
no, wireframing is for tryhards that dont know how to code.
adobe botoshob :DDDDD
am I on ?
bicturesss xxDDD
Don't give a shit about that. Can't wait for voco though
I see you
yeah but only cause it came in master collection
No because it's shit
>master collection
Are you aware we are in 2018 and Donald Trump is the current USA president?
I lige abobe botoshobob :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I don use linuz it don run adobe botoshobo xxxD
Jusd use wibe :DDDDDDDD
I tried it when it was in beta.
It's shit.
fucking kill yourself
be doesn't like abobe xDDDDD
adobe gentooshop xDDD
Fugging kill yourbelf :DDDDDDD
I can get what it is for?
Is like to preview UIs?
You still have to code them, right?
"Xd" stands for "eXperience Design" and it's a webdesign "app"
It's as meme as you may think
Tanks, Adoeb
Millenials everywhere!
its windows app.
What is this, MS Paint for snowflakes?
dude, that's what web/ui designers are for you idiot.
they design, we code.