Why Net Neutrality is bad?

Why Net Neutrality is bad?

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Because if you let your ISP extort more money from you, that money will eventually trickle down back to you.

Because if you let your ISP extort more money from content providers, that money will eventually trickle down to you.

Because if you let your ISP control speech online, your speech on the Internet will be even freer.

Because NN never actually did anything lmao, companies still throttled and did ALLL the shady shit (((Net Neutrality))) was '''''''''''designed to stop'''''''''''''

01/25/18(Thu)02:46:31 No.64455795
Because if you let your ISP extort more money from content providers, that money will eventually trickle down to you.

lol who cares

You decentralized my cashew

>on comcast
>most of 2017 torrenting anything i like
>5-6MBps easily

>suddenly former verizon lawyer turned Trump puppet P. Ajit gets appointed to FCC and kills NN
>all torrents drop to 500kbps
>if i have 1 torrent it's 500kbps
>if i have 10 torrents it's still 500kbps
>if i have 2 torrents across 2 computers it's 250kbps each
>if i find a torrent with a good connection i can literally sit there and watch it spike to 6MBps before being throttled down to 500kbps and then spike, throttle, etc continuously
Brain dead anti-NN republitard corporate dick sucking sheep need to be dragged into the street and shot in the face.

Because if you allow your ISP to slow your Internet down, your Internet will be even faster.

this is what americans actually think

You radiated my hazelnuts

You activated my almonds

You defused my pistachios

>It did some bad things! Clearly it shouldn't be there at all!

It prevented the amount of shitty things they could do to you. If your ISPs were doing all of these shitty things with NN, how badly do you think they're going to fuck you without it?

The worst part is you could read up about what the bill actually is, but then you'd have to pause your Alex Jones Podcast and start reading at about a 2nd grade level.

Wow, you must be retarded or something. I bet you watch John Oliver or some other piece of shit. I can't watch or stand Alex Jones nor am I allowed to watch it where I work, which by the way, does a lot for this country. You people are pathetic and inappreciative of what true patriots do

He was appointed to the FCC under Obama. Under Trump he became chair but he was there well beforehand. I mean I sort of agree with you about this being shit but at least get your facts right.

I still get my full 12.5MB/s torrenting with my ISP glad I don't have comcast.

You deflated my walnut

You decomposed my macadamias

Because ISPs should be able to inspect all your packets and decide what happens to them

They can already legally collects and sell your data.

>Typing this much bullshit
>Still don't even have an argument
(You) tried my friend.

Who let this moron on this board?

Wow so a republican dominated congress gave him his first job there

fucking moron, one google search isn't getting your facts

>fcc says you can't have porn on TV
>let's put fcc in charge of the internet

>samefagging this hard


>we can't let Drumpf be president
>supports Drumpf having control over the internet

>that fast reply
lmao, replied in seconds... You had that inspect element ready. gg well played with the bait sir, took it like a newfag

whatever google supports is a bad thing. Proof? Their CEO is an Indian

definitely what happened you demented dwarf

I don't trust the government to get any more involved in the internet. They abuse us enough as is.

>I trust corporations ability to govern more than the government

That's a funny contradiction user. If you didn't support disgusting power grabs by the state you wouldnt have to worry about lobbyists paying for these disgusting powergrabs. Government can piss off

There is no such thing as good or bad

This is incoherent.

It's not power I'm concerned with, it's what is done with power. ISPs shouldn't be able to discriminate packets, somehow waning the state and waxing private power is going to achieve that? Get real.

We need net neutrality so I can get my whopper quicker fucking rethugicans ruin everytning

>i only care when the government does things i don't like
Yeah until the next adminstration buttfucks you using the power you allowed them to take. You'll deserve it too for being a bootlicker

You're fucking retarded and don't belong in Sup Forums, the way routers and demarcs work is just like that. You can see packets, just like you see packets on your network. Use encryption if you want privacy retard

Oh yeah god forbid we get a president to will abuse the power to require packets are treated the same.

Keep licking that corporate smegma. It's literally like you think private power doesn't exist.

Net Neutrality is pretty basic shit. Just because you have the ability to do something doesn't mean you should. Everyday driving to work you could drive into oncoming traffic yet you don't.

>i trust the cia, nsa, fbi, and other 3 letter agencies more than comcast
Just leave this website

>HURR DURR if you support regulations you support civil liberties being trashed
How much does it hurt to live?

>forcing companies to become title II government utilities against it's will isn't trashing the civil liverties of every single stake holder of that company

Wtf I love Hobbesianism now

>buisness owners don't have civil liberties
Typical communist. You aint taking my property pinko. I'll fuckin shoot ya, nigger

because liberals like it

Well you don't even have property first of all.

But yeah don't worry, no one is going to censor your boss or quarter troops in his workplace (McDonald's isn't really suited for lodging).

Where you slip up is you think that property is an absolute, immutable right. Not only is that not the case, there's also no historical precedent for that or any society that does not temper property to some degree.

If you think any abridgement of property is communism that just shows how thin a grasp you have on policy and even philosophy.

But hey if you aspire to be a feudal serf that's your deal, go LARP it but don't push that shit for the rest of society.

>acting like a 2 year policy is equivalent to losing the first amendment
>acting like you have the right to internet service
oh my god please get Jamal's dick out of your interconnected, human centipede asses.

>theft is good and necessary

>2 year policy

It was voted in 3 years ago. No one gives a fuck about the lore behind it. You can say thay about any bill.

Net neutrality is good. The specific net neutrality bill we had in place was shit that did almost nothing to actually enforce net neutrality while giving the government the power to censor the internet.

The brown president implemnted it.

Can't even fucking browse Sup Forums without polshits

Give it back jamal

there was never a bill you fucking retard

Everyone in the US is a temporarily inconvenienced billionaire. We are okay with laws that only benefit billionaires while fucking ourselves over because someday when we’re billionaires too we’ll want those billionaire friendly laws.

If websites can censor shit why can't ISPs censor the websites that censor shit?

no one day is going to be a gm at Wendy's

Im a software dev stop projecting, jamal. Even if i wasnt making a nice salary i wouldn't be a muh gibs big goverment monkey begging to get back on the plantation

because not everyone has multiple ISPs in their area

Good goy. Play the divisive game and indoctrinate your fellow goys. Stay on your side of the fence and enjoy your ((UNIQUE)) point of view so we can mould you easier.

why do you have to be so caustically racist, it's disgusting. this shit isn't a fucking handout it's about making broadband actually broadband service. write a program that makes you not a demented retrograde

>decade of piecemeal enforcement of the tenets of the rule
Missed the rulings and fines on blocking bittorrent and voip? Attempts to force google to block tethering apps? The list goes on of fcc directly enforcing net neutrality violations or thwarting its possibility

Clearly the fcc has enough power to enforce the "nn ideology" without reclassify isps as title ii.




Not anymore after Verizon sued it in 2014 with a claim that it doesn't have the authority to do so, which prompted the reclassification.

you're wrong, since there's various wired and wireless ISP's

but even then, you still have no valid argument

>there's various wired and wireless ISP's
I fucking wish. I'm stuck with shitty ass Spectrum bullshit.

Net neutrality only sounds good if you don't think about it. It doesn't solve the issue Americans have with their isps either. The problem is monopoly and net neutrality only reinforces monopoly while in theory trying to mitigate symptoms but in practice just saving a couple of large corporations money.

Because if it doesn't exist, companies like Netflix might be fucked. They spend so fucking much bandwidth because of all the normies using it and the company gets away with it without paying any extra taxes.

Duh. Having it doesn't solve any problems, but not having it creates more problems.

>be american
>in 80-90% of the country your local government grants 1 or possibly 2 ISPs a total monopoly and bans all competition(or makes it extremely difficult)
>these government created monopolies use their monopoly powers to fuck over consumers and throttle traffic
>sperg out like insane manchildren and be incredibly confused as to why these corporations are so big and why they are doing this
>demand MORE government control over the economy


Explain this shit statists/amerifats.

Because retarded corporate slaves, aka "Muricans", don't want it.

remember to report all Sup Forumstards threads disguised as technology


there's nothing bad about net neutrality itself. the ideals of it are best fullfilled by a decentralized cryptonet. the mistake is in ever thinking it could be achieved in the corporate/nsa cucknet of domain (((registers))) like verisign with to down centralization and privatized control, or for that matter, thinking it would be desirable to legislatively force the issue, allowing mindless consumerist nigger cattle to consume unthrittled hd content, oblivious to the censorship and invasion of privacy all around them.
there's also a matter of choice- given the alternative between a free as in both beer and freedom cryptonet, and a throttled and prioritized cucknet, most consumer drones would freely CHOOSE the latter, especially if the advertisments instilled in them the idea that the latter was in some magical intangible way "better"
i abhor the latter, but since when did we criminalize stupidity?

This. Net neutrality was the norm before 2014. People are scared of government abuse while the government already had this power before losing it from Verizon's lawsuit.

>yellow monkey poster
>wants to be cucked by the state

>The state protecting you from being cucked by your ISP bad