As you can see if you watch the connections, the entire game is a single binary file (svg_asteroids.wasm), which no adblocker will ever be able to inspect to tell content apart from ads. Trying to block ads in WebAssembly is like trying to block or hide the score in this game. You simply can't.
The same will happen with all sites. This thread would be loaded as a "Sup Forums.wasm" file with built-in ads no adblocker will ever be able to intercept, block or hide, and the same will happen on all other sites.
wait a second, doesn't that mean you'd never be able to detect a page running a bitcoin miner? Second, how would you display multiple different ads?
Easton James
Then I'll block wasm, and refuse to use sites that need wasm
Levi Morales
Robert Bennett
pretty much this. there's little need for wasm for normie shit like posting on Sup Forums.
Joseph Rogers
smart people will continue doing what we are and simply refuse to use/visit all but a small handful of sites deemed acceptable if that ultimately becomes none, we will finally have the reason we need to abandon the pleebnet entirely people who currently don't care will continue not caring there is some hope that a tipping point will finally be reached for some of them and they will begin to care and improve themselves
Camden Cruz
I think DNS based blocking will still work
Chase Reed
Isn't this basically the same situation as if a website using current web tech just served ads from their own servers/domains? Like how Sup Forums advertises other boards with a banner at the top which doesn't get blocked.
Mason King
> he thinks people wont use deep learning to recognise ads
They will be blocked, no matter how you try and avoid it.
Charles Evans
Behold, the power of WebAssembly! It can recreate video games from 1979
Dominic Hernandez
Consider the following: Flash could have done this, and almost did with the amount of bullshit flash decorations and ads sites where loaded with in the early 2000 , but faded away in the end
Jaxon Miller
Boy, I can't fucking wait for the day when we'll need groups dedicated to cracking websites.
Leo Nelson
Disassemblers have existed for as long as assemblers have. You'll just have to crack websites. The future looks fun.
Yeah I figured due to braindead retards acceptance and consumption of increasingly tight and locked down systems a sort of blackbox interface that transmits nothing but giant obfuscated and/or encrypted information or binary blobs would come to replace web browsers as we know them. Im sad, theres little I can do about it. Time to get a life I guess.
Bentley Richardson
This. All technology is a rat race between those who create and those who break, for better or for worse.
Dylan Brown
You mean web monkeys will write their SPA blogs in C++?
>thread would be loaded as a "Sup Forums.wasm" file Adds need to switch and thread needs to be updated and the thread won't preload files, like webms
Nathan Morris
You can still create custom rules to block those, with wasm you'll have to reverse engineer every binary from every website.
Jose Campbell
All this sort of thing. Website cracking; automated content filtering that could, in fact, hide the score if I wanted; and most importantly, advertisers on the web currently pay for clicks and conversions, and if they let the site host the ads, they'd open themselves up to having their shirts scammed off their backs. Ad-blocking works as well as it does because there's no way to really work around that. Misdirection can only go so far.
It's always been possible for them to pay for space on a website the way they pay for space on a billboard. In fact, most ad-blockers don't even block ads like that by design, because those are the lightest weight and least obnoxious ads. Advertisers could return to this model, but I get the impression they don't care that much, since the people most likely to use ad-blockers are the people least likely to have paid attention anyways.
Alexander Peterson
Thanks for that link, OP. I had some fun.
Colton Foster
People have been automatically detecting patterns in binaries for years and the tools have only gotten better over time, this will be no different than detecting malware, DRM, copyrighted content, etc, embedded in binaries and jumping around it.
Sebastian King
Webextensions will not get access to fuck with wasm sites. Not a chance.
Alexander Ortiz
What do webextensions have to do with this? Just set up your own man in the middle, catch the bad binary, scan and modify it, send it through.
Nathaniel Morgan
How are you going to stop modifications to data once it's off the site's server? Some magical pixie padlock written in Rust?
Logan Morales
woah, i totally forgot flock existed. what a pile of crap that was.
John Reyes
You can still go into the hosts file and block all google, amazon and general ad-service domains. If the ads can't be fetched they can't be displayed
Colton Kelly
*forks your firefox* nothin personnel kid
Mason James
one of these days i know i would have to pull the plug on the internet, and this might be it, i refuse to allow content providers to turn my computers in to advertising platforms,
Bentley Myers
Disable that piece of trash, don't use malware sites, fixed.
Jordan Bennett
Except ads are always going to have to connect to some sort of ad server (you're not going to hardcode the ad into the program - there'd be no verifiable statistics and advertisers don't pay for you to show old ads anyways). Block the ad server and you block the ads.
Ian Long
>load the same site twice >middleware compares which areas of the site are differnt >those won't get displayed
Ethan Rodriguez
>it unironically doesn't load thank you based old browser
Carson Martinez
I assume that due to how shit humanity is, this will only be used in ads. Therefore blocking them would be as simple as blocking wasm itself.
Sebastian Perry
God, a webpage written in Rust. I was always against wasm, but I never really realized how actually bad it can be.
Adrian Flores
Then Facebook will show me ads. Every other service I use (ProtonMail, ProtonVPN, Lavabit, Mastodon, Freenet, ipfs, XMPP, GNU/Linux, Firefox, Tor, Kile, wikis) is either paid for or run by the community.
Anyway, I only use Sup Forums twice a year (after my finals) so that's not a big deal.
Sebastian Hernandez
AFAIK wasm can't even access DOM. To make content indistinguishable from ads you need to render the entire page in wasm. What is the point of browser then? I doubt it will come to this. Also shitholes are quite successful in detecting adblock and blocking access even without wasm.
Hudson Johnson
Yahoo games was the shit back in the day
Thomas Turner
You're forgetting the fact that ads must also come from the domain you're visiting. In that case Sup Forums ads would have to come from Sup instead of a third-party malvertiser. Websites would rather push the blame to a third party so you'll still be able to block ads with the hosts file on through a blacklist you set on your router.