What does Sup Forums think about Ipads?

What does Sup Forums think about Ipads?

Also, iPad general!

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best tablet.

I am thinking of buying a ipad pro for getting into digital art and general art. Thoughts?

It's gay

I got once 2 weeks ago and its fucking amazing. The nice refresh rate, the speed. Drawing with the Apple pencil has made my Cintique + Photoshop feel like a pile of poo. I almost felt like I couldnt do everything on it until I found the settings for Leading and tracking type in Affinity Photo.

The iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and Procreate are a digital art dream. Sitting in your bed with this powerful device, sketching away is going to spoil you. I usually use a Cintique and PH at work, but now I just do everything on Procreate.

iCloud is a mirroring service, not online storage, and you still don't get access to the filesystem, and the pencil is slippery, and the screen picks up fingerprints like a Jew picks up gold, but it's pretty nice otherwise.

While I prefer the surface pro to the iPad, I think they are miles better then the majority of Android tablets and the 32GB wi-fi version that just launched not too long ago for like $330 is oddly reasonable for Apple.

I think out of all of Apples products, it is the only one that I think is still fairly OK and better then the competition for the most part.

>iCloud is a mirroring service, not online storage
Except for the fact that there it does have storage, and you can upgrade the storage. Also music storage is free and unlimited, as is photo storage.

>and you still don't get access to the filesystem
True, you can't delete system32 from your iPad. But you do get a file manager app, which can store stuff on the iPad, or to your linked Cloud Storage.

>pencil is slippery
How greasy are your hands? It doesnt have a knurled grip or anything but its as slick as a regular pencil. So not slippery.

>screen picks up fingerprints
Yes, it does have a touch screen.

Well, OP, as you can see this internet person has made a compelling argument. You might as well get a Zune or whatever security risk tablet China is exporting these days.

comfiest computer since 2010

I got the 512 GB 2nd gen Pro the day it launched last summer and I use it daily

Love mine. I don't do much productivity stuff other than news and email when I'm getting ready for work in the morning. Its main uses right now are just basic shit like web browsing and watching videos.

Best thing is that god damn battery. I swear I charge it like once a week with moderate use.

Last night, I sad in bed with my electric blanket, listening to this youtube.com/watch?v=UYbschG2xlI, and drawing on my iPad. Then I watched an old episode of the Simpsons in a floating window and browsed Sup Forums for a while then went to sleep.

It was comfy.

I don't know where these features of iCloud you claim are, but they're not in the Files app.

To access "my iPad" in the Files app, you have to go through a roundabout way of saving files from another app and using that folder. It's retarded.

The Pencil is far more slick than a conventional pencil, and it's weighted oddly. The battery life is shit and the connector is retarded. It's unpleasant to hold even if it puts lines on the screen well.

>it has a touch screen
That seems to have been designed to hold on to fingerprints so strongly that you need solvents or unreasonable effort to remove them. Have you tried literally any other oleophobic surface?


Only tablet worth buying, if you don't include the Surface stuff as they're more a hybrid.

I could never get into tablets though. Owned 3-4, returned them every time. I really wish I could replace Lightroom on my laptop with something on an iPad Pro, but my photography workflow is so ingraned with my homebrew presets.

>You might as well get a Zune or whatever security risk tablet China is exporting these days.

>thinks false dichotomy is an argument

Get an actual drawing tablet for your desktop.

t. Doesn’t own the iPad Pro

t. returned it and went back to my Wacom because I saw the iPad for the overpriced toy it is

this isn't the role-play board, nu male gamer

>unironically believes people can't dislike Apple products

This isn't a fetish board, kiddo.

the point is that the wacom tablets and the iPad are two different product categories and comparing them is something only a soy boy larper would try to do

No, the point is that the iPad Pro is for fetishists LARPing as creative professionals.

Substandard equipment for substandard people.

I use mine for note taking in college ^_^ sorry it didn't work for your autistic needs, soy

Ever heard of a notepad, faggot?

>only appearances matter to him
>calls others "soy boy"


I'm sorry you're too busy sucking the dick of Steve Jobs' corpse to see you got played by that faggot Tim Cook.

Wish Android tablets weren't so shit.

better organized with the iPad ^_^
reddit spacing
imagine being 14 and posting on Sup Forums, this is some pathetic rping

Ipad is the tits for notetaking
>mfw everyone else has to erase or tear off papers to redraw shit in physics
>mfw i just edit anything, anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea!
Based notability

Reminder to report this iToddler shill for spamming and ban evasion.