Apple iPhone SE

Can I get an expert opinion from someone who isn't a total Apple fagboy or a total Apple hater who hates these phones only because the manufacturer is Apple?

I am in the market for a new phone since my Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime is way outdated and starting to die on me. I use the Wal-Mart Family Mobile Plan because I am a poorfag and I noticed that they have an Apple iPhone SE right now for around $159. Now my budget for a smartphone can only accommodate a phone $200 and below.

I heard good things about this particular phone, but I am not sure if such praise comes from the fanboys or not. Is this phone worth considering for my next one, Sup Forumsuys?

still the best iphone model and as "powerful" as a 6s. i've only had it for two years but no problems so far.


>any year

Can I get a summary on that long image, please?

Is this phone good for the following?
- Good on internal storage space.
- Is there a lot of pre-installed bloat that would take up most of the internal storage space leading to headaches about always having to uninstall apps to install new ones?
- Is the camera quality for photographs nice despite this one being a cheaper iPhone model?
- Is it cumbersome to read or web browse on the four inch screen or is it clear enough that you won't notice it?
- Is the calling quality good and would it allow you to hear somebody while there are loud noises near by like at a bus stop alongside the road?
- I don't expect this to be there since it's a luxurious thing, but does this have a gyroscope?

This is some of my criteria when I am looking for a new phone. Can you recommend me some alternatives if this isn't the phone I am looking for?

I'm pretty sure most of /lgbt/ hate Apple as much as Sup Forums does.


Did Apple ever fix some of those issues since this came out back in 2016?

1 3G 4 4S 5 6S owner here who jailbreaks and is pissed at the jack and applel in general.

I find the classic look more aesthetic and never liked the jump to 6 era modern look until I got one. They are simply much much more ergonomic and are perfect in my opinion.

You can still get the 6s new for a steep discount. I'd go that instead of SE. It's still plenty fast and passes for 7 or 8 to the casual observer.

Il be holding on to mine for some time. Getting a new battery this week and I'm JB on 9.2. Won't ever give up my 24 bit jack.


>owning iShit
Does your father know what a flaming homosexual you are?

Yes to all those. The refresh has base 32GBs. There is zero bloat other than stock apps which can easily be removed with zero trace. Damn good phone. Moto G of Apple. You won’t be disappointed especially for that price.


>Does your father know what a flaming homosexual you are?

Even my retired father knows what blue bubbles are and their effects on pussy.

Stay mad cunty ;)

I am using a iPhone 5 right now and i love it,but is a little broken,any suggestions what model should i buy? Thinking on SE honestly

Sup Forums shits on apple all the fucking time, honestly just get the iphone i use a fucking iphone 4, and it works just fine and its a damn tank lil baby has lasted me 4 years, and this thing was made in 2009. Get a good case thats durable and you wont need to worry about drops.

It's an okay phone but frankly you could do much better for that much money

i'm gonna say i will always go with android as i much prefere the os but ios will be great if it supports your needs and don't want to do any customization to your device. Although you should try one out before switching to it especially if you are coming from a bigger screen my mum has a five and i can barely type on it it feels too small

I was an android user from 2011-2016.

Moto Droid X2 > Note 2 > Moro X 2014.

Android was a fun little OS to tinker around with but stability and inconsistency came with it.

Then I used a 5S for a while after my Moto X was beat and loved it. Then I bought a SE and will probably never go back.

If you can, go ahead and test drive a equivalent $200 android options to the iPhone SE.

You’ll see that with iPhone you’ll get...

Better camera
Consistent battery life
Updates for 5 years likely
Touch ID
Better speakers/DAC
Better design/form factor
More accessory options
Lighting > Dog shit > Micro USB
Better designed apps
Best product eco system
Less botnet

I’m not going to go over the pros of android as you’re likely already aware of them.

Would you rather have beautiful walled garden or an open one that’s rough around the edges but can be can be tailored to your liking ?

P.S. I used to not like Apple products until I tried them. Now I have a iPhone SE, MacBook Pro 2015, Apple TV 4K, HomeKit devices, iPad 3 etc so I’m what you may call a fan boy now.

>I am in the market for a new phone since my Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime is way outdated and starting to die on me. I use the Wal-Mart Family Mobile Plan because I am a poorfag and I noticed that they have an Apple iPhone SE right now for around $159.

Iphone SE is literally the best phone you can get on that Plan. I got mine around 139 a year ago, I never regretted it.

For under $200 it’s the best phone you can get.

Only advice I can give you is that a new iphone SE will be released in 2-3 months wait until then for the price of the original to drop even more. Then you can decide if you want the original with 3 more years of updates or pay more for the SE2 for 5 years of guarranteed updates.

an apple fanboi

There's a new model on its way