/wdg/ - Web Development General

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>Free resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
google.com - It's amazing, you should try it user

>Further resources
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Roadmap
youtu.be/Zftx68K-1D4 - Web Development in 2018

jsfiddle.net/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your code
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

#Sup Forumswdg on irc.rizon.net

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>Previous thread

What are your guys thoughts on React, I'm learning/using it currently and I like it so far.

What's the industry opinion on JQuery as we move into 2018? I'm thinking of making something with JQuery just to prove to employers that I know how to use it but I'm wondering if it's going to be around at all?

jQuery is mostly used by Pajeets and WordPress developers who don't know JavaScript. It's very easy to learn and use, so you can make some small project and put it in your portfolio, but form my experience vanilla JS and frameworks like React and Angular are much more appreciated on the job market.

Thise gets discussed every thread.
Please no..

Nice one.

Can I use LocalStorage if I'm using JQuery? My idea for a small project is to make a to-do list which saves between refreshes, but someone told me you can't use LocalStorage if you use JQuery?

I'll pick up Angular after that, thanks!

Of course you can use local/session storage when you use jQuery.

Excellent, thanks for clarifying!

>Tfw work for 4 more hours before I can go home and start this project


Working in Rails 5 right now, can anyone explain the difference between these two snippets?


They both seem to produce the exact same results, but I'm having trouble finding an explanation of the difference, if any, between the two.

Does anyone know to how force vschode to autocomplete css inside of jsx files? I'm using styled-components and it's very frustrating to expect relevant autocomplete and get trash like this.

There's a plugin called css-in-js

Or you can just learn css so you dont have to hunt and peck through IDE menus like a pajeet

Its not trendy so if you want to work in SF forget about it.

Anywhere else you don't need to use it you just need to know the basics so you can smugly correct your job interview when he insinuates that it queries the DOM slower than vanilla js.

Just learn Angular and/or React

I've tried that and it doesn't work at all.

I do know css I'm just lazy and want to speed up my workflow.

Works for me

And you're using styled components within JSX?

hey /wdg/, im trying to create my first website with a database. I was going to use c++ on the backend with firebird as the database software and then use either SOCI or IBPP for the connections. It was just going to be something simple like a static wiki with content built from the database. Does this sound like I've covered everything I need on the server side? Any suggestions for alternative server software or connectors? I'm trying to go for lightweight and sort of the barebones of what you need for an SQL server.

hows .net core for webdev?
are there any good frameworks?

>hows .net core for webdev?
really good provided you don’t mind tying yourself to Microsoft
>are there any good frameworks?
asp.net core is quick to get started with and fun to work with

What’s /wdg/’s experience with Vue.js? I’m looking for a modern replacement for Knockout.js and it seems to have everything that made KO great (mainly flexibility) without any of the bloat that comes with SPA frameworks like Angular and React.

>going to use c++ on the backend with firebird as the database software and then use either SOCI or IBPP for the connections.
>something simple
use it if you want, but it's absolutely uncommon and you know it.
>Any suggestions for alternative server software
everything else that's commonly used, except if you don't really care about the ecosystem you build your thing around.

they are all good, as long as you like using the particular language.

> really good provided you don’t mind tying yourself to Microsoft
i really don't care, i like c# a lot
> asp.net core is quick to get started with and fun to work with
Thanks ! will take a look into it!

> they are all good, as long as you like using the particular language.
Yeah, as i said i really like working with c#>

When I say simple, I mean in terms of features. I'm trying to learn about the components involved so I tried to select things that look like they do 1 job and not a million jobs. I'm basically trying to get the text editor experience instead of the IDE one. Get things only as I need them instead of starting with this mass of "just werks" and not understanding 99% of it.

Used it a bit in my personal projects and loved it. It combines best features from Angular and React.

how to become a full stack javascript?

var Stack = function(){
this.top = null;
this.size = 0;

nice memes

Any experience with Vert.x using javascript? I found it much more interesting than node.js for heavy processing.

Developing an auth service at work. When creating JWTs, you have to provide a secret key.

In practice, how often is your Secret changed?

every time some fuckstain commits the config file containing it to the repo

aka every other week

Express/Node on backend, AngularJS on the frontend. I do these for fun but my area prefers C# devs

I know C# too , I already so some.net app

1. what if i don't read every thread?
2. your response is not helpful. better stay quiet next time

>heavy processing


NodeJS with C++ modules. I'm developing a REST API to deliver some telemetry data of few sensors.

I heart about vert.x which is written using java and look to few benchmarks.

yes overall React is worth learning

How to get into bioinformatics?

What are my options if I don't want to use JavaScript?


jQuery was a stalwart, but it's been dead for years. Literally the only reason to be using it today is because you've gotta be compatible with IE8 or some shit, and let's be honest, if your customers are still using IE8, then you had better start saving because grandpa isn't gonna live forever.

Currently, none. All those languages are locked by JS semantics and most of them produce bad code.

Wait for WASM if this could change for better.


You want to pay their upgrade?

For frontend JS is the only way-
For backend you can use almost anything, but languages like C#, Python and Java are common and have lots of reusability outside webdev.
Whats your problem with JS?

Learn ruby or python


On front-end? Learn C or C++ and hope that WebAssembly takes off soon.

Where are you supposed to put functions, inside each component? But that is so ugly. What if I wanted to have a collection of functions defined at screen-level and call them from some component handlers? Do I have to pass them to the child components using props? Or do the weird bind hack?

Fuck me, it was so easy with jQuery.

I don't know exactly, why not check the docs?
Only used it very briefly and decided, that I prefer Vue.

WASM can't manipulate DOM though? Doesn't it just get compiled to asm.js, meaning you don't actually avoid js by using it? You can compile c/c++ to js anyways so sorta moot

>the docs
The docs are too dogmatic to be used as reference.
I just want a screen with functions, and then in another place the components calling that common pool of functions.
I want structure and behavior separated at screen level.


I need this for a friend, what would be an SMS gateway exactly?

>An SMS Gateway enables a computer to send and receive SMS text messages to and from a SMS capable device over the global telecomunications network (normally to a mobile phone).
>The SMS Gateway translates the message sent, and makes it compatible for delivery over the network to be able to reach the recipient.

sup/wdg/ . Im a c++ dev but i know html and css. Ive been asked to make a website with user registration and the ability for each user to complete forms and save them on their account. What do i need to learn? What kind of technology do i need in order to develope it as simple/fast as possible?
Im experienced in c++(heavy Math/dsp programming), also know enough java and python.

You and "your friend" seem underage. Does your mom know you visit this website?

Fugg I have no idea what I'm doing.

No. Also, my mum thinks I'm a good boy and I can do whatever I want.

if you knew back then, what you know now,
would you get into webdev again?

I've seen companies are putting this in their job advertisements

>Web System, not Web Pages

Aren't Web Systems just webpages with a database?

why are webrtc tutorials so shitty

I've never seen the term "Web System" used. Generally people use "web application" to describe a web-based system.

No, I'd get into investing. Knowledge of the future would have been amazing.

Because neither of you know what you're doing.

This. Who the fuck says "web system"? I've never seen that either


Fuck no. I'd rather be a sysadmin, I think. Probably going to try switching.

all i want is to stream my webcam on site so others can see that

What exactly are you trying to build?
They're learning, asshole.

try this.
or just search what you're looking for + Open source, steal the code.

want to try to build a web application using some new tools and frameworks I've been learning. I'm desperate for ideas

>chat application
>an open dictionary of slang words(let people add different words, vote on others, etc.)
>an issue tracker - let people add/delete/modify issues
>a simple social network - let people upload photos/post statuses/like others posts
>a forum website

All-in-all, I don't know what your new tools and frameworks are. I gave you some of the ideas that i'll be making, or have already made with the MERN stack.

build webshop, that is always good for learning new stuff

Sure. It was an easy start to get involved with more complex stuff. I haven't touched frontend for almost two years.

Most languages have some kind of compile-to-js compiler (emscripten, ReasonML, Purescript, Elm, etc.). Other than that, you can only really use WASM, and that is only for numerical stuff at the moment. If you don't want to use JS at all, it begs the question of what you're trying to achieve.

What is "at screen level?" That makes absolutely no sense. Methods that pertain to members of a particular instance belong within that instance. If you're only using stateless components, then you've already achieved what you're looking for.

>MERN stack
>how to use four meme techs at once

I'm supposed to make a chat bot for a company that I'm working with (school project), and they said they don't really care what tools I use to make the chatbot. Basically just needs to be gather data from end user, generate a little report, and send that report to their servers RESTfully. It can't be linked to FB, etc.

I see Microsoft's Bot framework, and was considering that. Is there any superior tools to look into for this?

it's a internship isn't it?

Not my internship, our senior capstone course has us working with real companies to make a product. I'm already working at an internship, and tried to convince the school to let me skip the class, but no dice.

i just made my first webdev purchase

Why you didn't download it from torrent

I-it w-was on sale

is it ever not on sale


How do I convince my company to let us stop supporting IE11?

Also, supposing you still have to support IE11 in 2018, is it reasonable (in cases where the design and HTML/CSS is fairly modern and complex), to set a min-width of like 768px on the body if the client is using IE?
I'm trying to get away with supporting IE with minimal testing/issues, and since no one would be using IE on a mobile device anyways.....

D-did I get ripped off?

what does you company do anyway?

Its always on sale at thepiratebay

typical webdev stuff, small/medium sized websites for clients. But nothing government related or anything that would necessarily require IE support

Make a Flux store and dispatch a message to it from your component.

guys what experience do you have with digital ocean? i made an account last night with a brand new paypal account and it doesnt fucking let me do anything it says
"We're reviewing your account
Your account is under review and you will shortly receive an email from us with any next steps."
how long does this takes?? should i just say fuck it and go with amazon lightsail? i wanted to get the new droplets from OC...

No, $10-15 is pretty much what any course on udemy is worth. The point is that they're ALWAYS on sale so the actual price is like $10 not $200, it's called anchoring where you set a price and then just claim it's on sale or lowered so your initial thought is "wow what a nice deal" but in reality it's just the normal price

Amazon does it on every single fucking item these days it's getting out of control desu

What kind of clients are you working for? If it’s clients with middle-aged moms or other equally tech illiterate groups as their main audience, you’re probably not going to be able get away from IE11.

Just use an ES5 transpiler and CSS preprocessor like Sass (with an autoprefixer) and you shouldn’t have much of a problem dealing with IE11, unless you absolutely need to use bleeding edge JS features that are difficult to polyfill.

Is it possible to have a user drag / drop mp3 files onto a website, and read the files's mp3 tagging like title, as well as songlength?

I want to make something that will rearrange the info in this order:

a1 in the deep end 06:11
a2 promises of love 13:24
b1 made in nigeria 18:19
b2 truly 24:28
b3 any dummy can play guitar 30:56

computing the timestamps. But I don't know if having the user drag-and-drop audio files would be too server-side intensive, would I have to store these files? Or is it possible to just compute the necessary tagging / length data without storing the audio files?

No meme answers.

Is there any reason to not use the MERN stack in 2018?

It's a good mix of everyone really. Unfortunately there are probably a relatively decent amount of people using our client's sites who are older.

I'm using sass and autoprefixer currently, and going to start throwing in some es6 once i get a chance to set up gulp with babel or something like that. Really the main issues I run into with IE are Flexbox related, so it's not that bad. Just really annoying and would be nice to not have to worry about it at all. Plus I'd like to start using css grid, but IE support for that is even worse than flexbox.

look at .net or spring boot if you want to use java
let back end framework handle persistance layer for you and map http requests to your domain model, handle requests through a rest api
use your framework's security stuff to handle user login and don't go off implementing custom password encryption or access management or whatever
on the client side just do simple html stuff with some javascript if you need to make it smooth and have nice interactions, keep it simple and avoid frameworks unless you're going for complex stuff in which case front end framework helps you avoid spaghetti code

I started an ambitious project but I am being cucked by APIs not letting me use their service

Also made some huge errors in the code and it's generally a fucking mess all round but I learned a lot anyway and that's all that matters right haha.......

I've used it and it was available immediately. Maybe your credit card is from some shithole country (no offense) and so it requires extra checks before clearing payment?