This kid has a better rig than you

This kid has a better rig than you.
Explain yourself, Sup Forums.

this kid will grow up a kissless virgin and will probably end up shooting up a school so im good

I don't mine crypto-currency. Why would I need that?

He is a spoiled brat

SLI can make a PC worse so not really

t. AMD shill


How does that make me a shill? Crossfire has the same problem but more extreme

>12 y/o
>browses Sup Forums
seems about right.


just an edit, you can see there are two taskbars on the bottom of the screen and the screen is overall too bright

>2 1080 Ti to play Minecraft

Like 99% of people I have a limited amount of disposable income and multiple hobbies

he's still a brazillian monkey, no rig will ever change that

How does he play Minecraft with uninstalled GPUs?
Are they wireless?

Looks like some garbage 60Hz Acer monitors that probably cost less than his mouse too.

Doesnt matter. He will never be white ;^), at least he may settle in the position of benefactor of the white man's achievements, like the rest of the mass.

All PC parts are made and engineered by Taiwanese companies user.

He hasnt

Don't pretend that global trade and (((international))) law worldwide doesn't depend on the mighty US navy

>all that graphics horsepower
>plays minecraft

>wireless GPUs

Why? That's pretty much me 15 years ago and I got first got laid when I was 16 and still get laid.
He will probably have it much easier even, because nowadays this is considered "cool".

It doesn't. In fact chinese do the fuck they want on both fronts.

Good for you. But, not everyone is the same.

>a GPU box ceases to exists and phases into another dimension the moment you install a card into the computer

The 1080 TIs are sitting on his table.

TFW only 1 1080ti. FeelsPoorMan

>not understanding those are spares and the kid has 4 1080Ti's
what a brainlet

All because he has a nice computer?

Do you have to live in the ghetto and be totally poor in order to grow up and have a normal life?


also hes playing minecraft of 2 screens so he needs the extra power

Im probably going to upgrade my computer soon enough

>you simply cannot do anything else with powerful computer

Right now the 1080Ti is going for about $1,400 on amazon. Coincidentally I paid about that much for Suzuki GS500 I found on Craigslist back in 2010. I think I got much more enjoyment out of my money than he will.


How do you even know that?

Why did he get those video cards in the first place?

Besides, only gaymerkiddos have high end PC's.

I want you all to know that the original is two 1080s and someone has painstakingly taken the time to add in "Ti" to make this shitpost

I don't think he's old enough to drive user so it's kind of apples and oranges.

I guess it's nice to be born to rich parents.

But many of us weren't.

He will get a brand new Porsche at 18.

What sort of shit parents just give their kid two 1080 Ti's? I was happy I got a Gameboy as a kid.
He's going to grow up to be an entitled dipshit.

Nah, Porsches are ddaaaaaaaangerouuus. He'll get a brand new F150.

This. My kid won't have a setup that nice till I see he can code some malware or something. Why would you do this to a kid this early

>only having 2 spare 1080 ti's

I don't get shit for free.

doesn't bother me at all
my parents raised me where I had to work for what I want
kids like this are going to struggle when the free handouts end

I don't have autism, you on the other hand fucking faggot..

>till I see he can code some malware or something.

rm -rf /bin/

i can haz epyk pc daddie? :DDD:DD:D:D

I'm not helping my son out with a nice set up like that, unitl he can beat me in a one on one minecraft battle.

First of all, that image is shopped. These are 1080s, not Ti. Second, he's a shitskin monkey. Why should I feel jealousy of something that's barely human?

Minecraft on all 3 screens? This boy is a genius

Looks like he can teleport behind you, because he's running more than 1 minecraft client in that pic.

What can you only do, besides that, with two GTX 1080s?

That kid doesn't have a General Electric frame 7 gas turbine, technology isn't just computers

Hey kid, how many clits you sucked on? Up ya dick game and I'll up my technology game, lil faggot ass nigga.

>2 1080ti just to play fucking Minecraft

Those high settings in optifine need some serious horsepower.

Thou could probably run it on any actual horse

>shit animu taste

E L L I O T.

i have a much better setup since i'm using linux :^)

brazilian here
everything about that picture reeks of brazil
i bet you anytihing he's brazilian

If I have a kid, they will not grow up with the privilege of a good computer. Working in restrictions is how you learn things. Once they can afford to buy a good computer themselves, then they can go all out on the hardware.

the TIs are a shoop, it's actually regular 1080s (that just knocks like 400$ off the price though but still)

Pichau Cup on the table.

No, the actual image shows that they are both 1050 Ti.

>be grown up
>spend your hard-earned shekels on consumer-grade electronics that lose 50% of their value within the first two years
>do this to be able to numb your mind with games that psychologists have helped to get you addicted and to gouge you for more money
>voluntarily rewire your brain via games not unlike a crack addict or an alcoholic to desensitize you to normal stimuli and make everything else feel meaningless/ not worth it
>all the while distancing/isolating yourself slowly from others around you and any chance of a healthy life
This is the future you chose.

my excuse is that I didn't have a dad. Yeah, good for him.

people are honestly addicted to games these days?
I've been having trouble actually getting engaged with any games. They are all just early access, unpolished shit.

pny 1050tis don't look like that at all, this is clearly regular PNY 1080s

>Explain yourself, Sup Forums.
His dad bought him those cards when they were at sane prices. I’d have a 1080ti too if I didn’t have to perform a blood ritual to get it.

Not that user but i used to game furiously like i masturbated but as of late this isn't the case.
Normally i'd easily get 120 hours 2 weeks and now it's like 40 max.

Better idea: Build for him a top of the line computer, a real beast capable of PCI pass through and install base Arch Linux then lock up the BIOS so no other OS can be installed on the bare metal. If he wants to game, he’ll have to pass through the crucible.

I'm an old fuck but when I was his age I was out with my friends having fun and learning how to interact with girls properly. Different world I guess.

Same here, now my hours in the past 2 weeks on Steam is 1.3 hours.

>interact with girls properly
>browse Sup Forums
Choose one.

How do you interact with girls properly?

Lmao I could give zero shits

>Sup Forums on other screen
Absolutely permavirgin.

They're 1050 Ti

look here

Holy fuck HOW BLIND ARE YOU? There are 3 fans on the OP image and you even fucked that up!

>see pic of card with three fans in a row on it
>insist they are cards with 2 fans

because he, or more likely his parents, have more disposable income than I have.

I'm not a competitive person, especially over computer parts. If it works for you great. If it doesn't then I hope you can afford it soon.

The store that gave him or the store from which he bought that setup is "Pichau" a brazilian store that is mostly known for selling prebuilt computers.Recently they posted on facebook celebrating his birthday and him being a good goy for still buying all his gaming needs from them.
