I bought a new GTX 1060 3GB for £160 today. AMA

I bought a new GTX 1060 3GB for £160 today. AMA.

what's your dinner tonight?

How are you?

Gonna have a curry mate. Might be a Korma. How about you?

Oh, that explains it.

Yeah I'm alright atm. Quite unwell though. How about you?

What? You think I'm a thieving pajeet? Mate, it's Britian. Who doesn't eat curry here?


Going great aswel, thanks

Explain yourself!

nvidia drivers are horrible on linux, you wasted your money dumbfuck

I don't use Linux you fucking idiot. You just jelly.

>Doesn't use Linux
>calls me an idiot

Just amused.


How do you live with yourself making terrible decisions like that?

I literally don't need it mate. I called you an idiot because for some reason you assumed I had Linux despite never saying I did.

^^ this ,in fact smelly pakis dont eat kormas so is a clueless fuckwit

most users on Sup Forums use linux retard

Easy. There's no point wasting £350 on a fucking 6GB version. 3GB for £160 is fucking amazing. Best bang for buck ever.

Most, not all.

Exactly. Kormas are quick, easy and tasty. Paki poos don't eat those a lot. Tbh I'm more of a jalfrezzi and dopiaza guy.

Yup im the same, I do prefer Nepalese though, our local one does a cracking gurkhali (like a jalfrezi but better)

How the fuck has this thread turned into a curry review thread?

Because its more interesting than a shitty 3gb gpu.

True desu.

Lol at Sup Forums, British normies (regardless of race) love that curry shit. Only Sup Forums would get triggered while eating their greasy (Italian) pizzas

I don't like foreign food.

So you just eat dull battered shit with chips?

Korma is actually a British creation. Same a tikka Masala


by british creation you mean some pajeet made it that happened to be born here.
stop being a fucking faggot the only true brits are british by blood and nothing else.

> implying you are an idiot if you don't use linux
openbsd, freebsd, plan9, netbsd, templeOS users are idiots compared to the puppy/solus/elementary linux user?

Isn't it illegal for you to post here, Mohammed?

like our queen who reigns over us. Not like she has German bloodline or anything.......

Nobody thinks that anymore. How does it feel that my cousin's husband, who is from Senegal, is now just as British as you? Hahaha.

>implying i implied that the (((queen))) is british
how does it feel to know that ur family will have shitskin DNA from now on?

So what? We'll all be mixed eventually.

>has science gone too far? Man cucks crypominers getting cheap GPU depriving them of doge coin mining rig. How does he do it?

Bought a low profile gt 1030 myself for $75,
and a refurbished Dell elite 8300(core i5 3740s) for $150.

For sub $250, not a bad gaming rig methinks. I would have preferred a low profile 1050ti that I had been eyeballing, but it's just not worth the extra cash for what ill do with it.

Nice one lad. I'm thinking about making chicken tikka pasties this weekend.

not if you do something about it