What would you include in the perfect social network?
What would you include in the perfect social network?
Basically Sup Forums with more boards and less shit mods.
Wat if there were no boards and you just. Filtered the whole mess by tags
The option to grant gold to someone in order to express my gratitude.
IP bound account and the user's location publicly available.
Upvote/downvote system.
Ability to create my own boards.
I don't believe u
Forced anonymity.
Basically Sup Forums but updated in real time
Am I the only one who actually likes snapchat? snapchatting qts is so much easier than initiating conversation normally, and sending your buddies pictures of your shits is always funny as fuck
You can only join a discussion if you manage the beat the person who posted the latest message in a fight
The perfect botnet.
Maybe if I were 16
escort ads
Sup Forums without captcha and A LOT of onclick popups
Im 25 and I honestly dont feel all that different than I did when I was 16, I just have a lot more money to actually do what I want to do now. I still generally like the same things, find the same things funny, have the same hobbies, etc. I dont really get why people are so quick to turn into bitter old men by their late 20s
so 8gag?
They're married and have made enough permanent friends
Once you get married there's no hunt, no reason to fuck around on a social network all goddamn day. You talk to your friends and coworkers and that's all you really need. You get laid regularly and if you did it right you're happy.
So you're basically a manchild, like most of society nowadays. Don't worry, reality will hit you in the face some day.
t. High schooler
What parts of reality will hit me in the face exactly?
>generally like the same things, find the same things funny, have the same hobbies, etc.
Is there really nothing else that interests you or have you learned nothing new through almost 10 years? Not trying to be offensive or anything else but I try to avoid friends who prefferred to stay in the past. There's so much new stuff to learn and do every day that I can't imagine being like that.
>like the same things, find the same things funny, have the same hobbies, etc.
Either you were super mature at 16 (I doubt it) or you're still immature now.
this post gave me crippling depression.
I'm 28 and I'm different person than I was at 23, not to mention 16.
I can imagine being psychologically stunned at 16 year old...
naw I started doing other stuff too, I definitely read more, started cooking more as a hobby than just frozen premade shit, started dabbling in various small and longterm investment options, got a solid job that I could turn into a career, live on my own, and various other "adult" things. I just also still like playing video games, watching dumb tv shows/movies, listening to the wutang clan/eminem and having lan parties with my buddies. Although now we do them in our houses that we own instead of our parent's basements
You dont just have to starting hating old things because you found new things
i want an anonymous mode for group chats that keeps just message text and attachments for all members.
The fact that you're not an Aryan, alpha Kekistani warrior who wins every argument on the internet's most famous and strongest website. Sad!
>I dont really get why people are so quick to turn into bitter old men by their late 20s
That's because they are afraid of developing on their own. Insecurity, so they try to prove themselves by liking whatever stereotype the society deems manly. And yet the only thing to do in order to be manly, or grown up is to not to be a bitch and being able to see the big picture of life.
So this leads to bitterness in the late 20s, because everything they wanted to do, they didn't. It works like sexual frustration, except in this case what was lost cannot be recovered.
I think the ability to post anonymously or with your username would be key. That way people can discuss controversial topics honestly without grandstanding.
>You dont just have to starting hating old things because you found new things
I didn't say that, im not the guy you initially replied to. It's just that in my opinion it's natural to find better and most interesting things to do as you age, nobody knows everything at 40, much less at 16. So if you literally like and do the same things you did 9 years ago imho there's something wrong with how you're using your time. But you say that's not the case as you do other "adult" things now, that's fine, I wasn't trying to be condescending, in fact I wouldn't even mind if you did non-"adult" things as long as they were differents things than before but whatever I mean shit I just started watching a bit of chinese cartoons but I never cared about them before so it's not about being "adult", just trying to give friendly advice to make the best use of our most precious resource in life, time.