I am technologically illiterate pls help

Why the fuck do all of the threads on Sup Forums look like this to me?
What the fuck should I do to fix this?

update your adblocker's lists.

pleb filter

I don't use adblcoker on Sup Forums.

install reddit

This problem started happening only few days ago.
What is behind this?


The ads here aren't really distracting so I don't see the point in using it here.

But do you have any advice on how to fix this problem?
I tried turning off adblocker completely but it didn't do anything.


So what should I do?

install gentoo

becaue you're using a botnet os/browser
stop using a botnet os/browser
gentoo and icecat should do the trick

Pls gib actual advice.

So chrome is the problem?

you should fuck off to reddit

indeed my friend, indeed.
eat arcinghsudfhsudi

Why? I have been on Sup Forums for almost 10 years now and I have never seen any reason to visit reddit. The layout of that site is disgusting.

Is there no way to fix this without switching browsers? Chrome didn't use to cause me this sort of problems.

except all the penis ads in the bottom of the page

on a more serious note, try clearing your cache and cookies and see if that helps

I tried cleaning the cache but it didn't work

Chrome blocks some ads
The cancer ads on Sup Forums break the stylesheet when they're blocked

Try looking through the archives from a week ago (I think one of them was called X days of silence from hiro). people were posting ublock origin setups that fixed it. The problem is something to do with some new ad or tracking scripts screwing up page loading.
Or just phone post like me.

Lol just switching to ublock from adblock fixed this shit.
Thanks senpai.