Any melee players here have tips about dealing with the input lag on newer tvs?
HDTV input lags
Literally just get an older tv. Whatever it takes to fix input lag isnt worth the cost and conveneince of buying an old model. Just look at what the profesionals use
Stop playing smash. Problem solved.
bruh :(
Lol stop complaining about petty shit, you suck and will never manage to become famous from playing this game, because you know mango is right there ready to fuck your wife.
Mod Smash 4 and play 4xM
would probably have better answers for you user :^)
real melee players use CRTs
larpers use flatscreens
The only way you play is this game is on a CRT. Get one.
then recommend some good one
is sony good?
two ways. Emulate via dolphin which 90% of the melee community is on board with. Or buy a sewell adapter which was proven to only have 3ms of lag compared to a crt given you are using a gaming monitor with 1ms of lag. The issue with hdtvs is not that they usually have 15-25ms of lag, but the analog to digital conversion adds 40ms of lag on top of that. So even if you have a gaming monitor its laggy af.
Just get a CRT or play on dolphin.
Just use crt. It's better. Also peace of mind that there is no lag.
I just realized maybe op has no friends to play melee with.
>using inferior tech to play a shitty game with only two playable characters
>treating Sup Forums like Sup Forums
>having severe autism
Yes. The only reason I got rid of my Trinitron is I don't watch television. Sony made some outstanding televisions.
I got a trinitron for free off craigslist. 1600x1200 85 Hz. Higher pixel clock than 1080p60 with a measured staric contrast ratio of 6500:1. My $650 gaming monitor is only 1000:1.
I had to serial into the thing to lower the heater voltage bc it was washed out but now I can enjoy minecraft the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed.
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Use the Game Mode on your TV Sup Forumsrainlet.
I bet you play falco or puff you degenerate
Are there any good CRTs that can also take the component cables for gamecube?
search "hd crt"
Emulate (comes with the added bonus of netplay).
Get a CRT (people are literally always giving them away for free)
does anyone know if sony motionflow (BFI mode not interpolation) adds any sort of latency?
their X900/930/940 series have ~14ms lag in 120hz mode and utlilze a 960hz backlight drive so in theory it shouldn't but who knows
It's not BFI it's an impulse drive (strobing backlight), there should be no need to buffer any additional frames but you will get CRT-like flicker.
If you play faster melee on a normal monitor via emulator it will have less input lag than a crt.