What are the most "in need" programming languages? Not in the sense of what's the most popular...

What are the most "in need" programming languages? Not in the sense of what's the most popular, but the most in demand that companies struggle to find? I've heard COBOL is one of them, but is this true? What would be other languages to consider?

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Who is she?

Why does that matter?

Why does that matter my ass, you bastard.

Why do you?

Most popular also happen to be most in need because the industry is fashion driven. If you aren't up to date with latest trends you're obsolete.

Also, companies use normie tier languages because they have diversity quotas to meet and they can only find women who can type in JavaScript and Python.

You will pretty much always find a Java job, so I'd say it's Java.

thats a hot grill source

But that doesn't mean they struggle to find those programmers. I've never heard of any company struggling to find people to program in java.

I'm not gonna give sauce if you're gonna act like fags about it

Someone got their feelings hurt

i dont wanna see her dick

now sauce pl0x

It's hard to find C programmer who wouldn't be scared of a little of Assembly and Unix internals. Most of people just want it high abstraction easy, so there are not many people who like to splash in the dirt and memory.

This is codeword for "I don't know".

First rule on Sup Forums:
Never post an image that is more interesting than your question.

Now source.

Despite it's popularity, programmers who actually know the depths of python are rare. We get a lot of coders there the door interviewing who know enough python to work, but not where the skeletons are, and have no idea how to debug or scale their creations. If you just want to know something to help you get a job, plumb the depths of python.

who dis

So would you say it's worth learning C? I'm learning cpp right now actually
No I definitely know who this girl is, and believe me if this wasn't a NFSW board I'd dump gifs all over the place

where de evidents

Easy. Search programming jobs for the highest-paid positions.

FYI programming languages don't matter as much as experience.

a shitload of open positions for frontend developers but for decent ones you need to know angular/react or vue pretty well

The depths meaning what exactly?
Most job listings I see don't even list the salary
Here you go faggot

vue is a meme. way more money in react at the moment.

it's true that react is the one most sought after but there are also a lot of good jobs in vue

Source on image?

your polite response has warmed my heart. if you're doing vue stuff, i apologise for calling it a meme. there's probably a great market for people who really know the ins and outs of it, given its niche status.

Knowing where the race conditions are, how things go went, why, the internal memory usage of things, etc.

All stuff like that

no need to apologize, I do enterprise apps in angular
and it's not about the niche status, it's because you can get simpler/smaller stuff done a lot faster than with react or angular

interesting assertion. i see a *lot* of overcomplicated react code in the wild, which is probably where react itself got its reputation for being complex. in actuality though it can be very simple. i wonder if it's a cultural difference in the libraries' communities?

That looks like Mike Matei's girlfriend

Stop promoting your faggy e-celebs

I don't think that's a promotion.

Then you're an idiot

hope ur mom dies from cancer niger


Sauce please.


drop a name please

Rosie from mfc.


>Rosie from mfc.
Eh... I don't know what mfc is.

>being this fucking new
Please kill yourself

Please tell me senpai

Every search goes to Reddit comments.

You fags have ruined my thread crying up and down for sauce, when you don't even know what the fuck mfc is to begin with. Either figure it out on your own or kys.

(You) #
>You fags have ruined my thread crying up and down for sauce, when you don't even know what the fuck mfc is to begin with. Either figure it out on your own or kys.
I can't find her on my free cams, so what does mfc mean?

come on user...
>inb4 the loonix jew boogie man

>can't find her on my free cams

Never mind found her on desktop version. Thanks.

That's like asking what movie/music needs made or what science/medical field you should get into. We have a million people minimum who memorized the periodic table of elements already, so why create more competition there? Shits already Jewish enough. Everyone who doesn't have a "role" already is in this position because society said "huh huh we got your back" and they didn't. Therefore your role is destroying the current power structure which allows people to rot. You need to compress everything as much as you can. Too many things are designed to be run slow as fuck. Why are banks not open every day? Why are they not using block chain technology that will make things more fair and transparent and also speed up the fucking world? Instead of someone sitting around for a month waiting for money to start a project they can start that project in 20 minutes. That means everything runs smoother. Zero countries will mention this because government is a retarded scam. People are already doing shit for public for free and just taking donations. Join that movement and make space for them because that's the direction the world is moving in. Stop believing in retarded propaganda. Us and Russia have been collaborating for like 30 years. China owns half the us. Yah dawg ww3 Dewd! That will only happen if people are dumb enough to fall for a false flag again. Stay smart and keep people notified and they can't pull their social engineering tricks to force people to kill people who never would have bothered them.

Many thanks, my man!

Few things about COBOL
>1) like zero junior positions are available, you need to know your shit when you're applying
>2) if you're going do COBOL, you need to also do JCL, IMS, db2 and z/os at a minimum
So yeah. As a contractor you can charge upwards from $150/hr starting, but you need to learn an entire ecosystem of software and languages to do it.

Are you saying all this from experience? Any good resources to use to learn COBOL and all that other stuff?

I want her to step on me with those high heels.

why do you think they get paid so well and there's a somewhat healthy demand for them?

you damn well better delete that shit

I know what people who develop in COBOL have to do in order to do their jobs, because I seriously looked into it as a career avenue for myself. It's not rocket science to figure it out. They don't let you fuck around with their shit as a consultant if you do "only COBOL" for obvious reasons, and you don't want to be an in-house COBOL dev who'd get to do that because the pay is shit.

>Any good resources to use to learn COBOL and all that other stuff?
If you're serious with that, literally RTFM
Murach has also a book on z/os and JCL.

You need to realize this is not a language like modern ones. There is no stackoverflow that has got your back. The good news is that once you learn it, you got it. There are no meme frameworks and annotations of the month. That's it.

FORTRAN, MUMPS, Erlang, C with a strong knowledge of Unix internals, good knowledge of any common embedded chipset.

If you wanna learn math, good knowledge of Fortran, great knowledge of MATLAB, or very good knowledge of R can get you far. For financial stuff, Groovy/Clojure are in good demand, and aren't very popular. Scala is vaguely less mainstream too.

If you had to pick two, I'd say Scala and C. Go find a machine learning or big data startup and make infinite money for the next 25 years.


How bad is the pay? And I don't know if I'd want to do COBOL but I'm thinking about it.
Then what do you do if you need help? How do you know if you're on the right track?
Is C really that much in demand?

Less of a demand for C and more of a shortage of developers. All the IoT/embedded stuff lately has made it a lot more attractive. Compared to the other languages, C finds a use in nearly every scientific field one way or another. It isn't easy though, and since it isn't quite as obscure, there is a slightly higher expectation of quality.

Do you want a "secure" (in the sense that nobody else can do the task) or "in demand" (in the sense that it has many applications but few developers)? The two intersect, but are not identical.

Mike Matei's cock is fucking huge, Google it