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The juden always win

Really makes you think.



>Meltdown is a hoax and smear campaign

We're going to see more CPU flaws this year.

When was Meltdown announced? When did fourth quarter end? These are questions you should ask before you post.

God damn favela monkey, why you no shoo?

Quarter ended in December and meltdown didn't hit news lines until mid january

Fuck off with your cunt whore mother, Bondrewd

Haha, I don't know who you are referring to, but the fact your jimmies are in jam confirms you're the same intel shilling chimp face fucking favela monkey afterall. Please leave Sup Forums

Fuck. Was hoping intel would do just inline so, amd can tank. If it tanks close to earnings I will pick it up, now I am scared it will go back to 13+.

What are you saying?

take your pills, faggot

people truly are hopelessly retarded


>cucktel shilling for Intel

Enjoy ur meltdown cux.

>needing to buy an entire new processor because your multi-billion dollar god entity can't come up with working patches


>make things more expensive
>earnings go up
how unexpected

Sup Forums screeches that Intel is finished this time! Intel's stock will plumet! The rise of the Poojeet is here!

Meanwhile I completely ignore Sup Forums's advice and buy Intel on the dip because it's a good company at a discount. Stay poor and in your parent's basement Sup Forums while real men who actually know how the world works succeed in life


enjoy your botnet processor, you fucking idiot

>muh brand loyality

Despite all the shenanigans Intel has pulled they're still dominating AMD... Like always.

Literally this anymore

>Implying I give two shits about Intel or even own an Intel CPU

This is where you basement dwellers fuck up. Every. Fucking. Time. If you could see past your own rabid brand loyalty, you'd be able to get ahead in life.

Each of the actual products has its own strengths and weaknesses depending on use case. As for the actual company, I don't give a fuck beyond my ROI. In fact, I hope their shady CEO gets thrown under the jail for his insider trading (won't happen). No matter how hard you kick and scream, life won't magically become what you wish it to be. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you can catch up to and join the rest of society that's actually figured their shit out

>buy Intel on the dip because it's a good company
>Implying I give two shits about Intel or even own an Intel CPU

'Good compony' (as far as the markets are concerned) is different from 'I FUCKING LOVE INTEL AND I SPEND ALL MY DISPOSABLE INCOME BUYING THEIR SHIT!'. Seriously. Grow up. Intel is a good compony and it's mostly because they don't cater to half-wits such as yourself. Their target customers are data centers and they realize that the way of the future, profit wise, is data, not just raw compute.

In the end, you do you. I've got my money invested how I see fit. I make my purchase decisions how I see fit (based on best tool for the job, not brand).

You're projecting a lot
Don't underestimate others or overestimate your investment skills if you actually want to be as successful as you present yourself here, kid

>intlel becoming delusional after the fall of his jew overlords
im sorry we can't do anything for you at this point

Q4 is 2017 dip shit, current year is 2018.

Also meltdown was made public in the first week of January.

I am all for shilling, but at least make a decent fucking attempt, all you are doing is making intel fans look even more retarded than they already are.

>I hope their shady CEO gets thrown under the jail
>thrown under the jail

haha, sucks to be AMD

So if AMD is growing and Intel is growing that means the market is growing, good.
That means higher DRAM prices.

Also Client (Desktop/Notebook) are down for Intel.