name 1 thing that isn't a botnet
Name 1 thing that isn't a botnet
Your moms vagina
OP asked for something that does *not* have everybody's fingerprints in it
Peanut oil.
The Greek letter omicron.
Nikolai Khabibulin.
Exit 35.
Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment".
Charles de Gaulle.
Rigel 7
Depends on what your definition of a botnet is.
Foot powder
Anything released on the 90's or earlier.
I would say the botnet starts with the OG Xbox.
Mah benis
you're sister's penis
all star by smash mouth
>name 1 thing that isn't a botnet
organic wymyn
I'm pretty sure the government have the X/Y/Z/Pitch/Yaw/Roll of those at all times.
this reply
>Can read microexpressions and detect with a certain precision if you're lying
>Use all sorts of techniques such as make up to convince you into doing their bidding
>Have a massive network of shared information (gossip)
They're not only botnet, as they're the original botnet.
Everyone is a bot. All tech needs restarted so that everybody understands everything. I am sick of dumb ass movies and TV. I don't know how to do a fucking thing. I don't want to go to school for 4 years where we won't even apply our knowledge and then I become the assistant for somebody who created the situation I am in. Why the fuck isn't this the only issue on the Earth right now? We are all connected now, so let's create the encyclopedia to end all encyclopedias. Google Amazon microsoft etc aren't doing this. They are the most greedy stupid fucks on the fucking planet. All they care about is finding out new ways to sell you soap. We can either move to the next stage or just sit here and provide these psychopaths with a safe safe where they will build robots that replace us.
A large group of computers unwittingly being used for a single purpose
you could've just said
>I'm a brainlet
Anything not connected to the internet.
Windows, as much as Sup Forums would lie about it
Depends on which version.
3.1/95 is completely botnetless. 98/me/XP is a bit botnetish but you can disable, 7/8/8.1 is normally like the former but get an update that make it VERY botnet, and Windows 10 is the result of microsoft's envy of the google ways.
7 was a botnet from day one. Are you underage?
It's not Windows 10 levels of botnet, where if you describe its behavior, you sound like talking about some hijacker malware (installs itself using a system vulnerability, display advertising and track users)
Windows 7 is and has always been a botnet. Stop justifying your degeneracy by pointing to something and saying that it's worse. Windows 7 is closed source.
Yes, it's a fact.
But many windows 10 shills use this as a point to push that shit.
a cute asian gf UwU
And Windows 7 shills use it as an excuse.
notices bulge OwO whats this?
Yeah I'm pretty good at computers I already got one of those download helpers that automatically gets me porn, damn liberal librarians can't stop me!
Jackie Chan
>posting a reddit comment
After you, faggot
Boy do you think you can come here to post what you have to say, on the internet for God's sake?! You should be ashamed, I'm going to give you about 5 seconds to get up out of here.
Sup Forums really has fallen if they think Jackie Chan has anything to do with lebbit.
>reddit comment
any more I should know about?
>Charles de Gaulle
>implying he wouldn't be shilling Qwant if he still lived
My 1999 Fiat. the g search engine that you should be using which contains mostly non-botnet pages.
sorry but I am fairly certain that is a botnet