ITT: Modern Smart Fridges


>tfw no qt green slime fridge

>more nu-age technology
Literally useless.
Tell me one legitimate benefit worth the cost.

>tfw your fridge is botnet

>tfw your fridge mines buttcoins

>tfw your fridge refuses to let you put beer in it and keeps ordering cabbage because the toilet sent it the urine/feces anslysis

Pointless tech. The 'smart' part is almost always going to be the first part to die, and even if it doesn't, it will be uselessly outdated in a few years. A fridge should last a good 10+ years.

Samsung cannot even make good non smartphone fridge, why you want them to use a shit android tablet on their shit fridges.

>Samsung plastic shelves break from load of a gallon of milk.

I'll never have a smart fridge as long as regular ones remain available.

Why, exactly would I want a "smart" fridge? I want one that provides a storage-space that keeps a given temperature. That's all I need.

I do get the idea that you could order food with it (I never order groceries, but my sister does sometimes). I just don't see the value of standing in front of your fridge and pressing buttons on it instead of just using a comupter or a smartphone or something. I don't need a smartphone built into my bathtub either.

The most silly and lest thought-through part of it is upgradability and this applies to "smart" TV's too (another dumb idea). A fridge will easily last 10 years or more. How many of you are using a 10 year phone or computer? The idea of building these things into devices is just stupid (you can replace a TV box and keep the TV).

samsung want more data to sell.
>automatic inventory checking
>expiration date checking

You can use a TV box with a smart TV too idiot.

it automatically orders foods/drinks that you are low on from amazon

ultimate, high performance cooling system for overclocked Qualcomm SoC

i bet that the same will happen to these that happened to tvs. you cant buy a good tv without "smart" features anymore.

>go to store to look at fridges
>some are $400 and look ok
>some are $4000 and not even much bigger, with no noticeable materials difference

wow it automatically uses money

Why on earth would anyone need a "smart fridge"? The current fridge is about all you'll ever need:

>big box that keeps my cold things cold and my frozen things frozen
>water and ice dispenser optional but certainly not needed
Voila. I don't need it to be able to play music or some stupid shit while I look at which box of frozen tendies I'm going to choose from for mummy to cook.

but how do you know need more milk when you're at the store?
with this fridge, you no longer go to the store and forget to buy something.

Pointless fucking tech. Truly a godsend for people with too much time and/or money on their hands.

My 28 year old socialist fridge sill werks fine, so no thanks

My parents fridge is 35 years old, and the oven too. I bought one for my house and it broke in 5 fucking years.

I bought one a few months ago. It was 5k new and it has like 5 cameras inside it, i can see if i'm out of milk through my phone anywhere i have data

also, it's got a water pitcher in the door that auto-fills. that's neato too

Cool bro, now share those cameras with the Internet for maximum profit

They just don't make em like they used to