Fucking Based
>According to my sources, Microsoft is building a brand new version of Windows 10 for PC devices like desktops, laptops and 2-in-1's. This new version is entirely built on UWP, making it Microsoft's first truly modern Windows OS for the traditional PC form factor. It strips out old legacy components and features in favor of a lighter OS with excellent battery life and performance.
>As with all versions of Windows 10 built on Windows Core OS, Polaris will feature CShell, Microsoft's upcoming universal shell that's shared across devices. This will offer the traditional desktop environment that PC users are already accustomed to. The current Windows Shell is one of the major legacy components that Microsoft is replacing in Polaris; along with stripping out legacy, unneeded Win32 components in favor of a UWP-only experience, just like Windows 10 Mobile.
Of course, the legacy version of Windows 10 will continue to exist for those that do need that kind of operating system, just like how macOS continues to exist today even though it's iOS that Apple is pushing to the masses on iPhone and iPad. Polaris will become the new "mainstream" version of Windows 10 for the Average Joe.
How does Microsoft just keep on winning?
New Modern Version of Windows 10 for PC being developed, codenamed Polaris
Other urls found in this thread:
>strip out legacy components
I hope it can still use simple shit like com ports and serial if I give it an adapter or something.
Winning? They said that windows 8 was supposed to be an all around expierince availble for Desktops, phones and tablets. Then they said that about windows 10. The average Joe isn't even able to tell the diffrence between windows 8 and 10, let alone know that a tablet is using a unified operating system.
doubtful, unless they give special attention to rewrite universal drivers for old shit like that.
>stripping out legacy, unneeded win32 components
So basically they want to get rid of Win32 altogether, making the Windows Store the only option?
They tried this with Windows RT, how have they not understood this problem yet?
Is it gonna be like windows 10 S? Or i will be able to install programs from websites?
>New Modern Version of Windows 10 for PC
Ihope that it's more like windoes 7, and less like windows 8-10.
Wasn't Windows 8.1 supposed to be the "transition OS"?
How many shekels are you getting to pretend Microsoft is "winning"? They keep stumbling with dumb ass updates that nobody likes. Everyone just tolerates Windows 10 because they have to use it or they can't bother to get used to something else. Microsoft is only afloat because of their corporate reputation. Their products are awful.
Why don't they just replace win32 with win64 already?
>making the Windows Store the only option?
where are you getting this?
>Strip out legacy shit
>Install size goes from 30GB to 5GB
>All software older than 3 years stops working
From Microsoft:
>Apps are packaged using the .AppX packaging format and distributed from the Store.
>All UWP apps are distributed as an AppX package. This provides a trustworthy installation mechanism and ensures that your apps can be deployed and updated seamlessly.
>There's one store for all devices.
>After you register as an app developer, you can submit your app to the store and make it available on all types device, or only those you choose. You submit and manage all your apps for Windows devices in one place.
Sounds like absolute hell if I ever desire to run any of many still useful old programs. I’ll just stay with ltsb thanks
So pretty much all games made before like 2010 are unplayable?
No more .exe s?
Not just that, but check this out. From Wikipedia:
>Games developed for UWP are subject to technical restrictions, including incompatibility with multi-video card setups, difficulties modding the game and using the game with programs such as Fraps, overlays (such as Steam), or key binding managers.
Even games made with this will be inferior to what they could have been on Win32
I guess not.
Nope. Everything MUST be through the app store. Independent development will be a thing for Linux, Unix (not fagintoshOS), BSD, React OS, and other alternative operating systems. This will separated the """power user""" from the normie that installs the wrong .exe and can't figure out why his computer stopped working.
How hard is it for microsoft to extend support for windows 7, and add dirext x 12?
Why are they doing this? who do they think will enjoy this? anyone retarded enough to WANT this kind of thing already bought an apple product of some kind.
Oh boy, I can't wait to get all my applications from an approved microsoft store source! Who would ever need to run their own files anyways?
Why they can port their windows to GNU/Linux?
But massive reverse compatibility and GAYMES are the only things that windows has going for it. What kind of colossal retards would remove those things from windows?
Microsoft is throwing out the only thing they had going for them: software compatibility.
Windows is dead if they do this.
Even apple doesn't do this shit. I have a MBP, and I get all my apps from .dmg packages.
I think they are trying to appeal to the apple market. Thats why they are doing this, they want that "I need to be told what to do" clientelle.
>MFW microshat is developing a polished turd thinking some retards are going to bite right into it.
They should just fucking give up at this point, NO ONE BUY OR WANTS ANYTHING WITH WINDOWS RT.
thats kinda my point. they want this audience that they arent going to get because apple offers the same thing but better. i realize its just retarded suits being retarded, but it just boggles my mind.
Alright guys, now's the time to get the fuck on to GNU/Linux. Enough excuses.
Thanks for your opinion, NEET.
It'll be great when they do the same shit they did with Win10 and opt everyone into auto-updating to this.
The sheer rage when hundreds of thousands of people hop on their computers only to find none of their programs work because they aren't winstore apps and people can't play any of their steam library anymore might be enough to manifest itself in the physical plane.
> stripping out legacy, unneeded Win32 components
So just another useless shit from MS no one will care about? That "unneeded" legacy is the only reason MS still exists. And its far too late to jump mobile devices ship.
Fuck Debian. Even Linus can't install it.
>removing win32
thats the thing keeping wangblows alive
People said the same thing when they dropped DOS support.
A small percentage of users will make noise about it.
A smaller percentage will actually do something about it like switching to Linux.
In the end legacy software will get wrapped up with Wine on all platforms just like DOSbox is used today.
The big losers will be companies that run mainstream third party software stores on Windows.
I guess the "10 ain't done till Steam won't run" thing was true.
>So pretty much all games made before like 2010 are unplayable?
Holy fuck, I had only been thinking about the programs that can easily be rewritten to the gay UWP platform, but what about those games huh
> I swear people use the word modern on software like it means anything.
Anyway how it different from the travesty that is windows 10 S?
looking forward to installing this via Bootcamp once I switch to a Macbook this year
OP being a disingenuous twat again, leaving out crucial details wherever the fuck he feels like, expecting retards like all of you to not read the actual source (and you fucking didn't)
>along with stripping out legacy, unneeded Win32 components and apps like Notepad or Paint
>Sources say that Microsoft is looking into bringing Centennial Win32 app support to Polaris via remote virtualization, kind of like how HP did on the Elite x3, but with containers that make for a more "native" experience. I don't have all the details on this just yet, but I am told that it is something Microsoft is seriously invested in for Polaris as it will allow users to use Win32 programs when required.
Look at the Android appstore;
Free apps but they are filled with pop-up ads, unregulated data collection and other shit
They will run questionable exe under root. And?
They tried to implement that with UAC and they failed
>Microsoft will never make their own Linux distro with the same features (read: games, photoshop, full disk encryption, graphics card drivers) as Windows 7/10
Solid choice as well.
Because they want the computer you buy to be *their* computer, which they give you *access* to, not *your* computer.
That's what all the companies want now - you don't own anything, you just get the "privilege" of using it.
Anyone who supports and/or praises Microsoft/Windows, is a fucking retarded cuck.
> remote virtualization
> some bullshit "cloud" technology that will work only half of the time with huge lag and only allow launch of "allowed appz"
Yeah, really funny.
Microsoft have to make Wine alternative.
I am ready to pay 20$ for this shit, if it will work with all shit.
Otherwise, I wouldn't pay anything, and I will suffer in GNU/Linux.
>stripping out notepad and paint
that's bad tho
Paint already has a replacement (which is admittedly too fucking complicated, but then again, not so complicated that you can't do simple crop jobs, which is what 90% of people use Paint for)
As for notepad going the dodo, I can't see any feasible reason for getting rid of it. They don't even have a replacement.
>They don't even have a replacement.
Clearly they want you to buy office.
Now your notepad and paint apps will have to connect to the internet before working
>start computer
>start connecting to VPN (usually takes 10 seconds)
>open up Calculator in Windows 10 meanwhile
>can't enter any calculations because the app needs to connect to the internet first and it then gets stuck in infinite "boot loop" even after the VPN connects successfully
>want to edit text files
>get god awful binary XML notation around every line
why the fuck would windows need to be "a lighter OS with excellent battery life" if they are targeting the " traditional PC form factor"
is microsoft full of street shitters that can't understand common sense? what the hell
why would anyone need UWP and mobile first garbage in a desktop
And now you will make a triangle with your hand, fire a circular beam and somehow create a square hole on the floor?
They're considering "traditional pc form factor" to be anything that's not a phone or a tablet.
>casual user
>not a gamer
Almost everyone who isn't 50+ plays games. My mom has a gaming laptop for fuck's sake.
ayy lmao they should just scrape win 10 altogether and build something new.
I know that and you know that, but microshit clearly does not.
That's what makes no fucking sense. THEY'RE the ones with the giant botnet and usage data for everyone's computers, so what the fuck.
+0.013 Rupee deposited to your acct
Normies wont bite into that huge turd that RT was, its HUGE flop (hueg leik xbawks) .
No one will ever buy into your RT bullshit, stop trying to be so fucking greedy microshat, no one will ditch their PCs for that shit.
Instead, just focus on ways to defuck your OS.
Anyone else read the second paragraph as them trying to sell laptops to people who's primary computing device is a phone or tablet? I highly doubt there is a market of phone and tablet users just dying to switch to a laptop so they can browse the internet and facebook.
Would this be able to run UWP games like GoW4?
>So pretty much all games made before like 2010 are unplayable?
All games from whenever won't be playable, unless they've also been released on the Windows Store.
There's a few first party Microsoft games with "Play Anywhere" support like Forza and Halo Wars, the latest Tomb Raider is on there too, but it's a short list of AAA games.
The usage data they gathered clearly indicates that there is a large number of users that only use this as a Facebook machine.
>Why are they doing this? who do they think will enjoy this? anyone retarded enough to WANT this kind of thing already bought an apple product of some kind.
Windows still has security and reliability problems due to the sprawling mess that is 30 years of an open ecosystem.
Microsoft dream to control their platform as well as Apple.
This is like the 10th time they've tried this shit, it'll never ever work. Like always, they'll fire the project leads, retract, and try again in a few years.
What sucks about this is the fallout they'll cause around with all their desperation. Their users will be the victims.
Why do they even bother? They don't even make much of their money on Windows anymore (for good reason - they did nothing of value there the last 15 years).
Microsoft is probably the most mismanaged mainstream tech company (at least the Windows division).
Even those people will want to run something else once in a blue moon, and then you're fucked. If you break 5% (by usage) of your applications you screw up 99% of your users (every user has something inside that 5%).
>tfw just keep using linux with better windows BC via wine than windows has
Just walk away from windows, install ubuntu never look back.
>New Modern Version of Windows 10
>Windows 10
No, thank you.
I highly doubt there are people shelling out money for a desktop or laptop just to use facebook in this era of phones as large as your head.
Where and how did you get LTSB?
>I have a MBP, and I get all my apps from .dmg packages.
There's still restrictions in MacOS doing that, because of GateKeeper.
Signed apps will launch fine, but GateKeeper blocks apps that aren't signed.
It's easy to get around if you know how, but 99% of people don't know how, so they can't hurt themselves.
Windows makes it too easy to run whatever the fuck you want, it's just a UAC prompt that users click so much nowadays they've been trained to just ignore them.
this is coming mainly because of the surface phone and related devices
in related news, macbooks are going to get apple A1X procs in next update and will run a similarly stripped version of osx
bet on it
Just changing the name will increase sales 20% alone, I guarantee it (do away with fucking version numbers, version numbers arent friendly).
Oh is that why Apple started naming macOS after cats and mountain ranges and shit
I don't get what UWP is. I just started learning the win32 API, you mean they are dropping support for that ? Is it ported over to UWP or you have to learn an all new way to program that functionality ?
>I don't get what UWP is. I just started learning the win32 API, you mean they are dropping support for that ?
Pretty much. This article explains it a bit more. In there, there's a part where they essentially say that some Win32 APIs are a part of UWP, but not all of them.
In other words, yeah you're gonna have to learn new shit.
I don't remember hearing about this before. Seems like it's the best Win10 version to me, go figure that microshit won't let people use it.
Apple started by using internal codenames early on with OS X as marketing names, and the tradition stuck.
They've since started using their own internal codenames named after types of wines, probably due to their Northern California location.
>legacy components
>like win32
>all executable files will be based on the UWP framework and must be purchased directly from the app store
unless you're an organization who literally cares what they let or don't let you. just get the iso and activate it.
>and activate it.
I read it's a subscription service though, how does that work exactly?
this is insane. i am looking through the list: msdn.microsoft.com
and there is no console/character mode API...either they made something new to replace it in UWP or all programs are going to have to be GUI.
>uwp only
this was the only way they could fuck the OS up more
and they dove right in
Anyone else gonna go out and buy a DOS or Windows 3.1 computer once this update is rolled out?
>all programs are going to have to be GUI
I assume you're a dev or something.
It looks like this is gonna be how it is now.
Just install GNU/Linux.
I was kidding, of course I’m going to install Linux and run Wine constantly because the people making Linux have enough of a brain to know that people don’t want to have to run “aproovd appz” constantly and have every single piece of software they used beforehand become broken within one update.
You guys realize that UWP doesn't mean Windows 8 style store apps, right? UWP is fully capable of creating "traditional" desktop applications these days. And it's a lot more practical to work with than win32, which is heavily based on C paradigms which have no real place on Windows where 99% of the development is geared towards C++.
i'm not falling for it, fuck off
Just install WLS and a Windows Xserver and run a complete Linux desktop on Windows
Pretty much what happened when they rebranded Vista SP2 as Windows 7.
Like RT did?
That went really well
What the fuck is Windows RT?
give me a quick rundown
What MS doesn't realize is that if people wanted a facebook machine they'd buy a chromebook or use their phone.
Windows without the compatibility is a very unattractive product. The "legacy cruft" is literally the only thing keeping them alive.
It was Windows 8 for ARM.
You could only use stuff from the Windows Store.
Nobody liked it.
The world was not ready for Vista, heck MS was not ready (so much shit was put on hold or cancelled indefinitely).
It's natural that with the OS being so drastically different it took so long to mature and it was a smart marketing move going for a name change (yes W7 is 90% Vista).
> At the core of UWP apps is the idea that users want their experiences to be mobile across ALL their devices
This is hilarious. This is actually written in the first paragraph of Microsofts' What is UWP page.
Can confirm, my grandpa is still holding on to his ancient Windows Me because he’s already convinced that having Windows 10 will mean he can’t use the accounting program he’s had on there since forever.
If Microsoft cuts out “legacy” programs (that meaning EVERY SINGLE EXE EVER), no one with a functioning brain would want to use a Windows system again.
I'm sure people that get bored will eventually allow non-store apps buy using a developer mode and home-brew.
Windows 10 S v0.5, AKA a failure.