The honeymoon is over

> works fine for four months
> suddenly flash LED is on low, permanently
> even when it's powered off
> VERY hot spot near top left (cpu?)
> battery drops to 5%

god damn it, now i have to take it to the samsung repair place. what am i going to fap to now?

ipad is the only tablet worth getting but you listened to Sup Forums so deserve what you get.

>Going to a repair shop

Fix it yourself you lazy twat

The kindle is also worth getting, but I suppose that's technically an e-reader

so, i could either source the parts myself - which could take weeks - if i knew what the problem was.. or.. as it's still under warranty and the fault isn't because i came into the microSD slot, they're obliged to fix it.

i couldn't afford the ipad - i only had around $500 to spend on this.

>Still under warranty

This is information you should have included in the OP and /threads this thread

>Taking weeks to source parts
>What is ebay

>Spending $500 on an android tablet

I prefer open platforms.

aus dollarydoos, btw. how big are the screens on those? it doesn't say, and i am too lazy to look them up. the galaxy tab A is ten inches.

> also i had a bad experience with itunes once and it scarred me as a child

>>What is ebay

> order part
> two weeks later it arrives
> customs had to open the package and inspect it because they thought "replacement samsung battery" was porn


Apple eternally BTFO

Aren't there any of the little phone cover and accessory selling kiosks where you live? The indians that usually run them can probably fix it for a low price, same day

yeah. they sell phone covers and accessories. if you give them something that requires opening the case, they piss their pants in fear.

>7-8 inch high end Android tablets are not the norm anymore because of Xboxhueg phones
Maybe it's time to pop my iShit cherry.


just gonna repeat that: itunes


Why do nearly all tablets still have massive bezels?

update, as if anyone cares: the battery is now completely flat. i can't charge it with the wall socket charger enough to boot it so i can reset it and clear the app data. OMG they might try to log into Sankaku.

because the screen is touch sensitive, and you need somewhere to be able to hold the damn thing without accidentally clicking on "buy this game" or "turn up the volume on this porn vid and resume playing from the loud orgasm scene".

Why are Samsung still using curved corners with rectangular displays? It looks ugly as fuck

M8 Australia has consumer laws protecting you from this shit.

Does that extend to the hardware? Guess not.