
Snorlax finally rests

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Snorlex rises

me on the left

Harry potter

/reddit/ edition?

Being an OP for 5 consecutive threads since Saturday is incredibly tiring

I give up, I let Snorlax go to sleep now

are you neet?

are you?

yes, hopefully not anymore by november

what job did you applied?

Are you a gay with small penis?

Suicide is not the answer user

I came back just to tell you this ugly truth.

Fellow /asean/ are you a qt?

aren't you?

Yandere chef is a girl

And my penis is 5.8

That is definitely not small >~

because democracy doesnt work amongst third worlders. we need more time to assimilate to the concept and improve our National Income and infrastructures. unless it involves rice on the dinner table only then we can unite

sounds like BN desu ;^)

>listening to /sea/ceptics
Most of them are paid by non-ASEAN countries. Just like how most Eurosceptic parties are paid by Putin. Just look at Farage, nonchalantly praising Putin and appearing on Russian state propaganda station RT.

{{citation needed}}

See if you look at where you found this article, it's MADE by China's Alibaba group.

I love titties

Junker said that borders are the worst invention

And you still lap up the cum dripping from his cock like a dog

Well Malay chan, prove you have no micropenis >_

>basic ed teachers who are not competent in or even enthusiastic about literature
>my interest was not in filipino literature (sorry)
>I view fliptop with the perspective that language has to evolve to survive
>melded filipino language with the more western rap culture
This shit triggers me so much. Why can't they put more money and effort on fixing, upgrading, modifying, beautifying, and adding decent original content to the Philippine Literature... If I had the time and money, I'd fcken do this myself for free.

It looks like somebody is peeing on him

So daring, aren't you.


internet forum is nothing but a place for fabrication and lies to help one to cope with their current issues

>borders are the wors invention
without border in the modern era, the world will plunge into another world war and countless soldier and innocent will die so that government can collect tax and send it to 'em coffers

you mean by making flip language more modern?
it will take decades like malay language that evolve from sounding like indo language to what we are speaking nowadays

Dont rely on reddit too much though

>you mean by making flip language more modern?
Nah, the flip language is already modern as it is. It's just it sounds ugly because people are misusing the words so much, Filipino is meant to rhyme and flow, that's why there are lots of different but close words, repeated words, vowel-changed words, pitched / toned words that has the similar meaning.

I don't really spend my time on Reddit, I spend it mostly on researching about the Philippine history, language and literature.

You Eurocuck

Borders are the worst thing amirite? It's stoping rapefugees from coming in

M-Malay chan....I didn't expect to agree with you on something

Borders are important but Flipbong thinks they are the worst

What a sick joke

>So daring
More like stupid

No one insults a US President and get away with it

Does Putin or Xi Jinping openly insult Obama? Heck no

If I were Malaysia I'd start sucking up to our MILF Vice President

fliptop is nigger appropriation which I have no problem since flips who appreciate it are also niggers

Also, people obsoletely use the actual original Filipino word, and before long, it would be completely forgotten.

what do you expect from a website that will reprimand you for posting in wrong english grammar? if you want a good reddit subboard, you don't go to r/philippines and talk to bunch of degenerates

wow cringe

Lmao deus vult so disgusting

I do appreciate the rap culture as well, but just not as much. I like how they use hard and harsh words that rhymes and with some of it, they actually use words you rarely hear in public, which is good, but not enough.

It was r/Tagalog , and I never usually go to reddit, I just found that post.

>insulting ASEAN's future chairperson

Did you read that right? Yes, He's ASEAN's future chairperson. I suggest you tread carefully, you bunch of plebiscite

>He's ASEAN's future chairperson
Just like Thaksin Shi- Oh wait.

that makes it worse then seeing that the guy isn't even enthusiastic about teaching filipino literatures

Sup Forums may be shit but plebbit is a lot worse.

borders are important but unionize all country IN A REGION under 1 state is far better for business, life, etc.
The only problem is that how different culture, race, geo politic will cope with it.

>ASEAN's future chairperson
what the fuck kek

There are many anti Tagalog in reddit constantly encouraging foreigners to stop learning Tagalog and just learn bisaya
Dot get me started on facebook

Got to the general discussion in r/pH and suggest that we should invent local words and stop using hispanized words and loan words it will turn into how imperialistic manila is

Right now bisaya is in r/language or something the one about teaching language

When ate we going to realised we have never been a united country and literally a toxi for one another

Yea, but that being said, I'm pretty sure he hates the Philippine Literature because of not what it was, but how it presented to them. Filipino is a very flexible language, and people keep forgetting this and always end up going with the stiff "malalim" format. Which sounds forced and doesn't flow at all when you speak Tagalog. My aim is to make these people speak proper Tagalog casually without them having to force words out of their mouths that they don't want to use, mostly because it's "baduy" or too long, or too much to say, or it doesn't flow at all.

then in that case...

Sabah should just return to Philippines

/asean/? More like /zika/.

Fucking Tamils creating a diplomatic situation. The LTTE lost. Deal with it.

There's nothing wrong with correcting grammar tbf
Thats how you learn

I saw a flip insulted a flip here for not using a comma and for not capitalizing words

today was a very noodly day for me
because every dish i've eaten today was noodles

Fugggg you Malay chan

I h8 you now

wot is he

They should have gone to UP if they want nationalistic approach on language
They even teach math there in tagalog

That explains the el cebuANO asking for separatism in Sup Forums, they must have also believed that cebu is the birthplace of bisaya Lmao so cringey fucking embarrassing

that's the effect of being entangled with the americans. i see nothing wrong with americans if only they fuck off from our affairs, because bottom line, their interest is their bases in the philippines, never our country

>tfw none of this awesome news matters because the rothschilds have already marked us for culling

if they want it
also, the case will have to go through the international court that will support malaysia's claim due to the 1950's referendum vote
IMO, sabah would rather be on its own rather than be philippine
so you would rather be set back for another decade rather than jump forward to a better future for your sons and daughters due to your hatred in unionize state?
there's so much pros than cons

no they don't

Bullshit. Which prof and what subject?

>go to Singapore
>get Zika virus

>that's the effect of being entangled with the americans
I don't think it's the americans, spanish, british, chinese or japanese that's to blame. It's the lack of documentation, assurance and teachers only teach really really old tagalog, or the ugly modern ones. They don't really teach them unspoken grammar like "o" "wa" "ah" "ts vs. ch", you know, those kinds of shit. And with people not enforcing specific details, such as shit like that, the literature never evolves and the niggered-uneducated flips takes control of the language, making it is what it is right now. This is partly the reason why our dubbing is shit.

Really? Do tell.

i have no problems with getting spellchecked by another user, but that isn't the case in reddit. i literally got berated by my bad english grammar and said that my grammar is annoying him. i'm serious.

i stopped posting in that shithole when i learned they're all closed-minded retards who often circlejerks with their yellow delusions. i bet they don't even travel outside their shithole. only when you go outside and talk to various people will you learn that the gatchalians of valenzuela is a fucking hack and oscar malapitan of caloocan is a drug lord protector. just wait for the news to pop up


>dey dindu nuffin


How can Consuela earn money if her shitty island cuts itself off from the rest of the country?


helping Malay-chan burn fat with daily kisses

Lmao in here you get called a redditard and yellowtard for having bad grammar

Reminder that Malaysia is also a federal union of formerly independent states, it all worked out for the better aside from that little red dot down there that got kicked out because hurrrr ketuanan melayu.

>muh yellow

Dutertards spotted

>nalaban ba?

Lmao we can't seem to differente between suspects and convicted

You just want to welcome refugees you sicko

Codeword for butthurt Bisayas

They're also behind the separatism and federalism copypastas especially if Duterte gets removed from office

They're all over international media sites, posting these same drivel including the 91% approval rating meme. Reminds me of wumaos

If you don't agree with them they'll call you a yellowtard

cebu separatism is a meme

nobody talks about separatism in cebu. i'm accomodated by my friends from mandaue and lapu-lapu whenever i visit cebu city because i don't know bisaya, cebuanos are only known for being allergic towards tagalog-speaking people because of their superiority complex.

mindanaoan bisaya are a lot friendlier, you can talk to them in tagalog but some won't be able to understand you. their issues there are mostly muslim and npa

That's when you know if someone can't take criticism

Do we really expect everyone to just agree with duterte's shit
That very close minded of them

What does federation have to do with refugees? Unless you mean Myanmar refugees which we're already taking anyway

>superiority complex
Great meme

o b o s e n

did 10 rep of pull of pull up for 5 set
my arm feel like going to get amputated


Don't you see how the EU is today

It is the world's biggest mess

We are a communist country, no one is allowed to criticize Secretary General of the Politburo Duterte.

If you don't agree with him you are a yellownigger, drug lord, drug pusher, terrorist or a convicted criminal.

Cebu is the Loudest one though and recently in Samar

Mindanao its part of their history

There's also people in CAR and maybe ilocanos

>taking in Rohiniggers

they did it... the absolute madman!


that's because the majority are from same culture and Geo politic
just like almost all of the world

it's so obvious that you literally never travelled outside your shithole that's why you spout bullshit out of your ass everytime and link us fb bisdak memes made by teenage angst

>Obama said he had heard about the comment and instructed his aides to determine whether it would still be productive to hold the face-to-face meeting.


>mindanaoan bisaya are a lot friendlier, you can talk to them in tagalog but some won't be able to understand you. their issues there are mostly muslim and npa
I think Cagayan de oro have a lot of bro tier bisayas since they take pride on being friendly.


Another dindu just for you.

I'll be your arms then

The Muhammad and the Abnoy

If the pnp are smart they'll milk that school shoot-out for all its worth
>dey b terrizin r skoolz!!!11

delet des

Magandang gabii ninyo diyan /asean/


welp, plebbi/pol/ ruined another /asean/ thread again

so tryhard

Post your favorite pokestop ITT

counter it with anime baka

post your pukimon first

most likely bobong FEU students

EU's illegal immigrant problem could be solved if it became acceptable to take the Australian approach, send Navy units to tow people smugglers away and dump them in a prison offshore, meanwhile enforce the land borders with bullets instead of just begging them to not come.

Have you actually encountered any fags like this?


Mine's pathetic desu. I just got lvl11 and planning on deleting the app when I run out of memory space.

to be fair, it's just 1 or 2 redditards samefagging so they can shit this place up with pulpolitics. they must be upset that their BPO company from america imported by mar roxas might close next month Lmao