>tfw Sup Forums thinks Heroku is a scam
Tfw Sup Forums thinks Heroku is a scam
is there some other free hosting?
heroku is the shit
>Using Herojew
Heroku is good to hit the ground running when you have a simple hobby project or small startup. However, if you're trying to build anything real, it's very restrictive and kinda expensive.
Yes, Cloud is a scam for anyone who has basic high school level math in their brains and compares running a home server or buying HDD's to annual cloud expenses which even come with additional restrictions.
So it's not that Sup Forums thinks, it's that Sup Forums isn't a dropout like you OP.
>running a home server
You realize businesses exist, right?
Make a point instead of trying to act smart with undefined buzzwords.
"Business" is an '''undefined buzzword''' to you? Would you run your tech business off a home server?
I would run a tech business from the tech businesses premises instead of giving my businesse's information and workload on a platter to some 3rd party for a bigger cost than a home solution. You understand home doesn't merely mean civil home do you?
>I would run a tech business from the tech businesses premises
If you think you're serving your information to a 3rd party on a platter in the cloud, I'm glad you'd rather have an on-prem solution. I still wouldn't use your product because you apparently don't know, or don't care about, data security.
Its okay to say you don't like something and don't know much about how these things work in practice. It's much less embarrassing for you.
> being too poor for a xeon homeserver
>you don't care about data security unless you give all your data to our Cloud service so we can sell it to competition and undermine both your business and your customers, in addition to being an additional security breach wall apart from yourself since now there's multiple targets and not just 1
Noice. Transparent intent of the post, but noice nonetheless.
>being too poor for a ryzen/TR home server
choose one faggot
That's not what I said. What I stated was if you were worried about them taking your data, apparently you never _secured_ it in the first place.
How is Amazon going to read your end to end encrypted data? Jewish Magic? The SJW Sciences?
Let me start out by saying that security is a gradient, not an absolute. In either instance, you can (and probably will) get hacked.
However, the difference with something like AWS is in the fact that Amazon can pay their autistic engineers much more than you could and have then specialize on making sure the AWS instances are as secure as they can be. This leaves you to make sure that your app security is also as good as you can get it.
Good quality but too expensive.
Also ephemeral file system a shit.
>How is Amazon going to read your end to end encrypted data?
They got root on your VMs, dude.