Other urls found in this thread:
>10nm in 2016
>no, we mean 2017
>actually 2018
>late 2018
>goyms... err... i mean, guys! we are totally going to deliver before 2019
>really, believe in us. if you don't you are an antisemitic
>t. brian JUST
Its a good thing GPUs and memory cost so fucking much, hopefully intel is losing a ton of money since nobody sane is building their own consumer PC these days
>nobody is building their own PC these days
"What is RyZen APU".avi
As much as I would like to see Intel crash and burn,
If you want security from our flaw you need to buy or new chips goyim. You don't want to get hacked do you?
Just keep doing this Brian, you might become back-to-back winner of most JUST company.
They've began being pretty accurate and good in the last 8 months, so no, they're not a le pajeet memey anymore. Aside from occasional shitposting by Rafia, tech-related articles are pretty solid.
>won't be affected by performance hits
But how? I supposed the performance hit happened because it disabled unsecure speculative loads or whatever. If they're making the hardware secure how are they going to make up for the lost performance that came from unsecure loads?
wat.. ok user since you don't know software emulation is slow.. putting the fix in hardware is fast.. ok? good..
>losing money
their stock is up and today alone it literally pulled the entire market up. grow a brain you fucking tool. no one cares about this vuln, no one is switching to amd, intel isnt going anywhere
Gotta love the AMDrones and their selective reading.
>This was confirmed by Intel’s CEO, Brian Krzanich, in the earnings call for Q4 2017 in which the company set another record year with a record full year revenue of $62.8 Billion and Q4 record revenue of $17.1 Billion.
Nice shop there you have. Here, have an original:
gaming benchmarks show that 8700K delivers higher FPS than ryzen's threadriper
as long as this continues to be, no one is going to start building ryzen builds
from 200-500 ryzen is the best bang for your buck
but in terms of gaming performance, intel is still the winner
a lot of people got hacked by meltdown and spectre
anyways, who gives a fuck? intel is the fastest and no one cares what these Sup Forums autistic fucks think
>gaming benchmarks
On a real note. Why do people go for these if they're not playing at 240fps? Zen does completely fine, I'm sure you can't tell the difference between 130fps and 150fps.
>gaming benchmarks show that 8700K--
This thread brought my IQ down by double digits
Why the fuck do we allow Sup Forums to shit all over us like this?
>8xxx """""gaming benchmarks"""""
double kek
-t.gay phaggot
-t.trap lover (gay)
-t.Sup Forums
-t.mega faggot
-t. reddit