Soros turns antisocial: Billionaire says Facebook & Google manipulate users like gambling companies

>George Soros has launched an attack on Silicon Valley giants Facebook and Google, calling them a “menace” to society and saying social media companies manipulate users the way gambling firms do.
>Soros, whose investment fund owned over 300,000 shares in Facebook until last November, said social media platforms are deliberately engineering “addiction to the services they provide.” Facebook and Google deceive their users by “manipulating their attention and directing it towards their own commercial purposes,” he said.

>In this respect, online platforms have become similar to gambling companies, Soros asserted. “Casinos have developed techniques to hook gamblers to the point where they gamble away all their money, even money they don’t have.

>“Something very harmful and maybe irreversible is happening to human attention in our digital age,” he said. Social media companies “are inducing people to give up their autonomy,” while the power to shape the public’s attention “is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few companies.”
Is Soros /ourjew/ now?

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OP please

We know everything he does is aiming the money. So, what's the play here? Is he planing of make his own social network?

RT is about as objective as CNN or any other American Leftist media is. Stop complaining libtard.

>Stop complaining libtard
not an argument

he is trying to clean his dirty hands, since he gave shady money to rioters and other shit

Yes but
>RT is about as objective as CNN or any other American Leftist media is
is an argument.

Not Him, the argument stands that a news and media company is more willing to criticize another country politics in a more honest and reliable manner, than a local one.
Because they have little to none conflict of interests while making their criticism

> only I can control the masses!!!

Wait, who's jewing who? Are they feigning disunity?

It's a baseless claim, RT is state sponsored agit prop, CNN is corporate jewish lies, OP is a cuckold

Tons of sources :
Here tard :

The rich are eating themselves.. It's what happens in the last stages of a cycle when they can't see beyond it. There are no more plebs to consume so now the rich, powerful, and elite are eating each other. You're seeing it at the highest rungs of power structures and it wont end until the cycle is complete.


When it benefits the left social media becomes this amazing, transformative, revolutionary, and (insert silicon valley buzzword) but when it seemingly starts to benefit the right then its this terrible thing that we must then all turn
into concerned soccer moms crying for it to be regulated. The truth is that soros and the left absolutely hate how little control over the internet they've had, and they're now doing everything they can think of to strangle and tame it.

>linking to Bloomberg
Not even worth a reply

Well he does know a lot about manipulation. He's right about this.

takes one to know one

>if its not leftypol, I won't read it

I unironically like george soros, I don't get why Sup Forums hates him.

oh yeah he's a jewish progressive, two things they hate. I personally don't care about him being jewish, that's just a religion. but his progressive policy makes me like him quite a lot.

When did "destroying Europe" become synonymous with "progressive policies"?

Imagine being a manipulative cunt that actually gets mad that someone else is better at it than you and there's nothing you can do about it.

/our guy/

>Defending bloomberg
fuck off retard

>bringing immigrants to do blue collar to keep the minimum wage low and because 99.9% of europeans are millennial niggerfaggots who can't install a door = destroying europe

That's the opposite you dip, your very fucking economy relies on bringing niggers to do menial work and keep the market over-saturated so employers can still have the upper hand thus the country's economy not being a slave to third worlders.

If you're so afraid of brown people i'd recommend you to have an economy that doesn't rely on immigrants.

Cool pic

Kill yourself amerimutt, you genetic abomination.
Sandniggers want to work even less, they only come to get free everything.
The economy doesn't rely on immigrants at all.

People are starting to wake up, and he wants to silence the internet before we go further.

>create a problem
>create a (((solution))) to the problem you create
>(((solution))) coincidentally is a win win for you
>blame the common people who are getting the impact of both sides of this

Gradually, I began to hate them...

I actually wouldn't mind if some SJW would go full assault on google because they say people without a google account is not humans.

>The economy doesn't rely on immigrants at all.
You're wrong, no, really, you are wrong.

And i'm not even an american, calm your impotent rage.

You took part in a rigged game that only benefits Employers, you have none to blame but yourself.

>>The economy doesn't rely on immigrants at all.
>You're wrong, no, really, you are wrong.
How the fuck you can tell when you don't even know what country I am from?

>That's the opposite you dip, your very fucking economy relies on bringing niggers to do menial work and keep the market over-saturated so employers can still have the upper hand thus the country's economy not being a slave to third worlders.
Except Soros' sandniggers won't do ANY job, dumbfuck mutt
>happen to be an expert.jpg
If narcissism would hurt, you would have already died of agony.

urge to heat oven intensifies.