Any other black Sup Forums users/programmers on here? I'm always the only black guy at every place I've worked and no one ever believes me when I say I'm a software engineer.
>Inb4 kys nigger
Any other black Sup Forums users/programmers on here? I'm always the only black guy at every place I've worked and no one ever believes me when I say I'm a software engineer.
>Inb4 kys nigger
Sure man. Black user here aka Indigo.
Graduate degree. Software Engineer. Muh bay area
Oh and ...
Why use this shitty eceleb as a thread image? Don't degrade yourself like this.
Why does this matter?
tfw you bully people like op
More like a software ennigger amirite
black cocaine user here, tf u want bruh??
ooga booga declare pointer
I think I've worked with two black guys at two different tech companies, and neither was really technical. I think one was a sales rep, who got moderately technical. May have had some programming in his past.
I'm not a programmer, but I have an academically job that involves a lot of programming (computational science), at an institute here in Sweden.
did you immigrate or were born there?
Born, am half.
I'm black even if my skin is not that color.
You're white for the same reason. Fuck the Chinese.
I identify as a casio F-91W
you are the autism Sup Forums needs
Nah but I'm the usually the only girl so I can partially empathize, maybe? You decide senpai.
People think I'm an accountant sometimes when we meet.
no chinese bullying pls
Did you just asume his disability?
Tjena buddy.
What are you doing like research shit?
laughed MUCH longer than I should've been
did you just assume autism is a disability?
fuck yes my dude
Stop lying
did you just corect my asumption? rs
African mysticism snd voodoo
I'm not. It's rare I know.. I'm the only black guy in my building. One of a handful in my graduating class's major. But it occurs. It's not that serious IMO. I see others more butthurt or weirded out about it than me even though i'm the minority.... Meh
how often do you get gangbanged by the whites?
no i used my own ((open)) dictionary
Halfu here. CE major by day, shitposter by night. I'm kinda black, but most people don't consider me as a black person. I often get arab for some fucking reason. Anyway color doesn't matter. None of this matters.
which god should i make an offering to in order to get a job?
Bull sheeeit. Everytime I work with a women in tech or accounting, someone else has to do most of their work for them.
like 89% of the time. Most of them just take selfies of their desk with some obsucure kombucha drink and salad.
>tfw sandnigger
>people think im either a pajeet or a mexican
mostly CFD and FEM shit for biomedical computing, particularly for the heart.
Doesn't occur. The valley has a pyramid of sorts.. Until you get out of the lower rungs, you're seen as a pajeet that should be driven hard to deliver that quarter no matter what you're ethnicity. White engineers are as much a minority as anyone else. I'm not sure where people get this image that whites are plentiful in tech. It's mainly pajeets and Indians at the engineering levels. Whites sold everything up river for a few more vacation homes and trips to Hawaii including this country.
But both of those are better than being a sandnigger. Especially Pajeet, their less violent in the eyes of Allah.
Correct. Color doesn't matter. I value diversity of mind moreso than skin color.. Something lost on the liberal shit heads in the valley. No matter what the ethnic group, people tend to have the same mindset out here. That's what's most problematic.
Maybe you're referring to white women in tech.
Most Asian/Indian women know their shit and work hard at the Engineering levels. I could imagine your sentiment is derived from lazy ass white bitches at quasi-tech companies who are slurping down management after lunch breaks to keep their job.
Tyrone Ooga
I'm not one but I know one, app developer (android) at one of big startups in SF. He's a chill guy. I'm not a dev myself so I can't tell how good he is programming-wise but I use their app and it's sleek and cancer free as far as I can tell.
I have never seen an inteligent black "human" in my life, honestly.
White, black, yellow, red, innie or outie, around here nobody gives a fuck as long as you can code.
just plain mad because technigger made it
Black != Nigger
Stop using the word wrong you fucking niggers.
M e r i t o c r a n i g g a
daily reminder it takes over a decade for the cheapest fucking electronic car to begin to supercede the total cost of a prius c even when factoring in gas prices in the most expensive parts of the US and cheapest electric prices
by 10 years any battery on any hybrid or electric car will be near if not at its life point and those alone are fucking autistically expensive, 10k+
I'm legitimately on edge around black people. Lucky you're like
>Lucky you're like
prove it, pic and tinestamp of your hand.
Are you fuckin dense?
i don't wanna work for soros though
This is the way it is claimed to be but hardly the way it is in the Valley.
I also read it like this, except its was "ein neger"
I've heard that there is literally not one black person who does back-end software development at Google. Is this true?
Post an arm pic along with a time stamp; I smell a LARPer.
Lmao diversity hires
t. brown
>Inb4 kys nigger
kys nig- oh
drink bleach jungle bunny
must be really nice to have so many gibs, and all the advantages over the other applicants just because of the color of your skin.
> t. nepotistic racist pajeet who got hired due to niggerish indian favoritism
> t. laughing at the diversity hire meme used to cover for this practice
> t. incompetent dumbass from IIT that only is capable of doing what he's instructed to
> t. on stack overflow all day and/or copy/pasta'ing code from source searches within the company's source directory.
> t. has no fucking clue how to debug an issue because you simply copy/pasta'd code
Yeah, it must be nice to be indian/asian and get hired because you have connections that clearly don't understand that racist/biased hiring is illegal in the U.S. Must also be nice to have a corporation create a 'diversity hiring' meme to cover for this nepotism.
> Look we hired some niggers
> Ignore the pajeets/chinks turning tricks