Is Iridium any good? Does it actually remove the botnet or is it all placebo? If so...

Is Iridium any good? Does it actually remove the botnet or is it all placebo? If so, what browsers aren't actually botnet?

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I am wondering the same. It seems nice enough to use in any case, but I don't know if there's really any reduction in botnet

I heard it reduces the botnet to a minimal, however IIRC it still phones home to jewgle at some places.

it does not. that issue was fixed ages ago. iridium definitely offers the best balance between botnet and usability. the only "drawback" is the slow development cycle

Source on the fix? I can't find it.

the original bugtracker is dead and there's no web archive of it, but it's verified on the Sup Forums wiki

oh wait here it is:

Thank you for the sources, I've been using Iridium for a while so I was wondering if it's placebo or something like that.

i've tried ungoggled chromium, but it requires you to install extensions manually, and i'm not that autistic. if you reject mozilla, iridium is you best bet.

What's wrong with installing extensions manually? I know that chrome would keep nagging you that the extensions may be harmful when installed from external sources but I've never had those warnings on Iridium, so does ungoogled chromium nag you just like chrome?

is there a way to unbot it further, kind of like the guide given around here a while back, pic related

but for iridium/chromium oc

This list is outdated and bad.

There might not be one for Iridium specifically, but there's most likely a guide for chromium in general. Just keep lurking more until you find it I suppose.

i'm too lazy friend.

using a vpn to surf with tor browser via tails os, installed in a virtual disk. you will be almost untraceable but you won't be able to interact with the mainstream web.

the botnet is here to stay friends. you can't can't truly escape it unless you go offline, as the foundations of modern society is built around it.

Is there one of these for chromium?

This post hurt my head

i actually saw one guy recommend that route in a thread while ago. he also admitted he downloaded "stuff" from darknet

>I'm too lazy friend.
Fair enough really.

I meant just a similar to what I had post it with the ff guide so I can use from home. I have a spare laptop just in case I need to do something extra with puppy on a usb in it and anywhere with free wifi and unlogged vpn but like I said I just want a good alternative at home instead of posting things from a vm

well these is what I was asking but like pointed its outdated

It performs better than chrome and chromium. It removes more phone calling blobs than chromium and is a better browser than ungoogled chromium. If you're forced to use a Blink based browser then Iridium is the only good browser.

Whoever made this image is an idiot. Delete it so that there aren't any retards taking advice from this.

Chromium is impossible to secure as well as Firefox. If you need privacy and security then don't use WebKit/Blink. Important addons are uBlock Origin, uMatrix, uBlock Protector (must on chrom). Don't know about any other useful addons available to it, but something with cookie management and isolation would be useful.

What would be the Firefox counterpart?

Waterfox and IceCat.

Thank you.

While we're talking about browsers, is this any good?

palemoon is another one
its in the header ofno, breaks too much still

>based on chromium
>possible botnet
Those are some red flags regarding Brave.
I'd use it with caution.

>>possible botnet
In what way? Bar the first point.

I said that mainly because of the fact it's chromium based.
Aside from that, I've heard that the desktop version is a bit unstable, never tried Brave myself so I wouldn't know. The mobile version is pretty stable and works nicely though.

No. It's a botnet.

1. They actively chose to use the inferior ABP instead of uBO which is more efficient and powerful. They also don't at least include uMatrix.
2. They are false advertising their browser saying it's focused on blocking ads, privacy and security. But it's only focused on adblocking.
3. They have made their own cryptocurrency/token pyramid scheme that would pay users to view ads which obviously wouldn't earn the end user any real cash and you'd at most get 10$/month. The Brave team and it's partners would earn tons of cash if many users use it. Brave obviously wants to compete with Google, and you can't compete in the same category unless you invade the user's privacy and profile the user.
4. They already have tracking and telemetry in the browser. This cannot be removed unless you compile it from source, but at that point you should just compile Chromium or use Iridium.
5. They don't allow addons (yet).
6. The creator of Brave invented JavaScript which is the cause of most privacy and malware issues on the web.
7. Brave is also created out of revenge since Mozilla fired Eich. Eich choosing Chromium as a base is a red flag for two reasons. One, Firefox being a much safer browser which can be configured to be more secure and private than Chromium (due to a better engine). And two, Eich already worked with Firefox and knew it's code well. Although Mozilla was also retarded here for firing someone because of muh political correctness.

Care to post sauce on some of these?

1., 3., 5. - go to the website and install the browser from there to see these.
2. - common sense. Chromium + AdblockPlus are significantly worse than Firefox + µBlock Origin. Not to mention the lack of µMatrix and other privacy and security oriented addons. Brave does have noScript and HTTPS Everywhere though
It also uses LastPass and 1Password, both of which are proprietary password managers. But it does have it's own password managing system.
6., 7. Search for "Brendan Eich" on Wikipedia
7. Is somewhat false. Eich stepped down, he didn't get fired. He actively chose to leave Mozilla because he was hated by some activists in the community who started spreading anti-Mozilla ads. All because he funded an anti-gay campaign or something.

why didn't the dev reply to this bug report to say it was fixed or removed? leaving something like this open suggests there is still a problem

Didn't try it on desktop, but it's dope for mobile.

It's not fixed. Even the latest version pings to google when you open the browser.

t. Iridium user.

Iridium on AUR is broken for me.

Using the last version of Opera before it was sold to the chinese.

Just use Inox.

since ungoogled chromium stopped releasing cuckdows binaries i started using iridium since it was mentioned on github
it was the best decision in a while, chromium without botnet is pretty comfy and fast but it stills pings to google but in my case nothing like after having the browser a couple of hours open sometimes it pings sometimes it doesnt
i dont think a single chromium fork was able to stop this, ungoogled chromium didnt but both ug/iridium tells you when they do

I downloaded ungoogled chromium to check whether it pings to google on startup or not and surprisingly it doesn't. Only sucky part is the version is so far behind latest chrome.

How easy is the switch to Iridium from Chrome? I want to transfer over my existing extensions and the sort.
>Important addons are uBlock Origin, uMatrix, uBlock Protector (must on chrom) This right? How good is it? The github doesn't have much information and documentation on it so I'm a bit hesistant on installing it.
I've been using uBO Extra for a while now, thinking that they were the same thing. I'll probably have to change that.

And I have more question for everyone else using uMatrix.
As of recently, the extension has been picking up and blocking multiple 'other' connections in "behind-the-scene" from a local ip. When it looked up the connected devices on my router, it turns out that it was a family android phone.
How should I go about this?

Brave is literally adware. Avoid

I'm using the iridium-bin package, from github, as it's the only one not marked out of date.

>7. Is somewhat false.
I heard that he quit Mozilla because he wasn't happy with the company's direction. Kinda like how the creators of Vivaldi quit Opera for similar reasons.

If you're making the switch from chrome it shouldn't be hard. The extensions work just fine.

Chromium + uBlock Origin is option too

Is there a more up to date version of this?

The point was that Brave is Chromium based and is locked into AB+

So is Waterfox superior to Firefox in terms of privacy now?

Out of the box, sure. But you can do literally anything that Waterfox does for privacy within Firefox mainline. Just edit your about:config with the usual privacy enhancements.

I still use Waterfox on Windows, though, because latest Quantum fucked up my font rendering.

Could I get a list of the privacy enhancements?

It's ok on mobile, on pc it's so fucking slow, doesn't blocks all ads and breaks sites everytime

The advertisements to earn BAT are optional.
You can just ignore the BAT thing altogether if you want.

>Is Iridium any good?
I like it better than Chromium personally. Decide for yourself.

>Does it actually remove the botnet or is it all placebo?
It has reduced botnet. Not fully removed tho. Fucking XXI century.


They're probably both correct, since I'd probably be pretty unhappy with how the company was going, too, if a lot of the people within it were protesting my ascension to CEO, alongside all of the other shenanigans.

Not only that, but the fact that Mozilla was turning into SJWzilla at that time must have made him quit.

Brave is a scam browser who's sole purpose is leeching of micro-donations and selling "acceptable" ads under the guise of being "ethical".

Avoid Brave like the plague

There's a difference between Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation

Ah you're right, my bad.