Britain BTFO!!!!!

Britain BTFO!!!!!

And the French constructed both things.

Really makes you think.

Last semester we had to give reports on energy production in different countries (STEM science class). One group chose Ireland. They said it was in Eastern Europe.

Touching myself as we speak

How will britshits ever recover?

That bit of stimulus caused my axons to fire off Calcium and it to be received by my receptors

>we're literally the most western European country
not even mad, thats hilarious

kek, this cant be real

The funny thing is, many of the Ameripigs who know such things, also consider themselves, as politically progressive, to be more enlightened and respected around the world than their backward, racist bigoted countrymen.

What about Iceland? Plus Northern Ireland is east of the Republic technically so even without iceland you are the second most western country.

Iceland isn't Europe, too far away from the mainland, even if it is populated by Europeans
Ireland is one country

>Ireland is one country
No it is too and people from Northern Ireland are British who pretend to be Irish because they are embarrassed of the Orange order.

It's time to stop posting

It is time to stop pretending, it is okish to be British.



tfw can't tell is this is joking or not

No need to be upset lad, more emmbarassing for us yanks 2bh

Kek Brits are mad because their Eiffel Tower is so shitty, literally an horrible and unsightly amount of metal, what a shame.

>brits only have eiffel tower
>eiffel tower not even physically in england

Britain confirmed for cucks lads.


>mixed race child in the picture
not surprised at the education level of this woman

He's not wrong
Until 2035, Britain is part of the national entity called "EU"


>not surprised at the education level of this woman
Was just about to post this.

>go to UK
>Can't find the eiffel tower

wtf where are they hiding that thing haha

Hum hum hummmmm
the statue of Eiffel u be saying innit