Post latest pickups, bought some Mackie 524's a month or so ago for TV setup.
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Just got two of these delivered today, however I don't have the cables to use them. Thankfully they'll be here tomorrow. I'll be running them with a Micca OriGain. Thoughts?
what are they?
Wavecrest HVL-1
How flat are the mackies? Light is too annoying for me though
The light isn't too bad it is mainly the camera doing that, otherwise the Mackies are very flat as far as i can tell.
that tweeter
Thanks. Fun Story. A spider decided to raise a family in my tweeter's amplifier powersupply and shorted out the +24 power rail. It melted my tweeters !!!
I had a pair of ribbon tweeters lying around from another project and just stuck them on the front with double sided tape.
Lemonade outta lemons my friend.
>See these on sale for cheap, don't think anything of it
>Learn a month later that they're allegedly amazing and retail for several times more than what they were on sale for
Is it true?
Zeos on youtube just posted his review. They seemed good for the price. But that greedy fucker bought all of them and is reselling them for a considerable markup and ranting and raving how good they are.
Kinda fishy...
That's actually what sparked me to post it. However his videos are almost always calling the newest thing the "greatest speaker I've ever heard", which is why I'm asking. No way in hell I would pay his jew tax just to bid on his shit.
so, how do they sound
jamo is garbage
pretty great, nice clean and neutral.
Yeah. Hes like the Alex Jones of Audiophiles. That said I have learned a lot from him.
And his recommendation of those Monoprice Retro Cans was spot on. Great cheap headphones.
Shrill and thumpy!
not necessarily bad but jamo is entry level
my first bookshelfs i worked my ass off to afford in 1999 were jamo. ended up bi amping them with an active crossover. Huge improvement.
I can however imagine powered chi-fi bookshelfs would give you alot more bang for your buck.
Here i found a picture of jamos in 2005. It was a simpler time ;)
About to pick up a second pair of these assuming I don't get assfucked before I get there
>7 hour drive one way not counting stops
damn son arent you even worried about the planet and global warning?
collecting plastic is like planetary suicide
>driving hours to pick up a pair of speakers
honestly some of the most memorable road trips i ever had revolved around picking up a pair of speakers
godspeed user
>Entry level
Already have entry level. Next step up is something that I'll be reasonably satisfied with for years down the line.
Good 300-400 USD to spend on speakers. Listen to everything but mostly rock or metal. Bookshelf desktop system and my amp does 120 wpc.
No Klipsch as I already have some r-15m. Don't need boomy bass but I want something that I can at tell its there. The Klipsch is like... It's there but I need a little bit more.
is weird, mane
Find a set of abused Klipsch Forte's or Quartets. Heresy aren't big enough to get respectable low end bass desu.
These nice Electras.
>gorillion dollars on speakers and others
>untreated, generic as fuck room
Absolute speaker newfag here, I have a few pairs of headphones but never owned a set of speakers. Looking at getting Klipsch R-15M (pic related) for my setup, what things in my setup do I need to make them run off my PC? I have a Schiit Fulla 2 which apparently can act as a DAC (though not a very good one), so what components will I need and what are some suggestions for an entry-level setup?
why klipsch
Seems like a pretty solid brand with very good products, also available not too expensive in Australia.
Anyway either way, regardless of the manufacturer, is there a set list of components I need for a setup with bookshelf speakers?
Aint bad at all, but i have moved houses a few times with my hifi to know how lucky it is to have carpet on concrete floor.
My last place / studio was on polished thin timber floors. The high mids bounced around like lasers on mirrors and my subwoofer resonated the entire house / suburb.
Rooms are everything. I pick my houses from now on based on the acoustics of one room. Sadly this is a luxury for most people.
Left to my own devices i know i would end up like [pic related]
what do you mean by a set list of components?
Well for driving high-end headphones you need the headphones + Amp + DAC. What do I need in my setup with bookshelf speakers to run them well from music on my PC, probably outputting via ALSA?
high end headphones are high impedance (har dt o drive)
almost all speakers are low impedance 8 ohm (easy to drive) and will work with most amplifiers.
Honestly though if i was you in the year of 2018 i would just get powered bookshelfs, chip amps are awesome and you no longer need to spend 100's of dollars on an intergread amp because you will only be using it with your computer and dont need a phono stage. Use that money on a subwoofer instead.
My $0.02
I looked at the Klipsch R15PM (powered version of the same speakers) and they're literally double the price, wut
bookshelf speakers are different these days -- you have mid-tier models that can be driven by any typical receiver ($10 off thrift store shelf) and you have very high end models that are incredibly accurate but require at least 200wpc from a high-current class A amp;
a good set up only needs an integrated solid state amp and a pair of excellent speakers;
low cost: qacoustics + sony 5.1 avr (used) = $145
avg cost: wharfedale + sony 5.1 avr (used) = $220
high cost: b&w + mid-level integrated amp (used) = $600
higher cost: dynaudio (used) + krell (used) = $2000
ive compared r15m to standard sony towers at best buy and the sonys were moderately better; klipsch tends to be muddy and loud or blaring and coarse
yeah man low impedance amplifiers are basicly big linear power supplies. you know what else is a big linear power supply ? a welder. They arent cheap either. This is my sub amp i built.
You now have a choice... a second hand intergrated amp like a NAD or old yamaha and bookshelfs, or Powered bookshelfs.
In 2018 i highly recommend a set cheap set of chinese powered bookshelfs and locally sourced second hand subwoofer. IMHO old style component setups arent value.
t. been designing and building hifi for 20 years
>klipsch tends to be muddy and loud or blaring and coarse
Best Buy only stocks low end Klipsch. And the horns are not meant to be inches away from your ears, they need space to blend.
Check craigslist for R14/R15 versions
So Wharfedale Diamond 220 is a good price point alternative to the Klipsch?
The secondhand market is pretty aids in Australia, are things like the YAMAHA A-S201 a good choice for entry-level integrated amp?
>What thinks in my setup do I need
You need an amp to drive the speakers. Either a receiver or an amp. Then you need to connect the audio source somehow. You said you have headphones, presumably you have a DAC. If your DAC has a line out, connect that to your amp. That's all you really need for a basic setup.
there's about 8 to 10 good brands in that price category
i've heard the low and mid tier klipsch models -- they all sound distorted at low, medium and high volume, and in various room ranges; at the Magnolia where they were set up against Sonus Faber Veneres, they were about as bad as logitech in comparison -- and this is why you always find them for deep discount on ebay or online resale sites
The dust in your picture bothers me, the speakers look good though.
>The secondhand market is pretty aids in Australia
Im in Brisbane. I built most my stuff from jaycar and RS components many years ago.
>The secondhand market is pretty aids in Australia
Its fine. Last week i helped my friend pick out a really good subwoofer on gumtree for $180 and then i found him a good pair of powered bookshelfs on aliexpress for $160. Done Cant top that.
Once again avoid component systems. They are old hat. Friendly reminder in the past 30 years they shrunk the amo to a chip the size of your fingernail. (sans powersupply)
I drive my woofer and ribbon tweeters seperately with this little guy and +/- 24v SLA battery.
pic related
Is buying off Gumtree just about sorting through all the shit? I'm on Gold Coast here
>they all sound distorted at low, medium and high volume
Klipsch is built on the foundation of very little/no distortion. Which is exactly why they use horns
Gumtree is about not paying for shipping full stop. Very handy for speakers and amps.
Being on the gold coast, with decades of great stereo gear and methamphetamine users you are proabaly in one of the best places in the world to find a good deal for local pickup ;)
i might even have a look for you
[pic related] is my 2 x lm1875 heatsink / connectors i machined
I don't think I'm looking to get it immediately (maybe not for 1-2 months) so if you're around in one of these threads by then, sounds like a plan
What should I look for to avoid lag when buying wireless headphones?
Looking to get a new pair for late night movie watching but I'm scared of getting delayed audio. I've tried streaming the audio to my phone and then using headphones but the delay is annoying.
just look for an old 2.4ghz analogue RF sender transmitter... IR was utter consumer trash
no single box solution here, but if latency is that bad from all the security the BT special interest group baked into chips you will need to apply yourself.
i highly recommend
Looks nice apart from the empty room.
Anyone who knows a place in Europe were I can buy acoustic treatment for cheap? I'm interested in getting some diffusors for my room
maybe the Heresy model, not these shitty home theatre consumer-tier trash
Klipsch is just a meme. Nobody takes them seriously outside the USA
>built on the foundation
of past accolades and marketing bullshit
"Nevertheless, I was bothered in my auditioning by what appeared to be a lively cabinet with the entire region between 100Hz and 300Hz acoustically active. Here, I believe, is the reason for the lower-midrange coloration and unevenness I noted. "
"At the other end of the spectrum, there was some mid-treble emphasis, in that flutes were pushed forward in the soundstage and violins occasionally sounded a little more steely than usual.
I did find that I needed to sit exactly on the axes of the horn-loaded tweeters to get a sufficient degree of top-octave air; otherwise, the speakers lacked sparkle.
The Klipsch's weak point was its midrange. [Only the most important range of any speaker] The solo clarinet on Mosaic (Stereophile STPH015-2) seemed to excite some midrange resonances, some notes jumping forward and sounding blurry. Piano, too, sounded uneven, with some notes sounding louder, less well-defined than others.
When I stood behind the RB-15, I heard a rather hooty coloration emanating from the port. It lent fast piano passages a rather confused character by emphasizing the noises of the action, giving the instrument a bit of a "clattery" character. In this respect, rock and electronic music fared better than acoustic classical or jazz. [Because the defects in the design get lost in noise].
I'd grown accustomed to its lack of top-octave energy, its lack of low frequencies, and its rather "boppy" upper bass..."
this is a bad, overpriced speaker
Yeah, but its LOUD. Who cares about fidelity.
Why not both?
>letting normies have the pleasure of listening to your music
>Horn loaded
My hearing is still good, gramps.
its a room setup, I don't let the family use it.
Stop being a faggot by denying yourself good dynamics and low distortion.
Speakers have to be big, it's just physics.
are you japanese or something, because you live in a cubicle with speakers that are much too large for the room, unless you're half deaf
high-end speakers with excellent driver tech do not require "big", especially when one doesn't need to overcompensate for "other" things; i.e., why are you putting rock concert speakers into a little prison cell unless you can't hear anymore or can't walk
fuck all you deaf, horn-loading idiots; go sit in a traffic jam and get your soundbytes
No, I'm not Japanese. And my big speakers work better in my small room than the smaller I've owned before. Even the bookself speakers with 6" woofers had boomier bass than my current 15" woofers.
I've tried some "high-end" speakers: Focal Sopra no1, System Audio Pandium 50, KEF Reference 1&3 and Dynaudio Contour 20 to name a few. But they can't compare to my JBLs. And if you want to talk "excellent driver tech", check out the drivers JBL uses in the M2 and 4367. They are way more advanced than the oldschool drivers that Dynaudio uses.
>Small highly strained drivers trying to reproduce large instruments
>Good sound
Pick one
why do most speakers not have the center of the element like this has?`they usually have an external thing that can be damaged easily.
The dome is probably stiffer and probably offers better dispersion.
I know about thomann, I actually took the picture from there. But there must be other places as well.
>get new sub with very low frequency range
>notice that most songs and shows doesn't know they are playing these frequencies
>sit through scenes with constant 10-15hz buzz
tiny speakers cant do bass properly. usually only to 60hz or higher and even then not very loud
must be some really expensive high end sub then if it can produce anything audible on so low frequencies
What sub did you get? I'm starting to get annoyed with my sub's disappointing low end.
Hi user
Sup nigga
if any of you is interested massdrop is currently droping the Dali Zensor 1, 3 and pico (US only)
Looks like they're entry level speakers?
Just bought pic. Sony SS-CS5. Was $279 CAD for the pair from Sony's Gentec shop. I'm poor (relatively) as fuck, so these are the nicest speakers I've ever owned.
My damn 10 year old receiver is dying though. Started crackling yesterday. Only reason I think it lasted this long was because I only ever ran 2 100w speakers off the 600w 5.1 system. I need to find a good replacement. It's a samsung, probably couldn't find it anywhere now. It had really nice DRC + Smart volume control. Would really bring out the voices so I didn't get destroyed with Hollywood's wonkyass mixing. Wouldn't mind finding a 2ch version of something like it. If not, I might have to sell the speakers and just get a soundbar.
Don't do this. Never do this. There are 100-300 dollar receivers amps that get the job done. Onkyo, Yamaha, etc.
Ya, I've been looking. Only problem is they either lack features like DRC/smart volume, or only have analog inputs. My tv is a 4k LG. It only has HDMI(ARC) or toslink output.
Just copying the name of the product:
>Sony STRDH550 5.2 Channel 4K AV Receiver
Perhaps something like that for you. 150 dollars, has optical.
I was being derpy and trying to find a 2 channel receiver. Thanks.
2 channel amps/receivers can also have optical, but they cost a bit more money. My father purchased a Yamaha Amplifier that has it, however that was around 800 dollars.
Wew. Too poor for that. I like the receiver found. Thanks though. Only thing that makes me nervous is it's Sony. I know my speakers are Sony, but this HD Audio upscaling meme they are pushing scares me.
Anyone here know anything about "Dolby Pro Logic II"? It's basically 90's surround sound tech where the different speaker channels were encoded into stereo RCA wires. My parents have an old Bose Pro Logic II system with 5 directional speakers and a subwoofer and I just recently got it working for real. Having never really tested out a surround sound system, I am blown away by how good this sounds, it's like a fucking movie theater. I'm used to speakers that distort when you turn them up this loud, but here I can feel the air vibrating from the bass and it still sounds great
Anyway, what do I need to do to set up my PC so that it will think it is connected to a digital 5.1 system and not a stereo? I want it to render all audio as though it were 5.1, then automatically convert that to Dolby Pro Logic II's encoded-stereo signal and output that. I got MPC-HC and downloaded ffdshow for it, and that has a specific filter you can enable that seems to accurately translate a file with 5.1 audio so it works with Pro Logic II. But that only works with files I can play in MPC.
I was giving that as an example. AV receivers typically have the optical you're looking for. Don't just go with sony, search around.
Which JBL?
Did that stand comes with the blocks. Or did you jury rig that?
>Did that stand
He clearly made that stand with two pieces of board and four concrete blocks.
Your PC will have to have the outputs for 5.1 sound. If you're using the motherboard sound card, don't count on it. You'll need to buy a new soundcard in that case, either one you install or an external USB (these are fairly cheap). Once you have the outputs on your PC, which will most likely be 3- 3.5mm jacks; front, rear, and center/sub. Don't use toslink (optical) or SPDIF, since they can't do more than 2 channels of PCM (uncompressed audio). Then you'll need 3- 3.5mm to RCA adapters.
In case I'm retarded and you only need 2 channels, you simply need 1- 3.5mm to RCA adapter. Cheap and easy.
Was looking at the pictures of that receiver. Why is the subwoofer output plugs and not binding posts?
I can't stand that fat jew fuck anymore. Loved his early videos, but then he turned full jew. Keeps shilling his fucking patreon.
Dedicated sub out as far as I know. If you want to use binding posts you would use the LR outputs for speakers to the sub first, then use the output on the sub to the speakers.
>Pay money to pay me more money for stuff
I hate shit like this.
You can actually fit the entire surround sound signal through only a headphone jack. PL2 an interesting technology. The center channel is audio that is equally loud from the left and right channel (I think), the subwoofer is all low frequency, and the rear channels are created from the left and right channels by something called Out-Of-Phase-Stereo:
>It can also be performed using digital audio software by inverting one of the channels of a stereo audio waveform, and then summing both channels together to create a single mono channel.
Your computer does not recognize a digital surround sound receiver on the other end, so it just outputs analog stereo like always - and that's fine, since stereo's all Pro Logic II will accept. But that stereo will produce a muddy, equalized surround sound signal that's just auto-converted. If you want the surround sound to actually *work* and have sounds come from distinct directions, you have to downmix true 5.1 digital surround sound into special Dolby Pro Logic II stereo before you feed it to your TV/reciever, rather than just downmixing it to normal stereo like always. There is probably software out there that can do that for all your computer's sound. Maybe something like Virtual Audio Cable?
Seems like it's better to just get speakers with amazing imaging.
I wanted to get these but they were 3 times as much and I had no way to audition them. They're still my end game speaker.
Synthesis 4367. Theyre $15k new.