
I'm currently learning how to drive, and I was wondering why do we Yuros keep using manual transmission when automatic exist and is much simpler.

Is it purely because of autism or is there a real reason?

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I assume it's because manuals used to be considerably more fuel efficient than automatics and gasoline is expensive as fuck in yurop.

With advances in automatic transmissions they're now pretty much equal in that regard but people still love to think otherwise.

Even if you plan on driving an automatic you should still know how to work a manual.

theyre gays so they unconsciously enjoy fondling the stick frequently

Manual transmissions feel better, give the driver more control, and at one time they used to be more gas efficient.

Do you have to step on the clutch first before shifting gears, or do you step on it and shift at the same time? Also, at a red light, you have to go back on neutral, and start all over again, right?

>Also, at a red light, you have to go back on neutral, and start all over again, right?

Also I'm good at using the stick in one sense (from 1 toward 5) but bad in the decreasing order, so I fucked up hard on a roundabout during my 2nd driving session and almost had the car stop in the middle of it

Instructor says I'll get used to it but it feels like an unecessary bullshit

>step on the clutch first before shifting gears
>Also, at a red light, you have to go back on neutral, and start all over again, right?
I do, but that's more a matter of preference.

You can barely even find a manual gearbox in a car anymore.

Automatics weren't as reliable and fuel efficient as they are today, so those are two old reasons but there's still one left: control.
When you're driving in bad conditions, e.g. in winter, you don't want the car to do anything on its own. So manual is safer in bad conditions.
Manuals also feel good due to the extra control but not all people care about that.
And when you say that automatic is simpler, it's might be simpler to use but from an engineering point of view, it's much more complex.

I know you can feel and hear when it's time to shift up, but when is the right time to shift down?
So you can just completely stop in 3rd gear, and proceed while in 3rd?

Maybe in America, but it's still the standard here

>So you can just completely stop in 3rd gear, and proceed while in 3rd?
technically yes, but you'll have no power at all, you'll be crawling until you get to the right speed range for third

Manual cars are useless as fuck for a normal driver . they used to conusme less oil and that was good but now automatic and manual have almos the same consumption rate . so yeah now their only advantage is price

little negro babby having difficulty with learning to use manual? awwwwwwwww

Not everyone has superior asian IQ like you, my fingolian friend

So you can drift those corners.

i don't know about france but in the UK you must pass your test in a manual car, otherwise your license only lets you drive automatic

Real life isnt initial d . only autists racers and gulf arabians drift

Every car in France is manual aside from a few rich cunts, so the question isnt even on the table
I was just wondering why we impose this shit upon ourselves

Because oil is expensive in europe

Thanks for the 411 :)

Would the price decrase if we liberated Tunisia?

1. Push clutch pedal down and release gas pedal
2. Change your gear
3. Give the engine a little gas and slide the clutch back on
This is assuming you're accelerating.

At red lights you choose neutral, release the clutch pedal and push break down. Then when lights turn green, put first gear on and start driving.

You'll wear the throwout bearing every time you use the clutch, so leaving the gear on neutral is the right choice.

You'll develop a sense for the right gear but generally car engines are optimized to work at 1500-2000 rpm, so if you go beyond that, you'll put on a higher gear and if you go below, you'll put on a lower gear.

I won't go to engine breaking but generally you'll put the gear on neutral, stop and then when you're ready to proceed, you put on the first gear. So just like an automatic transmission, even if you don't know what's happening. If you try to start driving at a higher gear, the engine doesn't have enough torque. Most cars can start driving with 2nd or even 3rd gear but they aren't designed to work that way and there isn't any benefit in doing so.

Here's some music for the thread:

Because back in the days automatic gearboxes were slow and unefficient. So when american's dad was teaching his son driving a car with automatic transmission, european dad was teaching his son how to drive manual.

>1500-2000 rpm
Maybe in a diesel
Most petrol cars (and bikes) I've driven have their best power from 3000-6000

Best power maybe but you have to take things such as fuel efficiency into account too. Some older cars need higher RPM (2000-2500) for the lubrication to work properly though.

This, it's just a meme at this point.

Semi-automatic is the only thing I would consider in 2016.

1. Autos are considerable more expensive here
2. Not all models/trim levels come with auto

In Germany at least, auto is still considered as some kind of luxury, so they'll bill you big time.

Autos are for fags


>This is assuming you're accelerating.
How does it differ when you're slowing down?

Manual used to be better in fuel efficiency, but nowadays there's no discernible difference. It's just there in case you like having slightly more control

I change at 4000-5000rpm and skip a few gears when accelerating to a highway speed, anything else is for old ladies.

This. My '99 powerless 1,6l Toyota won't do a shit below 2000rpm from 3rd gear up.

what are you gay, faggot?

You may have to take into account breaking. Depends, how you're decelerating.

That's because you're impatient and/or think you're some sort of street racer.

I just learned to drive a manual this year, and while both types of transmissions suit multiple purposes, one thing that I find particularly reassuring with regards to the control factor of a manual is the ability to downshift PRIOR to or even while descending a hill to slow down or at least counter some of the natural roll. This can even be used in some cases to slow down if you lose your brakes. In MOST cases, an automatic will do just the opposite and when you start to roll, it'll upshift to increase your roll distance and to decrease RPMs of the transmission/engine. (Truckers call this Jake-Braking, I believe)

Give it another 5-10 years, and the used Automatic clutch is now more wear proff than the Manual one.
But we aren't there yet.

Unless you go full fag, and buy a Tesla. Electric transmission is simply very different from Diesel or Gasoline transmission.

Honestly engine braking is what I would miss the most in an auto.

My driving teacher taught me how to use it to save up on brakes, and when traffic is light I use it a lot.

I went practice driving in a parking lot for the first time yesterday. My family has 2 cars (4 but only two work) one manual and one automatic. I drove in the automatic and the impression I left with was that getting the hang of using the clutch, especially in tandem with the gas, would be the hardest thing to master about the whole endeavor.

Manual transmissions also have fewer parts and are less complex. In addition to fuel economy, cost is a considerable reason. Euroland has higher tax rates overall than Shartopia.

Also what the finn said, when you can see and feel the road, you dont want some optimized dumb-as-a-brick machine making decisions that can cause you to slide backwards down an icy hill, possibly scissoring your trailer and causing $$$ in repairs.

Haha I love this thread

Every yuropoor descending on one of their own because he prefers an automatic. Also, OP, you must be rich to afford driving lessons and a car, bet the yuroneets can't process that either.


Manual is much more fun. Automatic is for women

Do you also ride your bicycle with those little stabilizer wheels so that you don't fall?


Where are you from?
t. Keffois

>can you get the car in motion from 3rd gear

Depends on the car and the conditions. You CAN, but most cars I've driven require you to rev unnecessarily to do that. Much more comfortable to just release the clutch smoothly without throttling at all. Usually I'd rather try not to stop, to conserve fuel.