/tosg/ - TempleOS General - TERRY IS BACK
Get working for King Terry.
He's taking applications for priests.
Here's the mission from God and specs needed.
God says...
reactivated superficiality wangle sprightliness griped Songhai's Abraham
miscarried pesticide's Bultmann thanked caboose's enforcement's palmist
abductee's Elijah's Rasmussen's redesign judiciousness's mussier Xuzhou
debriefings skyjacked custodial marrying Bowery Mar pontificated revamp's
rental's Tunguska affectation's
Stunnning beauty of physics girl...
How could Terry think He had shot? Fuck-it, just show NIST proof, she see
immediately most famous human past present or future. First contact
if level of Mr. Terry, so He little arrogantly and stupidly thought.
Sent emails, all day and night full of these God-mountain dialogs.
She seemed sorta responding but not directly for some reason. Loved her.
Joke, how King Solomon propose? "Your my wife."
Terry, still no clue of Planet Venus. Rude shock, soon to happen.
I am "cuck-old"? Never knew such a horror existed.
Terry, 47-year-old virgin, not dying coward... says, fuck this,
(I'm sending porn, maybe 6-months-in,
pressures to compete with 12-years-old males on virility?)
God said I had to promise to share Dianna.
So, more vow before God.
Then, discover, 9 months later, not aware NIST is proof, thought
I was Linus Torvalds, perhaps? Low metalistacy stars, was research.
Obviously, no clue why I never get emails, real-quality-delusions,
many possible spelations. Status quo is not bad once you understand good in life
always balances with bad, anyway. Whatever.
Humiliation balances with exaltations.
Homos excel, God said, because of self loathing.
Terry had spot. Got dog to lick dick, dalmation 1985.
Sat in dog house age 3, ring worm? Not sure what story was.
Beastiality is a god-level degree of shame.
I'm Sagitarious, by the way, which... well.
God said Dianna fucking niggers was beastiality.
Where is he in this video?
He said "uh oh, Zoe's home." I think Zoe is his sister.
For real though, how can we help him?
There isn't really any way that we can unless he specifically asks for something.
TERRY! I was starting to get worried.
did he lose big on bitcoin?
Not that I know of. Why do you Ask?
Not many people seem to be happy to see him back.
i still am
yeah the sleeping with a nasty crackwhore in a desert part ruined the messiah fairytale for me
Well at least he's not missing any more. Turns out he was in a mental hospital again.
we can see he was kept well drugged
We'll have that part taken out when we canonize the scriptures
Where can i buy same t-shirt?
even jesus had a wife for a short time. it was written out too i believe.
We all did.
Not me I only use it to buy weed on the black markets.
Instant classic.
>sleeping with a nasty crackwhore in a desert
wasn't mary magdalene a nasty desert crackwhore?
pics or it didnt happen i guess
God bless you Terry Davis you absolute madman. We missed you.
fake news
Glad to see you're back
where can I buy a book on holy-c
>Marxist jew francis
can someone plz educate terry?