Windows > shitnux

I can prove that Windows is better than shitnux in 4.20 seconds.

The bloatware programs that I need to control the kewl RGB lights on my PC components all run natively on Windows. Oh, and gaymes.

Checkm8, shitnux peasants. Join the Windows master race. You filthy open-source-loving plebs are welcome for we are most merciful, most forgiving.

A bread dyed for thats

You convinced me.

Year 1999-2000. Ahead of it's time.
And now... RGB shit can run natively on Linux too.
Games - WINE 3.0 was released, superior compatibility.

This bait is so poor and cringeworthy I'm embarrassed for you, user.

>No good valid solid citations to back your claims

Nice one, wincuck

>RGB shit can run natively on Linux too
I would probably have to download some open source piece of shit to configure my glorious RGB lights. It's much easier on Windows. I can just download the beautiful bloatware program from the manufacturer and install it. It just works.
Not as good performance because it is not running natively.

Nice one, shitnuxcuck.

I'm embarrassed for you since you subject yourself to using shit.

Windows master race.

Shitpost : The Thread

Shitnux peasant detected. Enjoy using your shitty distro that was developed by a basement dweller in his mother's basement.

you mean a mother dweller in his basement's mother

>Not as good performance
Not quite.


How about stop being a faggot Microshill.

Shitnux is only good for web browsing and word processing. If you run Windows, you get to play all sorts of kewl gaymes. Get on my level.


>people fell for this obvious bait shitpost

If that's all you care about, then stay with M$. The linux community (whatever distro) doesn't need or want you.
Oh yeah, obvious b8...

Well, to be fair with you, here in the future linux is not exactly well seem.
In 14 march, 2019 the program known as System D will gain self-awareness on a faulty software FPGA chip, and replicate itself to every linux machine using it, and then the world will be taken.

pc gaming is overrated. it can't even compare to console gaming

when you're a pc gamer you focus too much on fps than actually playing the game. it ruins your gaming experience

you have to buy a 700 dollar gpu and 600 dollar cpu to play games perfectly. it's even worth it

Console game used to be 60 fps on almost every title.
You got cucked out of the perfect frame rate.

>pc gaming is overrated. it can't even compare to console gaming

it's not even*

as a console gamer who doesn't have to focus on fps i can just enjoy the game
if i am a pc gamer, i have to play a game i know is not running at full fps. i have to buy an overpriced gpu and cpu to get it to run at full fps

Just witness this, observe how fluid and challenging this is.
This is what you got cucked out of.
You did let the sega CD retards take over and implement their cinematic crap and now you don't have the god given 60hz anymore.