macOS, W*ndows, even some modern linux DE's all have this Godawful flat look to them. No styling at all, they all look the same.
>why i use xubuntu with a mixture of stock themes and icons, nice window boarders and icons with actual effort put into them
Benjamin Sullivan
Because normies like it for some reason. At least GNU/Linux allows you to choose a more old-school look, while keeping the OS itself modern in terms of security updates.
Liam Martin
Flattened aesthetics on a flat screen makes sense to the eye. Do you really want the WinXP Media Center Edition with nonsensical shadows all over hell?
'Flattening' the first layer or background and adding one single shadow on top of things makes most mobile programs accessible by touch without much frustration.
Ryan Peterson
>mobile programs accessible by touch STOP DOING THIS ON OUR FUCKING DESKTOPS
Isaiah James
i'm not talking about the shadows dumbfuck, i'm talking about the level of detail in icons or menu boarders. they all look plain as fuck
Robert Brooks
You absolutely are talking about shadows.
Isaiah Mitchell
>windor boarder detail >icon detail
>u talking about shadows
Henry Watson
The flat look is difficult to use. You don't know what is a button or just a label. I have no clue if something is scrollable or not because now they hide the scrollbars when it's staying still. Everything is scaled to shit - either too large or too small and it's not consistent between interfaces.
Jason Cook
Literally no one cares. At all what you say. You are just one person out of millions actually voting with their wallet instead of whining.
Ian Baker
>You are just one person out of millions actually voting with their wallet instead of whining Windows uses this "modern" look with no option to not use it. MacOS uses this "modern" look with no option not to use it. GNU/Loonix thankfully gives you choices, but being that the OS is free in price as well as your freedom, "vote with your wallet" doesn't really apply.
In other words, voting with your wallet doesn't work here because there's nothing else to vote for.
William Thomas
Most things non-rice look like shit. Try having a flat + transparent terminal with a good background
John Wilson
>transparent terminal Unless the opacity is at 90-99, don't do this if you care about workflow
Nathan Ward
Compton makes it easy to set the active / inactive transparency for windows.
I like looking at my wallpapers.
Logan Rodriguez
then it'll look even shittier. transparent things are sometime nice in the terminal but not in core parts of your OS like the main GUI
Samuel Bennett
>using a DE i3 only master race
Dylan Reed
not practical if you're not a heavy programmer
Luis Russell
>not a heavy programmer
Ian White
you're a contrarian, grats
Asher Gray
GUIs used to take skill, now pajeet and tommy the art student are in charge.
Owen Parker
Evan Hughes
curious, why i3 over bspwm?
Samuel Howard
You can make it look worse OP.
Landon Brooks
>"wish I could turn back time" >"to the good old days"
Noah Perez
>What is donating to the projects you like and possibly support the addition or modification of things in those projects by helping them with money
Julian Adams
>Arc for gtk2 with breeze icons >default gtk3 fight me