
Can anyone on here help get into my gfs instragram we’ve been engaged for 3 years and she’s been acting suspicious can someone help me?

Yes she's cheating on you.

I just wanna be sure since we’re planning the wedding but I need help :/

>gf of 3 years
>doesn't even let you follow her on Instagram, the most self-curated social media network
>considering marriage

Simply tell her to accept your follow (or whatever the fuck she has to do for you to see her stuff). If she doesn't accept, she doesn't trust you and you should consider breaking up instead of marrying.

You're really considering marrying someone who won't let you see their instagram? Are you thick?

>You're really considering marrying someone who uses instagram?

you should leave her for having a stupid ass name

How do you see private IG's?

You send a follow request and if they approve you get access.

I sent her a screenshot saying you don't trust her. You are fucked op

Why would you marry someone that you don't trust and that clearly doesn't trust you? You think you'd be able to get into your fiances Instagram without hacking. My parents don't even have separate email accounts . It sounds like your relationship is doomed to failure anyway just give up now.

Mate, you need to stop drinking soy, you can't let your girl do whatever she wants like this, this is not something a wife would do
A wife is soppose to be your best friend, your lover, and a mother to your children, if you cant imagine her in all of these roles, then you need to tell her that and move on, assuming she doesnt want to improve

Maybe it's just me, but I would never share my passwords with my fiancee, even if we were to marry, although not letting them even follow you on social media is insane.

>make Instagram account with hot guy as picture
>send following request
>chat with her
>see what she does

It’s easy op.

This is what happens when someone who doesn't know English very well tries to make an epic burn reply with non sequiturs and nonsense meme-speak.


>engaged for 3 years
>3 years

>A wife is soppose to be your best friend, your lover,

Please tell us this is satire OP.

>I'm too insecure to let my gf have privacy
>can you help me hack into her life uninvited
please go back in your basement

this. never give a normie access to anything.

You make a dummy account and put make up shit like you fake a store or some shit. Follow hundreds of random people, and some are bound to follow back. Wait till you have at least 200 followers then follow the girl you wanna see.

>tfw i do this just to stalk my ex

Takes effort but worth it in the long run

She is cheating on you, my man. Game over.