Wrong answers only

Sup Forums the fuck is this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


hard disc

it's a 5 1/4 inch floppy disk

I have one of those, I spread my butter with it

Memory stick

My dad says it's an El Pee.

His dad apparently used these to play music?

Can't you read?
It's a BASF

It's clearly a SATA cable

It’s the legendary Betamax

I think a dick measure

Is that a FAMAS?

It's a save button isn't it?

i love user

flobby disg :DDD:DD D:D

I'm pretty sure that's a low profile heatsink

It's a BASF. BetaMax Automatic Storage Floppy.


it's a 'what's a computer'

sex toy for boys

It's a BBC girth measure. It's where the phrase "if the cock fits" comes from. Thusly, if the aforementioned cock does fit your mother would not entertain it.

Cool! A Cheez Whiz!

>All these newfags
It's a laser disc, you fucks.

>laser disc
Nope, it's obviously a Videodisc.
Try harder kiddo, your wikipedia knowledge is lacking.

It's the "we used to slap idiots with that shit" thing

its a computer

It's a usb line

No, we used to slap idiots with full metal construction Model F's.

Clearly it's a hard shell enclosed single vinyl record. Must be some hot shit music hit, probably Michael Jackson' Thriller.

It's a CD before the corners have been rounded off.

It's a zip diskettes you retard!

its from a dustbag

No, it's a zip disquette

Why wasn't this first post? Fucking Sup Forums...
Regardless, /thread

nigerian toast bread

It's a flying saucer

it's an ancient relict: vinyl record sleeve

No, this is not a PlayStation game disc, it's obviously a vinyl record

Are traps gay?

Flexible Magnetosquare

doesn't matter if they're cute and act feminine and under 25

Ancient musical instrument


I get the reference.

Save button

Zip diskette

It's a writable disk. Black absorbs light, so you write to black disks.
Then you read from shiny disks that reflect light.

I used to call these tallywackers when I was little. I have no idea why.

It's a slice from an old cube fleshlight, it was manufactured by BASF back in the day.

A portable glory hole.

A cd in a caddy
