Why normies fall for this?

Why normies fall for this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>sexbot climaxes
>user gets electrocuted

like pottery

Who is this plastic fantastic?

Not a bad way to die desu


Because they didn't ascended yet into fapping for open source mascots.


I am not asking why anons' fall for it, I am asking why normies do.

This is unironically my main motivation to finish school and get a job to make money in order to buy her

Is it just a silicone doll or can it ride my dick aswell? Only fags play with dolls.

Post goat.

Even as a doll it BTFO most real women.

This goat?

There's now another goat but it's not a mascot of anything. So that would be a yes.

jewish trickery

best goat


post more

I want to punch that face so much

you've set reasonable goals, you'll make it, son



techsupport better than childsupport

I want an android waifu and she doesn't even have to be able to fuck. I just want cute android of my waifu to hold hands and cuddle.

ewww 3d.

>can't wake up

The thing is, when you finish school there will probably be a version 2.0
