How can one website be so based?

How can one website be so based?

Other urls found in this thread:

always bump tpb

rarbg is also based

Teach those corp niggers some manners


>Njalla: Thanks for that lovely e-mail. It’s always good to communicate with people that in their first e-mail use words as “we demand”, “pursue all available legal remedies” and so forth. I’d like to start out with some free (as in no cost) advice: please update your boiler threat letters to actually try what most people try first: being nice. It’s not expensive (actually the opposite) and actually it works much better than your method (source: a few tens of thousands years of human development that would not have been as efficient with threats as it would have been with cooperation).


>NYT: Once again, as I mention above, the referenced website is stealing large amounts of New York Times content. If you click on this link:

As this abuse — aside from being an egregious infringement of The Times’s copyright — breaches your own Terms of Service, I hope you will be able to see your way to helping me to put a stop to this practice by providing me with the name and contact information for the owner of and for the ISP on which it is hosted

>Njalla: Stealing content seem quite harsh of this website though, didn’t know that they did that! Is there anyway you can get the stolen items back though? You should either go to the police and request them to help you get the stolen items back. Or maybe talk to your insurance company, they might help to compensate you for the loss. But a helpful idea; if they’ve stolen something and then put copies of that on a website that you can freely access, I would suggest just copying it, so that both of you have the same things. That’s a great thing with the digital world, everyone can have copies of things. I am surprised they stole something when they could just have copied it. I’m guessing it’s some older individuals that don’t know the possibilities of modern day technology to make copies.

based tpb

How can NSA honeypo- i mean TPB be so based?

Ikr, I love TPB


The NSA's clandestine operation is to prevent civil insurgencies and attacks on the govt data network.

They might be "watching" everything but they dont give a fuck about your love of the angry birds movie.

>dmca: [email protected]
turbo kek

RARBG loads pop-ups on separate windows, even if you have adblockers it opens the windows (even if empty), the site is absolute shit.
TPB is on another level.

Indeed. TPB is completely functional even without JS.

Liberal shitrag btfo

because bulgarians are smart :^)

>even if you have adblockers it opens the windows

So add a manual filter. ezpz

that's just stupid tho. njalla obviously knows about intellectual property (although don't most news outlets ''copy'' each other) but equates it to objective possession and tries to make fun of that

Here's the reality of the situation though: When you put something on the web you no longer own it. It gets freely shared like crazy. You cant fight that even with DRM, DRM gets cracked.
So you either give up and let people share what they got, or you fail until you die.

Peter Sunde is a fucking cuck soyboy "socialist vegetarian":

He only loves piracy because he views it as a form of socialism, and he loves socialism.

He claims to care about free speech, but he only cares about you if you're left wing. I woldn't be surprised if this so called privacy protecting service would immediately out and right wing organisations to authorities. Never trust socialists to care about your freedom.

A VPN service he founded shut down someones account because another user wrongfully accused them of being a nazi:

Whereas Gottfrid Svartholm (anakata) who actually wrote the TPB code is a libertarian who runs PRQ who actually care about free speech.

Not possible.

For you.

>Peter Sunde is a fucking cuck soyboy "socialist vegetarian":
now i understand why he had no problem of going to prison for a year. im from his reaction while at home, from that pb documentary, he was like, fuck it, ill go and get it over with. but their prisons are fucking nice

Firefox + uBlock Origin + uMatrix doesn't have this problem.

Good goy

>lol try and shut us down
>10 years later u cant
>oh no somethings happening please donate to keep the servers up
>we are arrested please donate
>jk lol
>shut down website
>start apollo/red
>rinse and repeat

PirateBay has self awareness.

>I also looked at the Terms of services on our end that you referenced in the earlier letter (the threatening, remember?) -- you stated that the domain was violating ToS 4.2c. Let me send you a copy of that for you, for easier reference (and you can have this copy, we still have our own); 'You agree that you will not use the Services and/or the domain name provided by the Services for activities involving: [..] c. Publicizing and/or spreading of content that is illegal according to any applicable laws'
>Deborah, I was quite shocked and appalled that you referred to this part of our ToS. It made me actually not visit the website in question even though you've linked it now a few times. You're admitting to spreading illegal content at your newspaper, for profit, is that correct?
>We're quite big proponents of freedom of speech, let me assure you of that, but we also have limits. If you spread illegal content, and our customers stole that illegal content and are now handing out free copies of that, that's a huge issue for us.

>downloading torrents makes you a goy
Fuck off back to private tracker general nerd

check about:confing, I only allow popus manually and block them all

kikes absolutely btfo

>(and you can have this copy, we still have our own)

>what is umatrix

Just read the whole thing. Good read.

I-I don't know guise, what if the new world order strikes back and shut us down?


Fail at internet harder please.

Intellectual property is retarded and not real

This is hilarious. Really takes me back to those TPB letters.

It is my opinion that OP is a ****ing faggot, and should sodomize himself with a retractable baton.

TPB has a rather good selection of videos, wouldn't you agree?