BAN cryptocurrencies.
Close all exchanges and seize every asset.
Make cryptocurrency ownership and transfer illegal.
Imprison for up to 10 years for failing to disclose access to encrypted wallets.
BAN cryptocurrencies
Other urls found in this thread:
or you could just wait for people to realize that it has no value
BAN Jews.
Close all banks and seize every asset.
Make matzo and and circumcision illegal.
Imprison for up to 10 years for failing to disclose Jews.
BAN shitposts
Close all shitposts and seize every thread.
Make shitposting and trolling illegal.
Ban for up to 10 years for failing to stop shitposting.
drugs are illegal hows that working out mate
Because banning things stops them from existing.
Holy shit you are retarded.
I love these threads just because they trigger the hell out of coinfags.
take your bigotry and antisemitism to
Fuck off moshe
why, JP?
Reminder that Sup Forums is being flooded with federal reserve shills who see their mafia control of the economy threatened by cryptocurrency
muh fucking vidya
go back to /v
"We all knew that this mumbo jumbo wouldn't fly".
Crypto currencies have no worth and aren't backed by gold or a countries wealth.
It's a fucking bubble and no mistake, over inflated by idiots who've remortgaged their houses to buy a result of an equation.
It's a Ponzi scheme, pure and simple. And there is no mistaking why it's dropping in value. As soon as the big banks started to offer to short Bitcoin you knew it was in the shit.
Saying that, there is no mistaking why the markets are riding so high, with quantitative easing and the transfer of wealth from governments to the private sector, no wonder the FTSE and Dow numbers are through the roof.
This year we're even more fucked than 2007.
>Transfer of wealth from governments to the public sector
Yeah buddy, I suggest you stop commenting on anything about economics.
BAN anime.
Close all 2D and seize every Japanese.
Make anime ownership and transfer illegal.
Imprison for up to 10 years for failing to disclose access to encrypted loli.
>Crypto currency has no value
>Company shares have no value
>Money has no value
When are you going to stop? Or are you just such a low quality person that you can't?
i hope they will
*yawn* call me when I can buy groceries at my local store with shitcoin
I meant private. My bad.
John McAfee said he'll castrate himself if Bitcoin price doesnt raise ten-fold in the next 5 years
just waitâ„¢
Crypto tokens are literally not currency, it's like saying a car has no value because you can't drive it into a store and trade it for groceries, which I'm sure you've tried by now.
call me when you can buy groceries with shares of a company
good one
sure but how's the government going to do this?
Nothing has any value. There's only supply and demand. Lrn2economics.
I'm guessing there are alternatives.
I like how these buttcoin threads attract your kind. We should always have one of these up to act as containment thread for all lolbertardians.
Are you that guy who started "Anti-Matser/Slave" movement on GitHub?
Reminder that cryptopyramids are a Jewish ploy to scam the goyim.
Nobody personally knows any actual person who has profited from Bitcoin in real life. It's all unverifiable fabulous tales of immeasurable profits from anonymous people online.
All fiction, just like stories of people profiting millions from MLM shit like Mary Kay.
Cryptocurrency is the future.
Money should be out of the hands of the government and the central banks, they're fucking with your money right now. With each passing year, the U.S. dollar is becoming more and more worthless because of them.
I don't necessarily think any crypto right now is THE optimal choice as a total replacement to fiat currency, there's a lot that I don't like about them in their current form, but they have the right ideas. I like the amount of freedom you have with cryptocurrency.
anybody who got rich off of Bitcoin and has cashed out on it isn't going to vocal about it. For one, if Uncle Sam knows you have a million dollars of non-taxed money, you can bet your ass that they'll be coming after you for their fair share.
>the proof is that there's no proof.
Of course.
It's not much different from profiting from normal currencies, except it's more risky and profitable.
All you need is to sell when the price is higher than when you bought it. Until now, you really had to be a brainlet to lose money on it. It might change at any time though.
I only know two people who lost money on crypto, and they all just bandwagoned and bought during hype and sold all out of fear during next correction.
yes, let russian criminals and anyone with access to a computer manipulate currency
totally sane
BAN gaming
Close steam and seize every executable.
Make controlling animated objects and playing illegal.
Imprison for up to 10 years for failing to throw out gaming consoles
this is a nice new copypasta, but could be shorter or more easy to remember
eat shit kike
Most coins are cashgrabs with no value, and it's true Bitcoin won't last as a currency due to transaction times, but you're dead wrong if your thought is that these currencies aren't the future. Privacy coins are rising even now. Once those are combined with a chain providing faster transactions, it's game over. And no regulation is gonna stop it. The only thing that would work is FUDing the populace so it never gets off the ground, and it's too late for that.
we'd need to nuke japan again
Kill yourselves for replying to such obvious bait, Sup Forumstards really get tiggered easily.
Hehe good boi open that ass for daddy government
Wouldn't be the first time.
We could save money if we let the norks do it
Newfags fall for obvious bait the hardest what a surprise