Does Samsung S8 lag?

I was just in a phone shop looking at all the new phones. I have an old piece of shit phone and of course it lags.

But when I opened the Samsung S8 and messed around with it I noticed it lagged. It wasn’t big of course but i did notice when opening up application menus, it lagged.

What gives?

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I don't notice any delay on mine. Had it roughly 6 months.

It’s an Android.
It lags by design

It has occasional UI hitching and frame lag, but in actual app usage, app launching etc, there is no actual delay.

So depends what you mean by lag. Does the framerate occasionally stutter? Yep. But that doesn't actually effect performance, or how long it takes to do something, so it's not as if it's delaying you, or actually effecting performance in any way.

Have one, everything opens instantly

If you leave the phone on for more than about 2-3 weeks it does start to get laggy.

Just restart it and it's good for another few weeks.

>Just restart it and it's good for another few weeks.

lol android.. never turned off my iphone.

Who gives a fuck? If you don't have 30 seconds to spare every 2-3 weeks you're kidding yourself.

my galaxy s7 doesn't have this problem

>no lags
Pick one.

Pure Android doesn't lag. Easily verifiable by installing AOSP on your phone(if you didn't fall for locked bootloader phone meme).

What actually causes lags?

Is it the Java garbage collector?

Hardware trumps software for me.

Samsung has the best android hardware available, the software can be improved over time, the hardware you're stuck with until you get a new phone.

Neither does my S7 Edge

It shares the SOC with at least 6 other phones.

Extensive changes to the kernel and system framework. No, uninstalling background apps won't help. No, changing the launcher won't help it either.

>the software can be improved over time

True, it can.
But it won't.
It will only get shittier over time.

I mean what is the OS doing that causes the UI to stutter or get slower?

I assume you don't know but maybe someone else does.

if the SoC was the only thing that made up the hardware, you might have a point.

Nice meme, but i've had samsung phones since the Note1. Then the Note3, Note5, and Note8.

In my household there is also 2 galaxy S8 Actives, one S7, and one Note5.

The software continues to get better over time, comparing the Note1 to the Note8 would be such a drastic change you wouldn't even recognize the Note8 as being samsung.

Shitty programmers doing heavy tasks on the main thread(which should be only used for displaying UI). And since Samsung devs are rewriting Androids UI you get lags in Android itself. Also CPU scheduler not rising frequency fast enough.

It's not exactly lag, that's just how android phones work. They lag by design. If you want instant response every time just get an iPhone.

>if the SoC was the only thing that made up the hardware, you might have a point.
That's literally how it is. We are talking about Android performance here. Build quality or camera don't affect how fast Android runs.

>The software continues to get better over time
>comparing the Note1 to the Note8
Make your fucking mind already. Note 1 did NOT get better over time, and neither will Note8.

I never said I buy hardware for how it effects how android runs, I said I buy the best hardware period.

That includes screen quality, build quality, design, camera, etc.

Software is just one aspect, as the SoC is just one aspect.

The Note3 and Note5 did, the S6 did, the Note8 likely will since it's getting oreo soon.

Whats your point fuck head? You're lying to yourself if you think samsung just makes their phones worse over time.

Software is the main factor nowadays. Even last gen phones with stock Android run noticeably smoother than current gen Samsung phones.

Hate to break it to you,

It will get better by putting a new OS on it.

But Samsung won't improve it own software.
They will just add more spyware and find new ways to circumvent the Bixby button blocker.

>and find new ways to circumvent the Bixby button blocker
Been using it just fine on my S8 for months, even works in the oreo beta.

Serious answer here: it's caused by touchwizz mainly in the app launcher.

Most of this lag can be fixed by installing Nova from the playstore and setting animations to "faster than light". Further performance can be achieved by settings animations to "off" in the android dev settings.

The people who made the Bixby blocker said they had to switch techniques because Samsung changed something that stopped it from working.
And they think it could very well stop working again in the future.

Used to be they could actually disable the button.
But now Bixby gets launched and all they can do is close it again a fraction of a second later.

Adding to this: Even further performance can be achieved by enabling the "Force GPU rendering" which is what makes iPhones perform so snappy.

However the bad news is this will take a serious toll on your battery life as more resources are used to render graphics on your phone.

Have you actually tried it?

bxActions works great and has worked for months

I never understood the bixby blocker meme, there's an option to disable it in bixby settings and after that you can use any button remapper on the play store to make it do something else, I've been doing this for months without any issues.

>there's an option to disable it in bixby settings and after that you can use any button remapper on the play store to make it do something else

No there isn't.

Not on my Note 8 at least.

All Samsung phones lag because of TouchWiz. If they switched to AOSP with Samsung apps, it wouldn't lag.

Press the button and slidethe bixby key toggleto off senpai, it used to be in the settings menu iirc

>there's an option to disable it in bixby settings

>No there isn't.

Yeah there is.


Yeah but like I said in
the lag can be virtually eliminated and you can reach iPhone-level snappiness with forced gpu rendering.

I'm using Bixby Remapper

It does work, but it's a hack:
When I press the Bixby button the screen flashes and a sound is played. - this is because Bixby is actually launched before Bixby Remapper closes it.

Used to be that Bixby could be disabled completely, not not on the most recent Touchwiz versions.

>which is what makes iPhones perform so snappy
What makes iphones snappy is actually the fact that they literally stop everything for the duration of the (rather glacial) transition animations, you can't interact with active elements of an app until the animation stops, which annoys me enough to never even consider an iphone as my daily driver.

>Java garbage collector?
android uses the java /language/, not /java/

So it's not running in a virtual machine?

That too but it's mostly forced gpu rendering. iPhones prioritize speed over battery life, android is the opposite of that.

iPhones could become serious competition to Android phones if apple doubled the RAM, used bigger batteries, and used better cooling. But with thr way it's going apple will probably remove the mic on the next iPhone and require a dongle adapter to be able to use a mic all in the name of making their shitty phones thinner.

Modern JVM used in Android 6.0 and up use ART and have near-native performance of C++.

Correct. Android is using ahead of time compilation for Java, like C or C++ does.

>ART brings faster execution of applications, improved memory allocation and garbage collection (GC) mechanisms

So it still has a garbage collector

And you can use C++ to write android apps anyway, so I've never understood why people are bitching about performance. It's as good as it gets.
You can have garbage collection in any language, even in C.

>still has a garbage collector
of course, but not the JVM GC.