Dead Drops/Piratebox

What do you think of usb gloryholes Sup Forums?
What about Piratebox offline hotspots?

Other urls found in this thread:

These days 99% are USB Killer

Where do you live that you even see any? Much less test them to see if they're USB killers?

I work in a major city daily, and have never seen one.

I built a piratebox myself but nobody ever connected in 2 months of daily carrying so I gave up

Seems like a good way to break off a USB stick into your (modern laptop's) single USB port.

would have been a cool idea before 95

now any internet connection is a gloryhole

Cool if you're a turbo nerd that lives to come up with stupid shit like that. I'd go to format the drive, then disconnect it part way, leaving it fucked up.

How would that leave it fucked up?

I was walking while listening to music once.
I did not notice it was there and broke it off.

He's an edgy retard trying to act cool and contrarian. Of course he has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.

wow you break things for fun? You must be the coolest kid in middle school

What is that, the tech nerd's equivalent of this?

What could it possibly have on there that would pique my interest? The internet seems like a fine enough place to hide things for people to stumble upon if you want that oooh spooky mystery appeal.

If they have content anything like the dead drop FTP's at last C3 had they might be interesting

Basically, they will give you CP or viruses. Usually both.

try this.

What kind of gargantuan moron plugs in a storage device that they aren't sure of the contents of?

"what's a computer" type of people?

I'm going to buy a bag of chinese knockoff duckies and plant them around. Plug them in and it'll use keyboard presses to download a program and run it. The program will set up persistence and then I'll steal all the jpgs

Are they, though? Don't USB killers require the USB's hardware to be configured with certain components?

Never heard of an USB cable?

It not working is the exception, not the rule. Apparently it doesn't work on Macs but it'll usually do something to just about anything else.

Thank you for the prompt response, but I was referring to the configuration of the thumb drive.
IE, I can't just load software X on any old drive and nuke anything I plug it into... can I?

Yeah, it's not software. It has a bunch of capacitors inside that charge off of the 5v and send -240v bursts over the data lines.

>idiot plugs in laptop
>the stick wirelessly sends command to brick thrower device located on roof of building
>the brick falls on head of user

I thought so, was just confirming. Seems kind of silly to not have some kind of inbuilt surge protection on all of your hardware's I/O.

That's what it's designed to ''''test'''' for

Seems even sillier to insert rogue USB devices.

Fair enough. What an evil piece of hardware.

I guess. If i found a USB sticking out of the wall like the OP, I'd be intrigued. What about something more official?
>Static concrete columns sticking out of public places with USB squids for LAN connection/public data storage

Fuck, I meant
>ethernet squids

I'm drunk.

I'm not much for WiFi's speed or reliability but I would vastly prefer it in a public place. You can't put an etherkiller on the other side of a wifi connection.

>tfw there's no port that can't kill
>tfw no PortCondom(tm)
>tfw no more trust


This is why you should only plug in with devices you've purchased in matrimony.

I laughed, but also cried

Government employees


"Special" Forces is right.

>implying that your program will run on my openbsd computer

Yeah. I'd take a pair of needle nose pliers to that bitch and twist off the jack.

Never seen one in my life. Is this a San Francisco thing?

Seen one in Vegas but was too much of pussy to try it

I've fucked up a SD card doing something like that before. I couldn't save it with the appropriate software either. You, good sir low-tier troll, can fuck clean off.

Doing that in Vegas is a really good way to make your the subject of a DEFCON talk.

You couldn't even use dd? That sounds unlikely.

I just made a piratebox. A problem I can see is that it doesn't redirect you to the piratebox page unless you search for a website that isn't in your browser's cache. My concern is that people will connect to it and immediately disconnect because they don't know how to work the damn thing. I'm not hopeful about it getting much use, but I'll give it a try.

Seriously. Not chkdsk or other software could fix it. I fucked it up good.

Haha, chkdsk...

I also have never seen one of those but instead we have a bridge that turns itself a padlock's bridge.

USB was created on 96' november.

If they have content such leaked documents and maybe an access to the "deep world" files and/or very important files that have been erased for any purpose.

I don't know, the curiosity kill me sometimes.

it should have something like those free wifi botnets that always open a page where you have to click a button or enter password

why not set up an open access wifi point on your phone and share a directory through it? if you commute daily, you can share porn while you're on the train, and for years people will talk about the mystery porn train.

how do you determine the content of a storage device without plugging it in?

oh, look, there's a post-it note that says "2007 financial records backup", it must be safe.

this is why you will never have a girlfriend, even if you could locate the clitoris.

particularly not if you could locate the clitoris.

You don't. Stuxnet proved that.

Implying you would ever leave the house and find a rubber duck.

>Decide to check out usb dead drop near me
>Get there
>Some turbo nerd with wet cement and a scraper is also there
>He is installing a new drive
>"Uh hey I came here to check out this drive"
>He looks at me really surprised and almost scared
>"Y-yeah i'm about to install a new one here!"
>Ask him what he's going to put on it
>He says he doesn't know yet
>All the while he is dropping cement everywhere
>Decide to check the one there
>Come back about 8 hours later to check new guys usb
>22gb of loli porn

I deleted all of it and left a spoof notepad doc saying the police were watching this spot. The spot disappeared about two days later.

Fag, you should have sprinkled a few horseporn pics
Or printed out some of those pictures and left them there, as an out-of-record gift for the officers

I located the G-spot on your unborn sister.

Your move.

i've never seen one but would happily kick it off if i did


if you have a spare computer you don't care about fucking up it could be cool

where can you find these things?

>Dead Drops

Retarded filter.



doesn't a usb killer require electricity ? I have heard this so much, but I have never seen any actual proof

>doesn't a usb killer require electricity
Yes, and your laptop provides it

t. soyboy who installs these in major cities and puts cp in them

i reported you

You were the fat kid wrecking peoples' sand castles when you were little (I use that term loosely), weren't you?


thanks for the site cuck im gonna break off all of the ones near me

Didn't think there would be one in my town, and turns out the newest one is in Lubbock.

I've seen like 2 in my city.

Captive Portal

Something slightly less life threatening and a bit more embarrassing would be fuckin great to watch

That's not how any of this works

You're on Sup Forums and have no idea how this shit works? You broke the partition table. It takes literally 20 seconds to write a new one via gparted, parted, diskpart or whatever, create a new partition and format it. Chkdsk can't do shit if it can't read a FAT/NTFS partition.

Why would anyone do it anyway? They cost money and it's not like you'll even see the result.

The only thing you should stick into a USB gloryhole is hot glue.


Me at every dead drop thats to ops faggotry

>What do you think of usb gloryholes Sup Forums?
It honestly sounds like a nice idea

I'd throw some nice programs on there for people to mess with and leave hoping others teach themselves how to do things

>what are opticoisolators


There's one in a side street on my way to work. Apparently it's being used for revenge porn. Folders are labeled, some of them have full doxx inside. Nothing seems to get deleted, the oldest entry is about 2 years old.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>Be me
>See USB port sticking out of a tree
>pull t400 out
>plug her in
>trip over tree root
>laptop falls down and slips my head open
>grab laptop and go home
>room mate: "omg what happened user are u ok"
>room mate is caring for me and grabs first aid
>tell them someone tried to mug me but i beat them off
>say the suspect was a black guy with a big beard and a pirate eye patch
>room mate fixes me all up and makes me some food
>few days later park ranger arrives at my door
>"hey user is this yours? we removed it from a tree and we have CCTV footage of you near it taking a fall"
>park ranger is black with a big beard wearing sunglasses
>tell him no and close the door and walk the dinosaur

>USB was created on 96' november.

I know, the point I was making was that it was obsolete even before USB was a thing because of the internet.


pirateboxes are a pretty cool idea its just that they get bogged down by normies hoping for free internet

You can use capacitors to draw the charge from the laptop itself.

I fucked up a chink SD card reader with a similar story, pulled a DIM module while reading from SD card, the card reader died instantly, the card and the computer was fine.

What the fuck is even the point of this retarded shit?

>tell him no and close the door and walk the dinosaur
God damn it. Let.

That's get smashed well quick!

>look up nearest dead drop
>it's at the front gate of an elementary school
wtf man, fucking retarded pedos

I'm sorry, it wasn't my purpose hurting you..

Anybody find anything cool? If I lived in town I'd probably throw a distro iso and maybe installation instructions on there

It's just a harmless novelty

leave this board fucking autist. no one wants you here. f u c k o f f go back to Sup Forums stupid fucking cunt

>Puts cp on it
>Someone comes over
>Instant arrest

But to find out its actually pizza the cops will have to connect to it first, and then they arrest themselves for posssessing CP.

best piracy is wifi hubs not cuckinwall

he he im waiting for stupid gorrillas

The fbi actually hosts child porn sites on tor for honeypot purposes. I don't think the law applies in any meaningful way when the gov is the one breaking it.