Hey so I just got hired in at frys and I’m not very tech savvy I shouldn’tve got the job lol but anyway I’m gonna...

Hey so I just got hired in at frys and I’m not very tech savvy I shouldn’tve got the job lol but anyway I’m gonna he selling modems and routers etc. but my comprehension on it isn’t very good.
What questions should I ask the customer when finding the best modem and router for them?
I know some would be
“How big is your home?”
And “how many devices in the home?”
But that’s pretty much it, help would be appreciated, thanks.

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Dont worry the average Sup Forumsentomen just order from amazon or ali express.
You will have average joes and retards coming for a modem so you are not above your head.
You are not the first or last to earn money by knowing shit about fuck.

As far as modems, you should know what ISP's are available in your area and what speeds they offer.

For routers just recommend some expensive Google shit.

Man, frys electronics
that store used to be the shit but now its just depressing

do u get commission? if so, upsell the retards

sadly this. phoenix fag here and the two in the area are depressing as shit. everyone looks sad and the stores are run down. let alone no one knows anything about anything they're selling.

don't worry about it op. you're not there to actually help them. you're there to sell them a product. fry's doesn't give a shit as long as you sale, sale, sale. and make sure that when you do get someone who knows about price matching and actually want's to do it, tell them they can do it once at checkout with the cashier.

Best, better, good method, even if they have slow internet speeds a 32 channel modem will make them immune to peak time throttling.

Then reap profits

> not very tech-savvy
> gets a job at an electronics store

next up, can't stand the sight of blood, gets a job as an EMT

>tfw Best Buy and customers are happy that we don't work on commission
I still get cucked with expectation to sell insurance and credit cards.

Anyone who goes into a store to buy a computer is a fucking idiot, unless they already know what they want and just want to get it there, instead of wait on an order. Most companies will only sell computers that cater to the lowest of the low in terms of tech know-how. Their hard drive fails and they assume they need a whole new computer. They're all 2-in-1's for some unknown reason, too. Buy from the manufacturer, or wait for the manufacturer to put it on sale through a retailer, but that's unlikely. My store has a fucking retarded selection of laptops especially, half of the higher end ones don't even have SSDs.

Try to use that new general they're using for this shit.

You're a salesman. The best modem and router for them is the most expensive one.

>Anyone who goes into a store to buy a computer is a fucking idiot, unless they already know what they want and just want to get it there, instead of wait on an order.

depends on the store. Centrecom in Melbourne have some pretty good shit, but they're a dedicated PC parts supplier and are staffed by asians and feral russians who know their shit.

The phoenix one was the one I'd always go to as a kid. In the late 90s it was fucking amazing. Those big fucking dragons outside

> D...d...do you have an...an...any teenage daughters? What? No! I asked if you use Netflix. Wow, what?


That's an exception, but Walmart, Target, Staples, Best Buy are all going to have what are referred to as "Burst Models," which are basically plastic pieces of shit that die in a year. The other models that higher end stores like Best Buy and Target might carry will basically be one line out of 4 or 5 that a company produces every year, and clearly is not suitable for every customer.

The only good laptops my store sells are all 2-in-1's if not gaming PCs, and so many people tell me they don't want that feature. Cool, the companies all make ones that aren't like that, but it's my job to sell you something today so just take what you get. In that way, the customer ends up getting a potentially more fragile and more expensive unit than they actually need... And I always feel a little guilty. I enjoy trying to find something that fits someone's needs, but sometimes I just don't have it, and my bosses demand that I convince them to buy what I can give them.

it was never good. it's just that newegg and amazon weren't options in the 90s.

fry's advantage has been the same for the past 30 years: if you need a PSU right now then fry's is your place.

fuck off pajeet

as a components supervisor myself, your main questions should be:
"what's your service provider?" (to determine cable vs dsl)
"what speed tier are you at?" (to determine how much the customer is spending on cable and their general budget"
"how many users and devices?" (to determine router speed)
"have you had any range issues already?" or "is it a multi story home?" (to upsell to whole-home or mesh because we're dirty fucking commission shills)

talk to your supervisor. ask for closing shifts so you can take some time to learn more about the products. read boxes. look at what gets sold a lot and what gets returned a lot.

This is retarded. OP, just get the training from your store. There's no fucking secret that you'll get from getting in the trenches and asking users this stuff. There's a limited range of routers and a VERY limited range of modems, and there are obvious good choices given certain circumstances and prices. And then on top of all of that, the customer is going to ignore you half the time anyway.

Stop acting like this is some passion project. Just get the money and go home. I can't stand hourly workers with an inflated sense of their job.

Your time would be better spent right now sleeping, and then winging it every time a customer asks you for a recommendation.

Fry's doesn't train it's associates at all. they just set em lose with a buggy deprecated Java app system and a dialup connection

Then go forth with that.

This isn't a career. It's a job. Get some perspective.

If you want to invest extra time into advancing your career, go take community college classes and get certifications or something. Fry's is a professional dead-end, and spending any time outside of work thinking about how to do that job better is like spending time on the toilet contemplating how to shit more efficiently.

Frys is a shit job don't work there. Not even joking there is a forum made by ex-employees dedicated shitting on them. The job will treat you like a slave forcing you to do a lot of manual labor like stocking shelves even though you are a salesman, your co-workers will log you out of the system while you go into the back to get what the customer wants and they make the quote, the comission rate is shit unless you are selling routers or something like that, they have shit upper management too a lot of Store Managers have a superiority complex and will try to bully out of a job if don't become their bitch, the customers are all fucking retarded about tech too and don't know jack shit making the job frustrating if you actually are interested in it and overall just depressing cuz of how retarded normies are, only good thing about the job is the employee discount (which I still get cuz I am friends with a lot of my ex-coworkers and the 1 hour lunch, that's it everything else about it is fucking shit) oh and Fry's has been known for screwing over their employees before and had to pay huge fees for trying to pull a fast one by logging people out so they do not get paid overtime during black friday.

>they do not get paid overtime during black friday.
lol you're kidding, right? i've been to fry's for a few black fridays and those poor fuckers should be getting hazard pay, and you're telling me they don't even get overtime?

for anyone who's never been, imagine all the niggardly shit you hear about happening at walmart. now try to imagine all of that exact same shit happening but among a bunch of fat neckbeards who absolutely reek. like at one point i had to leave a crowd clamoring for some RAM or something because it smelled like death and sweat. and this is saying nothing about how aggressive and sociopathic they were.

i would put in my 2 weeks notice in november, if i were the OP.

Nope, and the money my friend got after the class action lawsuit was like 60 bucks after the lawyers sucked up virtually all of the revenue with their fees, had to wait like a year and a half for it too I believe.

do fry's employees have a union? i feel like threatening not to work on black friday en masse would make management do something about this retarded shit in a hurry

No clue but probably not Frys has been in legal hot water plenty of times they are repeat offenders to both customers and employees. I remember the Fry's in Washington got sued cuz they were taking bribes from people during black friday so they can get ahead in line faster.

Fry's just disabled AP for all video cards so honestly fuck that too

Man I made some crazy cash from that and was able to get in really early for the ETH and btc boom while they were still minable, tfw sitting on .89 btc, 3.53 eth and like 2.14 litecoin due to mining, investments and all the comission made off those gpus. Feelsgood.jpeg.

the problem is that there's never any communication between stores at the associate level. all of the stores (aside from the bay area) are too far away from each other for people to communicate

we're you hired straight into sales or did you come from being a merchandiser? what area of stores are you in? I have a bad feeling you're in my store lol

>all of the stores (aside from the bay area) are too far away from each other for people to communicate
yeah it'd be neat if there was some sort of network of interconnected devices that allowed people to communicate as though they were within a stone's throw of one another.

we might even call this a frynet. you know, to connect fry's employees. an interfrynet. to interconnect fry's employees in like a little net.

bah, there's no way that could work.