/bsdg/ - BSD General

>tfw no daemon babe gf Edition

>>> Downloads

>>> Information
OpenBSD FAQ: openbsd.org/faq/
FreeBSD Handbook: freebsd.org/doc/handbook/
NetBSD Documentation - netbsd.org/docs
The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System: ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780321968975/samplepages/9780321968975.pdf

>>> News
Based Theo BTFO Intel: itwire.com/security/81338-handling-of-cpu-bug-disclosure-incredibly-bad-openbsd-s-de-raadt.html
OpenBSD news: undeadly.org/
Weekly BSD podcast: bsdnow.tv/
Responses to Meltdown/Spectre:

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>inb4 cuck license

frick off dude i dont want your virus


Don't you have some shit to eat off your foot Richard?

I wish this still worked. github.com/SteamOnFreeBSD/SteamOnFreeBSD


whats broken?

I love how the bsd guy is smoking his dart filter first

I tried the script a week ago and it just gave me errors when it was trying to fetch the dependencies

How do I update openbsd over ssh? scared

Hi guys, I am about to install OpenBSD and was reading the FAQ. Could someone please clarify me this part.

>The installXX.iso and installXX.fs images do not contain an SHA256.sig file, and the installer will complain that it can't check the signatures. It is not possible for the installer to verify the sets with these images. After all, if someone were to make a rogue installXX.iso file, they could certainly change the installer to say the files were legitimate. Thus, you must verify those installer downloads separately.


Does this mean that it is better to get the file sets from the network, instead of the USB drive?

Safest is to prebake.


Test it on local VMs first.

I think you need to check the sum of the iso, if you don't you couldn't trust the sums on the iso anyway. I always just use cdxx.

Linux compat on 64bit fbsd is a bit of a chore. Frankly if you want to play gaems just give freebsd a miss.

you can always check the ISO signatures beforehand, but it's better to do it from network because it also sets up that mirror on first boot
protip: choose the cloud mirror, they are fastest


Oh sweetie :^)

steps to make my os look like this? its xubuntu right? anything else i have to add to it. or customize.

It's just xfce with the arc theme and a dock called plank. you can easily do this in bsd or any other operating system that supports xfce

bsd is made for bsd users. we don't care about your virus, chinaposter

Can I play Quake 1/2/3 on BSD?

I figure Quake and BSD have the best techsluts so I might as well switch to BSD and play Quake there in order to bang the hottest Quake BSD sluts.


i believe openbsd has ports for quakespasm, yamagi quake 2 and ioquake3

>Can I play Quake 1/2/3 on BSD?



I am using freebsd with xfce, but the tearing is really pissing me off. Any way to fix it?

Install a compositor such as Compton

>daemon babe gf Edition

Falling for sluts wearing devil costumes.

Is this the right place I should be looking if I want to manually upgrade a NetBSD installation? My platform has no current install images available and this seems like a better option than dealing with the shitty, outdated platform-specific documentation.

Fuck off sweaty.

It's a shame they did away with linux compat.

Not that it matters so much now. Back some ten years ago when I was using OBSD on my laptops I used Linux compat to run non-free software like Opera browser, SWF and RealplayerG2. Things are a lot better now that HTML5 has done away with all that garbage, and FF is so good.

Yeah that's BSD way