Windows 10 is an improvement on Windows 8/8.1

>Windows 10 is an improvement on Windows 8/8.1
Why do normies believe this?
Wangblows 8 can at least be made to look almost exactly like Win 7, whereas 10 has the worst parts of 8 permanently baked into.
How can anyone look at pic related and think they're using a computer instead of a children's toy?

Other urls found in this thread:

Windows 10 looks NOTHING like that screenshot.
Fake news.

Win 10 is worst than Win 8
lamo citation needed


they both are fucking awful, w*nblows is garbage

Windows 7 Master Race

Is this better, retard?

still botnet garbage

8/8.1 is vista garbage tier
7 is an oudated insecure garbage
10 besides the privacy memes is a good OS

>muh botnet

Nice FUD.

I'll probably get this bigger botnet.

Fucking finally, but Win 8 is not as bad as vista. 8 actually supports more programs than vista

Post wallpaper pls

>ads in what apparently passes for a "start menu"
into the FUCKING trash

Fuckers like you are a waste of a human life. People use to fight and die because of government violating privacy, a basic human right. All you faggots say is "hurr durr I got nothing hide." It's like you don't know how a government becomes tyrannous and overly corrupt. Just because something doesn't affect you doesn't mean you will never be affected. Once a precedent is set, it's hard to go back. Thanks to faggots like you, we will all end up as a collective group of sheep under the thumb of your corporate/ government overlords. Fuck you.

are you fucking retarded? they aren't memes, microsoft sells your shit

and as for being a good OS?
>adware in filesystem
>godfuckingawful menu
>no customization (even fucking macos has this)
>slow windows updates
>in return for supporting old programs it's bloated as fuck, 1gb memory on idle

Is this a joke????

this has to be a copypasta


Windows is never good. Their "command prompt/powershell" is shit tier, it gets slower overtime by a large margin because of the shitty registry, setting changes are usually nothing more than a cosmetic option, and oh yeah, don't forget about the shitty ntfs system that needs to be defragmented periodically.

Explain what part is a joke. Is privacy not a human right? Do governments always act in your favor? Do they always do only good things?

If Win10 is so great how come it can't even put windows side by side properly?

Checkmate M$ shills, even Windows fucking 3.1 did it right.

Why does my win10 function and look better than all win7 desktops? What's it like to suck dicks at computers?

You are acting like you are fighting the man in that reply, it's funny as fuck. You are up your own ass.

Because you have poor taste

>asking for an explanation is fighting
Okay, no questions then. Please take my data then. After all, government must be good.

I don't think you are understanding what post I was referencing.

>inb4 strawman argument

>i'm supposed to think this looks good

Nah, I said better. Not great.

>using tranniefox

what are you autismos even arguing about?

>Ass Effect Andromeda
Nice dude

>replies to one post where questions are asked
>calls it fighting
>i ask for him to identify the fighting aspects
>says oh no, it's that other reply made a a few posts back
Sure. Whatever you say.

>what are you autismos even arguing about?
retardation and it's effect on technology.

W10 have the store that install apps when press a button, doesn’t ask a single question, doesn’t make you accept license agreements, nothing. Older windows edition need regular “Setup.Exe” you will notice that there are thousands of different installer programs. Theres the standard Microsoft one, then each company does it’s own little thing. Newer setup.exes come with a flashy one with all kinds of colors and buttons.

>needing/wanting an app store on a desktop
brainlet detected

>i eat shit with both hands. the post.

>replies to one post where questions are asked
>calls it fighting
Never did, I said that you were ACTING like you were fighting the man.
>i ask for him to identify the fighting aspects
Read above.
>says oh no, it's that other reply made a a few posts back
Please note, there is a thing called context clues, it's a thing you should've learned in middle school. I said "that reply" which was referencing the wall of text.

gr8 b8 8/8

Loonix master race.

How's going feel like the cool kid.

As an end-user experience, Windows 10 is way better than 8/8.1

But that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of bloat and dodgy shit you need to get rid of on a fresh install. It can take a while to optimise and tweak a fresh install proper.

Also doesn't help that the many OS upgrades keep changing shit and resetting stuff. Things like controller support seemed to break in one update, introducing performance issues in some games.
There's also user-unfriendly shit like when you go to change your default browser, it tries to discourage you from changing it from Edge.

Realistically you should be using 10 instead of 7 because of driver support and support for new hardware.

> t. pajeet

I'm still using Win XP. I'm thinking eventually I'll get a chromebook for web browsing and continue using the Win XP machine for everything else. For me "everything else" is primarily note taking with WordPad.

Fuck that, just use Classic Start.

what the fuck is that garbage

hello fellow regular human being


>use 8.1
>get a new cpu
>were sorry your hardware is not compatible with this windows version despite being the same architecture
>but works just fine with 10
fuck off with this forced upgrading shit.

Less is more. I don't even like the w7 what menu.

Windows is my homie.

I bought Windows Vista Pro x64 for my first gaming PC in like 2007.

Microsoft gave me a free upgrade to Windows 7 Pro from Vista.

Then they gave me a free upgrade to Windows 8 Pro from 7.

Then they gave me a free upgrade to Windows 10 Pro from 8.

All of those over like four different PCs.

Then a year ago my current PC died and I had no Windows 10 key because the upgrade never gave me one. I contacted Microsoft support and after verifying my Vista, 7, and 8 keys, gave me a new Windows 10 key.


Yeah, Windows 7 Ultimate user for life. I ain't kidding; got spare cpu/ram/mobo/graphics card stockpiled. Applied new thermal paste to my cpu last year.

First thing I uninstalled when I reinstalled the other day. I've just been too lazy to remove it from File Explorer.


There's also the bug where the start menu takes 30 seconds, or literally just refuses to open. I love that one.

do you wanna play terraria?

If the product is free how does microsoft make their money?

>transparency inconsistency

ill move on from windows 7 when someone makes it easy to play games on linux. I know I can set up a vm but it's such a fucking hassle. I sell my soul for convenience

Because they are an ad company now like Google.

>that pic
My desktop doesn't look anything like it

not my webm

Licensing it to bigger organizations, and selling ad space/telemetry data. Also technically it was only free for a limited time, and required you to have previously purchased Windows by some means.

No ones deaktop looks like that, just that's what the average linux fag wants you to believe windows looks like

hello brothers

Far worse, they've been slammed by consumer watchdogs for selling systems that last less than a year.

I'm on the insider program, had 2xSSD's bricked, a laptop die and coutless hair ripping moments where my OS just didn't work.

Last time I went through that frustration was with early years of Linux.

As a linux, MacOS, Win10 user, I hate each and every OS equally. There isn't a time when each OS will find a way to royally fuck me. Its 2018, it's about time these pajeets build stability into an OS.

Right click on desktop-> arrange icons -> tile

Through enterprise sales and support. Every laptop and PC you buy also comes with windows regardless of the manufacturer.


Windows 10 doesn't even look like that, you tard.

You know you can just take that stuff off and pin your own stuff up there.

Also, how do you 7 plebs live without proper multiple desktop (i.e. Linux's workspaces) support? FINALLY. Only took Microsoft 20 years.

That cortana shit is unacceptable tho. For multi-taskers it was a slap in the face for microshit to force it.

>Inb4durr just install these 400 programs to fuck with your registry, it's ez!

By having multiple monitors. Also, there are only hundreds of third party applications out there that implement virtual desktops much better than MS did, as is usually the case.

>As a linux, MacOS, Win10 user, I hate each and every OS equally.

Unironically this.

always wondered about this; the search is fucking awful


this children's toy is actually pretty good