Hey Sup Forums, I'm quite not sure what to do

Hey Sup Forums, I'm quite not sure what to do.
I want to self-host a simple website with like 2-3 pages at max. It's more like for testing purposes and what not for a project. I'm not asking how to do that... I just need a guidance.

I'm in the pickle that I want to host that website on a broken laptop. The screen is almost broken so I uses a remote viewer to get access to it.

Real question here is - what kind of Distros would you uses for this kind of project?
It already has W8.1/Debian Stretch/Clover.

TL;DR : I want the best OS for self-hosting a simple website

Other urls found in this thread:


for something that simple it doesn't matter, you could have done it on the OS you have instead of making this thread

Yeeeeeah, I could have but I wanted to clean that laptop and start fresh and use it only for that specific thing.

If that can help to broaden the project - I'm using a Aspire One from Acer which has a Atom inside lmao, 1GB of RAM and a whooping 250 HDD.

It's mostly for fun that shit plus I wanted to extend the uses of my domain as it only works for streaming services on my server.

Anyone else find this image a bit off? Like proportion of every single object in this image seems incorrect



what's her reddit user again?

Must be your dick getting in the way

What do you mean? Looks fine to me.



why using that laptop lol you could do that inside a VM at worst

Because I don't like throwing "useable" objects?
That'd be a shame, it can still do stuff.

You could try a smaller deb or clover lol
I don't know if that's actually a good idea with clover you could always try have fun with it

Use a stable linux distro like Debian. Fuck you could do it in anything but if you're determined to start fresh go Debian

unironically OpenBSD. It already comes with everything you need to host a secure site straight out of the box. Including it's own httpd server, load balancer, and mail server, and they're all pretty minimal and easy to configure.

Heeeh. That kind of sound interesting.
I'm not really familiar with OpenBSD but I could give it a shot I'm not retarded.

Thanks for the tip! I'll fiddle a little bit with that!

check out learnbchs.org/
it's a meme site, but it has decent info on setting up an OpenBSD server

Distro doesn't matter.
Want something stable? Debian Stretch. Has everything you need readily available in the repos.
Want something waffer thin? SystemD not your thing? Consider Alpine or Void. I've used both with Nginx, Apache and Lighttpd.
You should rephrase your question. What web server software is best for hosting a simple website?

The fuck? You can even do it on Android. It's not about what OS you use, its how you allocate resources.

I see what you mean by meme but that does the job!

I was thinking Deb/Void or even Xubuntu because that shit needs something light

I should have rephrase it in another level entirely. I need something light, that won't overload and be "stable" for a simple website.

Basically my project is to uses that piece of shit that I already uses for my bots but I wanted to do a website to interact with them and give friends access to them as well.

That was my main goal, just a damn plain website that has some interactions with them.

I already have my plans and all, I just want to uses that shit machine without it crashing on me lmao as I said it has a 1GB of RAM and a Atom inside.

That's why I was seeking the thinnest shit.
My main post is entirely misleading.


I didn't notice at first glance, but now that you point it out, I see what you mean. I suspect it was taken with a strange focal length which is messing with our perspective slightly.

I don't believe in rape but, heh...

She has a penis

Lets go even deeper
What are the absolute minimal specs for a HTML-only website?

>Degenerate piercings.


>I express my opinion about girls on the Internet even tho even that girl will never look at me in real life

>not recognizing degeneracy when it's right in front of your face

>i look at tough on the internet but I would drop spaghetti everywhere if that girl noticed me in real life

you could probably bitbang one out off an eeprom with a bit of fucking around

>99% feet posts

Well that was short lived.

just get a vps, even gcp/aws free tier will do what you need

>99% feet posts
Now that's what I'm talking about

Your task is actually going to be remarkably easy.
Run a headless install of ubuntu server, then you can manage it over SSH. Easy peasy.

Ubuntu or CentOS (Simple distros with plenty of guides)

If you are looking for a simple GUI admin panel check ISPconfig (There is a simple guide on how to install it on Debian)

Thanks for the advice guys, I'll see what I can do with the lil puppy.

Worst case scenario I'll uses a laying PC tower and let my other stuff as it is.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX

>debian 9.3.0 netinst.iso
>lvm partitioning, /boot /root/ /var /srv swap /home leave 10-20% of disk space free for future needs on specific partitions
>configure apt to install just security updates
>select targeted drivers for the system, or skip the step and after the install manually check which firmware modules the kernel fails to load during initramfs and fix it by hand.
> select base system utilities only in the setup
>install a bootloader
>install and configure ssh
>configure your apache/ngix/w.e.
>leave that motherfucker on 24/7 and enjoy absolute stability

if you are not satisfied go back to step one and install gentoo.