GNOME ditching title bars for CSD header bars

Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?

>There are ways to hide title bars on maximized and tiled windows, but these do not (and will never) work on Wayland. All window decorations are client-side on Wayland (even when they look like title bars), so there is no way to hide them at a window manager level.
>That is why I’m hereby announcing the CSD Initiative, an effort to get as many applications as possible to drop title bars in favor of client-side decorations. This won’t be quick or easy, and will require work on many levels. However, with Wayland already being shipped as the default session by some distros, it’s high time we got started on this.
>Basically, all applications not using GTK3 (and a few that do use GTK3) [are affected by the initiative]. That includes GTK2, Qt, and Electron apps. There’s a list of some of the most popular affected apps on this initiative’s Wiki page.

(Unhappy) responses:

Other urls found in this thread:

>KDE and Sway have long agreed on the importance of these problems and have worked together on a solution. We have developed and implemented a Wayland protocol extension which allows the compositor and client to negotiate what kind of decorations each wishes to use. KDE, Sway, Way Cooler, waymonad, and bspwc are all committed to supporting server-side decorations on our compositors.
based Sway and KDE

GNOME is CIAniggers trying to disrupt free software

GNOME devs are fucking retarded, what a surprise.

GNOME is fucking retarded.

can't wait for my browser, text editor, file manager and terminal all having a different, inconsistent csd because one is gtk compliant the other is for another version of gtk the other is geared towards kde and the other just does its own thing

>minor release
>"hey we changed how csd works so you better update your code xd"

What is the issue with this? Not trolling, just curious.

Because GNOME is lying. You can have server side decorations.


It's forcing design choices when it has no reason to be made to do so.

>GNOME is lying.
I see. I just read the responses.
>can't wait for my browser, text editor, file manager and terminal all having a different, inconsistent csd
I don't know the lower-level shit surrounding this. Does that mean some apps will have the close buttons on the left, some on the right, some have different buttons?
That sounds retarded.
Yeah, they don't just want all GTK applications to comply with this (which would be stupid but whatever), but they actually want to grab control over Qt stuff as well.

Yeah I knew this was probably bad, because everything GNOME does is usually pretty stupid, but I wasn't sure why this time. Thank you for providing reasoning.

>Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
we're all using i3-gaps

Gnome was always like this, throwing its weight around since it has the largest userbase and development manpower closely tied to Gtk and freedesktop.
I don't doubt the way they want is just how it's going to turn out, they'll make it so.

And it's bad because? Title bars are fucking cancer, all they do is take up screen space while providing no useful functionality. A thing to display title with? As if you didn't know what program it is without the title. A thing to display close button on? With integrated status bar you don't need it anymore and with ability to press alt+f4 toy never needed it to start with. A thing to drag window with? You can drag by entire window while holding alt, this isn't fucking microshit.

Good riddance.

Way to miss the point.

Title bars do suck but CSD is not the proper solution

It is. It nudges people to drop support for this Windows95-ism legacy horseshit and not use title bars altogether.

titlebars are a very easy way to provide uniformity and context
you get rid of them without providing a proper replacement solution, you create chaos
but sure keep defending really shitty decisions

Why the fuck do they always have to fuck with something disruptive.

How about they contribute for once instead of saying lol here's a new format better start supporting it!

For what, exactly? It doesn't do anything useful, you can get rid of it overnight and nothing of value would be lost. It's like the appendix, it doesn't do anything most of the mine and when it does it's not good.

Here's an illustration of what's gonna happen, except with csd instead of context menus

good. title bars with no actual purpose are cancer. I'm more than ok if applications have to actually make their own useless retarded title bar instead.


linuxlet here

why not make it so every application shares 1 menu bar like macos

That's what gnome wants, to be the osx UI. But for that they need control and make everything adopt their standards.

No it's just going to disappear entirely, because it would take actual effort to implement it, and it wouldn't fucking do anything for all that work. People will just stop doing it.

gnome already tries this.

I love how they talk about electron like it's officially another standard for application GUIs that should be universally accepted.
It's depressing...

okay, i read the blog
but the implementation seems kinda shit, the buttons aren't really differentiated from the application controls

SystemD equivalent of clippy when?

Yeah and each GPU should have it's own graphics API, not just one boring open GL.

>he doesn't use MATE

When did these fucks get the idea that they have the authority to dictate what every DE must do?

SystemD and GNOME are going to be the death of linux.

you know you don't actually have to use shitstemD right?

Yeah, and I don't, but most popular distros use systemd, and loads of programs are starting to depend on systemd.

Uh, so don't use them.

Are you always this fucking dense?

>loads of programs are starting to depend on systemd
like what?
I know gnome does but it's a piece of shit anyway so it doesn't worry me

If you're going to complain about something, why would you continue using it or other things that require it?
At this point you're just trying to be mad.

>"Report: Linux kernel now dependent on systemd"

>For what, exactly? It doesn't do anything useful
He already told you in the post you're responding to

Some software developers that are giving into systemd cancer don't really care about the principles, they just want to get it into the hands of as many people as possible, which means playing nice with the big distros

switch to bsd

He said
>uniformity and context
Neither of which have shit to do with title bars. Context comes from window contents, not it's fucking title. And uniformity would be the same with and without them.


Oh look, the hypocrite faggot who in the past licked GNOME balls in order to trash Ubuntu's Mir, now is attacking the GNOME project.

welcome to linux and free as in freedom software

more like alpine, but like a good cuck bsd is there just in case

Fuck off, Zhang!

Open up gedit and try to enable word wrap in 30 seconds or less. Post your results. GO!

Found the GNOME dev

>basic default software that ships with OS should include every possible feature for this type of software

>word wrap isn't the most basic of basic 1987-tier features

It's fucking word wrap

Jokes on you, I don't like/use GNOME. That doesn't mean that I am going to applaud any hypocritical person who trashes them. Specially when they are faggots who dismiss entire arguments because of semantics like Martin does.

Microsoft notepad doesn't support it so apparently not.

>right click top thing
>check box
the fuck you on about?

Is this b8

>It's like the appendix, it doesn't do anything most of the mine and when it does it's not good.
I see you're as ignorant about biology as you are about technology.

i had to google how to power off from gnome at one point cause it was like hold alt then press the suspend button

>There are ways to hide title bars on maximized and tiled windows, but these do not (and will never) work on Wayland. All window decorations are client-side on Wayland (even when they look like title bars), so there is no way to hide them at a window manager level.
Wayland is pure trash if that's true.

it's not

X11 for ever.


I'll never really get the issue with X, are any of the other 'display servers' if one can call them that even better than X?

X is like mp3

Its fundamental design limits it compared to newer formats but that doesn't mean it isn't perfectly acceptable to use.

It's working. Between Gnome and Firefox fuckups, lately I've been booting to Windows more.

Gnome are trying to fuck Ubuntu on behalf of their redhat masters. Redhat is the Jew behind all the cancers investing Linux.

Install Xenocara.

>That is why I’m hereby announcing

>Basically, all applications not using GTK3 (and a few that do use GTK3) [are affected by the initiative]. That includes GTK2, Qt, and Electron apps.
>forcing EVERY toolkit to conform to gnome

you're wrong on every single point. every. because you think only of yourself as a measure

csd do have titles tho, usually in the middle but can be replaced like in epiphany

nobody is going to port their application to gtk3 just because some fag said to do so


gedit is abandonware

did you not see that standard looking power icon in the top right corner of your screen