>Windows 98 requires 16 megabyes of ram
>Windows 10 requires a gigabyte of ram
Why? What's the new Windows doing that's so much better that it needs to use 64 times the resources of old Windows?
>Windows 98 requires 16 megabyes of ram
>Windows 10 requires a gigabyte of ram
Why? What's the new Windows doing that's so much better that it needs to use 64 times the resources of old Windows?
Other urls found in this thread:
you could try running both and see for yourself, user.
Icon sizes have increased by at least 64 times.
When developers gets more resources they will try and use them instead of forcing themselves to try to make it run with barely anything at all.
windows users, everybody
How do Web pages that are mostly just text and a few pictures take up a 100 MB browser process? Why is Web browsing referred to as the example of light usage of a computer when it takes up GB of RAM and most of the CPU?
browsers are operating systems themselves nowadays
Windows Update
>File: (((Milana Vayntrub))) topless bed.webm (547 KB, 750x1334)
This is why I don't upgrade Firefox, all these extensions that would break.
>>Windows 10 requires a gigabyte of ram
arm windows 10 doesn't count
What does that have to do with the screenshot?
which they shouldn't be.
what exactly are you talking about. webms play fine on any version of firefox.
Windows 9x was a primitive shitty hack of an operating system that incorporated zero concepts of security, caching, multi-user operation or anything else we take for granted in real operating systems.
Just say you don't like Coincidence Detector. No need for a big psychology operation, Shlomo.
services and anti virus take up 99% of that 1gb also
windows 98 hasn't got all that much support for modern hardware so its a bit moot point there
>goaling the moveposts
what else do you have
Rikaisama and Downthemall would also stop working. Youtube downloaders will probably stop working at some point and of course the browser will eventually become a subscription for "security and stability" and only allow you to view certain things for your "protection".
> A Cessna 182 requires 230 horsepower
> A Boeing 474 requires 95,710 horsepower
> Why? What is the 474 doing that's so much better?
Why do wangblows users insist on publicly demonstrating how retarded they are?
To answer OP's question seriously, as far as I can tell it's
>a main browser process that is ridiculously large, explained away by HTTPS and Javascript capabilities, general "stability and security" slowdowns, blaming the user for installing extensions, and just in case GB
>browser processes for each tab that are typically more than 100MB even though the page only has some text, pictures, and a tiny bit of code
>services running all the time instead of starting up when needed
>antivirus, a service so resource intensive it gets its own meme arrow
>then there's indexing, search, and defrag if you go it
This doesn't leave much for doing anything else. What I don't understand is that the OS supposedly uses up all of your RAM to cache applications, but applications still run slow and ask for additional RAM on top of that. I've seen this given as an excuse for why computers with 16 GB of RAM get out of memory errors.
>Boeing 474
Maybe you are the retard
I used Windows 98 for several years.
Serious question, I know that Windows 98 has a completely different architecture to modern Windows, but if you were to keep an OS like Windows XP up to date with drivers and security updates, why wouldn't that be perfectly usable today?
Mostly it's to keep the botnet running, but also part of it is all the legacy crap that's turned the operating system into an unoptimized byzantine mess that nobody understands
older versions have less software support
i don't think firefox runs properly on XP anymore for example
What if Microsoft just kept to Windows XP and supported that?
Are icons really bigger than 4096x4096 now?
But then they couldn't sell you a new windows
Where's the money in that?
you run programs to do things. the os should be as light and simple as possible.
P4 with a 256mb ddr1 would be a safer bet honestly.
How about with an actual browser?
One takes 467 passengers 8000 miles, other takes 3 passengers 1200km. Windows takes 1 user to 1 system crash regardless of version.
>Windows XP up to date with drivers and security updates, why wouldn't that be perfectly usable today?
WIndows 10 used a higher revision kernel of the one used in WIndows XP.
To answer your question, yes if updated and with hardware driver support, windows XP would be perfectly usable.
There is just no economic sense to do it.
>instead of working with what they can to optimize software,technology has increase to the point that developers can be lazy and say they are using it more.
Because the focus of operating systems has shifted from optimizing resource use to optimizing users time.
Computer hardware used to be expensive so business owners wanted operating systems that could get the maximum use out of them.
Now computers are cheap as chips and it's slow humans that are the main cost so the focus is now "use all the fucking resources you like, just make the system fast and responsive".
More colours.
>use all the fucking resources you like
Im using win10 for the first time ever
why in the fuck does wsappx eat up 2 gigs of memory? Why can't i make it stop?
>Boeing 474
>What is the 474
The best part is that you were trying so hard to make _someone else_ seem like a complete fucking retard. The irony is almost palpable.
Go install Windows 98 onto your computer and see how that works out.
>What's the new Windows doing that's so much better that it needs to use 64 times the resources of old Windows?
Tracking everything you do and sending it back to Microsoft.
>acts like a small typo can refute an entire argument
hehehe xd epic reply dude *brofist* :P
>41st ip in the thread
You're not even the dumb little kid who got his asshole blown the fuck out. Phoneposting or something?
The funny part is that you made the exact same typo twice. This is a new level of retarded. Grats on that.
First post itt cucks kys
You apparently can't read, either. You really are some kind of supertard.
you're mother is a supertard for giving birth to you and you're brother
What he probably should have said is data for icons have increased. Obviously someones brain didn't comprehend the meaning of that statement.
Windows 98 is too small to do things properly, like NOT CRASH.
If it's too late to delete your dumbass "474" post, just report the post and a janny will be along shortly to delete your shame. (Obviously, make sure you report it with the device you made the post on originally so the IPs match, and NOT the phone you're trying to samefag with right now.) Anyway, this'll take care of your problem. You don't have to funpost in the hopes of getting the thread deleted to get rid of your embarrassing retard post.
Win9x was so shit most of us memorized product keys because install is much faster than sorting out wreckage.
>Youtube downloaders will probably stop working at some point
How will mozilla affect youtube-dl
haha I can sense how greasy you are you fucking mong. Go back to r e d d i t please :)
xp user here.
version 31.4 firefox works but why would anyone go on the internet with a old brower?
linux browers work just fine on XP
but yes the internet isn't supporting XP
drivers are a paiif you get the CD's for everything you use its just fine
but people that are on XP don't care or shouldn't since they know going on the internet with a old operation system is dangerous
>being this retarded
And what are you complaining about? You'd rather go back to writing in assembly?
That's 27x your difference alone. The rest is probably the JavaScript bloat.
Takes a lot of ram to remember to keep the huge NSA back door open.
Anyone happen to know the approximate length of runway required to land a Boeing 474? Assuming stock configuration and unloaded, of course.
windows 7 goes to a bootloop around the low 400MB of ram
t. tested it with virtualbox awhile back
Because it has to stream data to the NSA constantly
this post gave me cancer
>What's the new Windows doing that's so much better that it needs to use 64 times the resources of old Windows?
It collects user activity and other data from computer, then send it to MS and other adequate places to "improve user experience"
Isn't that true?
You'd have to fork stuff to work on XP (Firefox, Chrome, etc), but yeah.
There's a ton of third party patches for 2K and XP, I'm sure there's more for other deprecated/EoL systems.
Some of the backports or compatibility shims are interesting but it sucks to rely on the community or yourself to maintain your OS, you're always at risk of not being able to run newer versions of software.
>windows 98
>windows 10
>not even an apples-to-apples comparison
try nt4 vs nt10
How much does Linux with GuhNOME use?
on top of that windows 98 felt faster
It's the price of going from primarily a personal computer to a networked quasi-mainframe wannabe
Windows 98 wasn't tasked with spying on half the world.
you sound like the idiots on secondlife who complain that it wont run on their shitty XP machines anymore and blame people wearing mesh for it
you probably are some twelve year old for asking that question, but I will offer a few insights about the subject you're questioning. Back in the g'old days, Win98 was still beginning the plug-n-play technology, so every single peripherical on your computer needed the installation of it's specific driver (a driver is a piece of software that allows your OS to communicate with your device).
There were specialized webzones like driverguide.com that aggregated several drivers, but there were cases that you only found the driver on the manufacturer website (when it was available). Today, everything is plug'n-play, so a lot of useless drivers are in your PC, even if you don't use them. There were also some problems with the file system at the time, it was FAT if I'm not mistaken, indexing files were much smaller (files that keep the pointers to frequently used pages in main memory), but making a search on a Winchester (that's how we called Hard drive at the time) was much slower. Win98 also wasn't a frikin botnet, at most you had some vulnerable ports that allowed unauthorized access, like telnet. Well, everything is more bloated these days, including operating systems, I'm from a simpler time when we only needed one bit to define someone's gender, but today you faggots need a whole kilobyte for that shit. So you fucking millenial, gtfo of this board and go suck a cock's nigger, because that's what you mother do when your "dad" goes to "work"
What browser doesn't natively play webms at this point beyond Safari?
It's been a long time since I've seen someone get BTFO this hard and you definitely earned it. There's always a sense of poetic justice when someone tries to make a snarky condescending post and messes up so bad
Pretty good post pops, notice how pops couldn't hold the impulse to mention nigger dick and curse because it's much fun being on an anonymous image board that your inner 12 yo always comes out in the end even on a otherwise helpful and informational post. Fuck u bitch
Where can I get this version of Windows?
Why do engines with more horsepower use more fuel?
Pretty much this.
Why make something more efficient, when they can just yell at the customer to get more resources.
Similar story with newer video games. You'll notice some games run beautifully on a system, and some work like shit while looking the exact same. Engines just arent efficient anymore because they dont have to be.
Why don't you just go back to old windows and tell us how much you like it?
Fucking moron.
its the same logic as animal sizes and food portions
the bigger and more mass it has the more energy/gas/fuel it needs this is because you need the motor/legs/tracks to over come the effects of gravity
the more speed however depends on how much exesses enegy that motor/legs/tracks etc
that this from of motion can take.
>companies moving entire desktop programs to HTML/JS clusterfucks
>more sandboxing/security countermeasures that need more RAM to properly isolate components
>more abstraction in the programming so a single program crash doesn't kill the entire OS (biggest reason for the increase imo)
>abstraction also means fewer large scale memory leaks as well as easier and more maintainable codebases (loading 300mb of abstraction is better than risking a 2gb memory leak because a 3rd party didn't test their shit properly)
>more graphics capabilities
>search indexing
>more group policy items for the IT guy to have control over (eg locking down workstations)
The thread is full of poo in loos that need 17 frameworks piled on top of each other to do simple math.
This. Crysis still looks and runs better than some modern games.
Windows 10 probably needs 4, if not 8 GB of RAM for it to be reasonably usable for normal usage.
Yes. It was cool
This. Why does every simple programming task suddenly need 7*10^23 layers of abstraction?