Windows 10 update

>windows 10 update
>sure why not
>takes over half an hour to install
>all of a sudden my screen turns all glitchy
>everything is all of a sudden ugly, enough to give someone a seizure
>had to rollback to a previous update to make it go away but everytime i do it keeps making me update back
how do i fix this shit? pic related

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>don't love that fucking beautiful wallpaper for the rest of your life

We told u about forced updates bro, we warned you

Nice background. How do I get it.

Someone I know said he's missing an important file after a windows update. Has something similar happened to anyone else?

It's a well known problem. Something nvidia driver related iirc. Just search for the the problems instead of rolling back you retard.

What's there to fix? The update turned a plain wallpaper into a magnificant masterpiece! Maybe you should learn to appreciate more and complain less you self-entitled narcissist

I wish my updates made my system trip acid.. but loonux.

Should've bought a Mac

install gentoo

>microsoft cocksuckers genuinely believe this

>tfw your computer takes the Tide Pod challenge

Change your refresh rate. That happens if there is a refresh rate mismatch between your monitor and PC.

Thanks doc?

Your GPU is fucked

TFW computer just werks

Feels great not being a timelet

>When it updates it magically breaks the GPU

>updating winshit
>not doing manual security updates only
You're a tech illiterate.

Picture looks like it could be the cover to a lo-fi electronica album.

Turn off HDR in display settings. Windows is incorrectly detecting your display as HDR capable. It sends a 12 bit RGB image to it, but the monitor can't do HDR, so it displays a clusterfuck.

What you said isn't true at all.

>windows 10

When a monitor that can't display HDR receives an hdr signal you see banding, not chaos.

Look more closer, that is banding. It's just more bits of banding.

delete system32

(go back before the update and then disable updates)

its not a background. everything on my monitor looks like absolute vomit

yeah what we really need are more smartphone threads.

>Best windows ever

The new settings panel is kino as fuck

Set your network settings to metered to get Windows to stop downloading the updates, resume updating once you're certain that MS has fixed the broken update.

I tried updating my nvidia drivers, but it still doesn't work.