Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums. Can you guys give me tips or pointers to head for the surviving the cyberpunk dystopia we're currently heading? I'm asking this on Sup Forums and not retards on Sup Forums.

No political stuff please.


Install Gentoo

It's going to be less of a cyberpunk dystopia and more of a post-apocalyptic dystopia because the people who are currently overtaking the demographics in the west are the same people that have been unable to sucessfully run their own civilizations.

Please, explain more.

Sorry, I'm an newfag as you people would you people would call me. So please forgive me that I didn't put /cyb/ in the subject bar.

Watch Elysium and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about.

>Sorry, I'm an newfag as you people would you people would call me. So please forgive me that I didn't put /cyb/ in the subject bar.
The other user was suggesting that you read through our local resident cybersecurity thread called: "/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General" . There you'll find a slew of useful tips, software and practice recommendations to get you through the corporation-controled degradation of personal liberty and privacy that is our present reality.

Thank you.

its not going to be any kind of dystopia since trump won.

it will however look like pic related if dems regain control in 2024 and the floodgates of the shit hole countries are opened

properly implemented safe zones

>Meine Fresse Wenn libfags go into the cages voluntarily

+ Underground bunker
+ gravity powered battery
+ solar + wind electricity
+ canned food
+ antenna to capture wifi signals
+ satellite dish to hack satellite connections
You're now set

Keep in mind that the West have some serious weapons that could come into play. Look up "genetic warfare."

* Antibiotics will be worth more than gold. Head down to Mexico where you don't need a prescription for them and stock up.
* Buy land far enough away from a city that it will be difficult to get there on foot, but close enough you can drive there on a half tank of gas. Keep at least a half tank in your car at all times, and keep enough to refuel at the site. Remember to sue fuel stabilizer.
* You'll want a water supply, and a stockpile of food. I'd suggest multiple tiers, from normal canned food to MREs, to "non-thirst-provoking nutrient brick", to stockpiles of basic grains.
* Remeber to mix rat poison with some of your basic grain supply. It will help kill vermin (rats or humans) that raid your supplies. Mark those containers with a dot on the bottom; you can wash it clean if you need to use it.
* Get a ham radio license, a radio, and a solar power supply
* Lie low; you don't want people to think you are worth raiding.
* Having firearms and ammo will just confirm you are a target worth raiding.

I hope this helps.

Yeah like thatll work. What youll have is a superintelligent AGI and cybernetic monstrosities that will hunt you down. What purpose does a strong AI have for humans? Have fun while it lasts meatbag.

1. Antibiotics will be worthless, except the super cutting edge ones that the superbugs haven't got resistances to yet. Any antibiotic that you can get cheaply from some shithole is one that won't work against resistant diseases. You won't have antibiotics.
2. Staying away from cities is a good idea.
3. Independent water supplies are nice- but it should be something underground like a well or a pump so people can't dump corpses in the river and foul your fresh water. Metal grid to stop bodies.
4. Lying low is a good idea but you NEED firearms and ammo. In a disaster situation you need to understand that everyone is worth raiding, and if you can't protect your shit then you're worth raiding first. The zero risk raids happen first. Suppressed .22 would be good to have, along with more powerful ammunition for when you need to go loud. A .22 rifle can easily drop someone, especially with no medical care. It won't drop someone full of adrenaline and rage, but if they're skulking around, or they've found you, killing them without too much noise has its benefits.

The trick is to be unimportant enough that no one will waste time going after.

Why should an AI that is optimizing how to make paperclips care about some land that is not relevant to its plans?

Stay out of the way, and lie low. Make it not worth the effort to track you down.

Use a VPN.
Don't use social media.
Have guns.
Have a car.
If you wouldn't say it to the government, don't say it.

>Please, explain more.
Shitskins are low IQ people.
A low IQ population does not make a good democracy.

If you bother googling it, there is strong evidence showing that a liberal and democratic society isn't possible if the population's IQ is under 90.

Rather than opening fire, and proving that there is someone there with things worth defending, it would be far better if everyone just assumes that there is no one living there and that your hideout is not worth raiding.

Remember those supplies I told you to contaminate? Those might come in handy. Rumors of a hideout where someone fucked up and killed themselves off with contaminated food might help keep people away.

If you are in a gunfight, you've already lost.

There will be no more time for tech where we're going.


>the retarded corporate shill who can't pass a day without proving he doesn't understand anything about anything will save us from corporate dystopia

idiocracy was a documentary

>gravity powered battery
please go back

In that case you'll get fucked in the end anyway.

>The trick is to be unimportant enough that no one will waste time going after.
Or how about being important enough that nobody will trouble you? Anyone having good knowledge about medicine will see their status going stratospheric.

Kill yourself now and avoid it altogether.