Just what the hell is this thing?

Just what the hell is this thing?

audiophile music player?

An unhandy way to show your edginess.

Looks like an older ipod nano taped to a mobile dac

autism bux poorly spent

It's a respawn device, only operable by wizards

>all this work just to listen to weeaboo music

It's a dongle.

Looks like the next Apple phone prototype. Looks at that courage and innovation!

watercooled ipod touch.

appears to be some kind of cable tester.

Mental illness.

It's called a pussy repellant, OP.

It's weaboo garbage.

iPod nano connected to a USB dongle connected to a toslink DAC connected to a headphone amp.

audiomeme placebo

Irony score: 11/10

Shanling M1 > USB-C to USB A > USB DAC > headphone amp > IEMs


wow, it even has a snake oil tube. where can I get this?

It's a gonculator

Would this even be worth it without premium Flac files. If youre using this and shitty sk8r-boi-ytdownloader.wav is playing its not worth it.

Something I wouldn't want to take to an airport

.wav is uncompressed a-user

Audiophool placebo

A weapon to surpass metalgear.

audio on youtube is compressed probably multiple times

Pic clearly says "FLAC 44.1KHz"

a bomb

>weeb cartoons
That is autism.

It's Radio Happy.

it's a clock

iPhone 15 prototype, with all the dongles needed for full functionality attached.

how to add an earphone jack with 5 simple gadgets

ahmed please

good soykaf to me desu

Airport frisking enabler

patrician taste in music
thats slow life / fantasy, isnt it?

music doesn't even sound good unless it's 128K desu

All that audiophile shit just to listen to anime osts

You know even music producers don't waste on that shit


lmao music isn't even worth listening to unless it's at least 1-bit 2.8224 MHz

fuck off newfriend
idolmaster has top tier music

Not strapping a turntable to your back and listening to true lossless analog audio

Kill yourself

>phoneposters actually think this

Idolmaster is a gatcha-tier franchise. Only Nichijou and Haruhi has good opening osts. Japanese music outside of chiptune and rap is commercialized trash.

i hope you are being ironic

>Implying it's any better in the west

Water cooled weeb machine

Something the police will blow up for you

Nope. Idolmaster is entry level ironic weeb garbage, the only good idols are Iori and Kaede and only for porn if that. Most Japanese media is pretty good, but their music industry, especially idol shit, is more ass that the worst pop music coming out of the states.

At least underground stuff is more likely to cross over into the mainstream. Nips pimp those little girls out worse than any Weinstein character.


You have bad opinions

So you think μ is any better?

>At least underground stuff is more likely to cross over into the mainstream
look at this tard and laugh at him for his bad opinions
You know that mainstream isn't any better in the west

Just listened to it live for the first time, its the same shit.

In general, yeah western mainstream is shit, but at least underground artists have a better chance of becoming popular and relevant without having to sign their souls over to a pump and dump label. Hiphop and EDM are a testament to this.

laugh at this retard some more

>but at least underground artists have a better chance of becoming popular and relevant without having to sign their souls over to a pump and dump label
You seem to be forgetting that the internet exists both in the West and in Japan. Your opinions are just terrible, in general. There's also Comiket, but they probably won't count because of some arbitrary criteria that you'll pull out of your ass.

You vape with it.

The end game.

Any genera of electronic music > bubble gum pop

Why would I have a problem with the doujinshi scene from what I've said. Independent art is where its at. I mean I'm not a fan of how the bigger groups like type moon have become corporate and stagnant, but hey it really can't be helped.
To be fair, I don't know a lot about comikets music scene, so I'm going to plead the fifth.

A bomb

EDM is shit. Not electronic music in general.

a money sink

Your main problem is your vague concept of what "mainstream" is supposed to be. The term has become useless mostly useless due to how easy it is nowadays to gain fame and distribute works without any sort of corporate backing.

it's my new vape

Disclosure is pretty good

nice clock kid

I thought that was his point. That it is harder to do that in Japan with the corporations.

Good point, I am being pretty ambiguous. My personal definition of mainstream is something made to sell a product instead of standing alone as a piece of art.
For example most western pop music is shopped around to various labels until it is bought, the music just being a vehicle to the "artist's" cult of personality. I feel idol music is just a vehicle for the franchises that come from, a means to push shitty phone games and blu ray sales. Most musicans don't even make money from sales, but from live shows. I'm aware idol groups have live shows, but if they come from a franchise, its more about the characters than the musicians.

I always stream my music over 5GHz wifi for maximum fidelity

>no vacuum tubes

Your audio is shit if you don't have that triode sound.

if Sup Forums made the iPod

>Idolmaster is a gatcha-tier franchise.
he's right though. it's literally just a shitty RNG mobile game which are dime-a-dozen in japan (or yen-a-dozen?)

>Japanese music outside of chiptune and rap is commercialized trash.
No. Rap is part of the commercialized Americanized trash. They sell to the japs who want to be "hip" like the Americans.

Listen to some denpa. Expand your knowledge of Japanese music

kinda, they at least have memorable songs unlike im@s but in general it's all the same shit.

vape rig w/ anime music

Looks like Ahmed's little toys

>take a shanling m1
>plug into it a usb-c to optical audio converter
>plug that into a hipster overpriced underperforming massdrop amplifier
>power it with a batter
>strip it all together with rubber zipties
>plug headphones in
>have the most autistic mobile audio listening construction the world has ever seen
That's what it looks like to me, at least