Decentralized, user owned cloud operating system

"Friend" is on a mission to place a user-friendly operating system into the internet itself. The infrastructure is going to be provided by users who download the server software and run it on their own computer - forming a secure grid (Blockchain, encryption etc).

The system has been in development since 2014, with a team that planned this since 2007. It is now in version 1.1, and is open source under the MIT/LGPLv3/AGPLv3 licenses on Github.

The project is recruiting developers and is trying to spread awareness. It can change how we use computers online - and offline. A package is under development which will become a new Desktop Environment for Linux as well.

nice wallpaper atleast


I'll make the logo.

Internet was a mistake

>OS based on blockchain
This shit has gone too far. I don't even have a reaction for this.

How does the blockchain factor into this? Their are serious scalability issues with the blockchain that I hope they have a way of addressing.

It does seem like an interesting idea. How well does it support concurrency? This is a big factor if you want to make decentralized applications.

Saying block chain is how you get VC funding. Its trendy now.
Block chain is the new dot com.

heres an idea, genius:

explain what the fugging project is !! holy fug

Looks like a big slop of shit

sounds like a botnet

>read for 10 minutes about it
>no clue what it does
seeing a lot of fancy buzzwords and meems tho
it must be good haha

So, like mid 2000s cloud os meme, but with blockchains(tm)

You explained nothing

>Decentralized, user owned cloud operating system

It's called a portable HDD stupid. You don't need to do all this stupid NSA shit that no one is going to use.

Can I use DAW on many PROCESSORS simultaneously in your project?

Waste of time.

Correction: this IS a botnet

L O L!
I bet you use physical media too, gramps! xD

Cloud storage is for losers. Anyone who uses it is too lazy and weak to carry a portable HDD and a couple of USB sticks.

Fuck off with this decentralized os you niggers what we need is a decentralized internet not this bullshit

That sounds fucking retarded.

The only advantage of a cloud OS is the fact that you're offloading the processing your local machine has to do.
If you're going to be running shit for other people then there's zero advantage, other than muh blockchain meme.

wasn't the internet originally designed to be decentralized

The Jews couldn't let that happen now could they

The internet IS decentralized.

It's just that you access it through a centralized connection.