Alright you bastards, I'm ready to try one of these. I just got sick of Windows bullshit and Linux's bullshit. What am I in for? Will it just werk?
paying more than the hardware is worth, next to zero upgradability, but they do look sexy
just hackintosh something else with similar sepcs to see if you like OSX first
>Will it just werk?
Yes, but you won't be able to access many programs, and the GUI is different
you will turn gay
Thank you for coming out of the closet.
Now gtfo
Hu odd, that might actually fit. I've been reading Jojo's recently, plan to get /fit/, and have promised a tranny a few dates.
I got one, just works as soon as you take it out of the box, none of that "getting things ready for you..." bullshit that Windows does when you get a new computer.
As far as Linux is concerned, you can think of it like a locked-down Linux distro that just works. Most of the CLI functionality you're used to is still there, and what's not there can be installed easily. Note that when I say "locked down" what I mean is that you won't be ricing your desktop like you did on Arch or whatever. There are ways to do so, but it's more effort than it's worth and you'll find yourself not needing or wanting to anyways.
By the way, on the 2017 iMac if that's what you're getting, the internal speakers are great on macOS. I never even once thought about getting external speakers UNTIL I installed Windows through Boot Camp. The audio drivers for Windows are terrible, unfortunately. You'll need external speakers.
So sort of like a Chromebook, but less likely to drive me fucking insane?
It will just werk and cost more than it's worth but you'll love it
Kind of like they're advertised huh?
You can do a lot more on macOS than Chrome OS. It's about as "free" and customizable as Windows, and anyone who says it isn't hasn't used it long enough to figure out how things work.
I'm hoping for a new mac mini this year.
Its super comfy OP. Install and you have a proper package manager.
Depends on what you want to do. I'm migrating from an iMac back to PC because they just don't pull their weight for 3D graphics and game dev.
But I thought iMacs were for best for creative professionals REEEEEEEEEE
macOS is objectively an OS built for laptops. Get a MacBook if you want a Mac. You're going to regret getting an iMac, bigtime.
>What am I in for?
Smooth experience with lots of frustrating limitations sometimes.
>Will it just werk?
OK, so the thing about using a Mac is that you pretty much need to go all-in if you want to really enjoy it. There's no reason to use a Mac if you are insistent on using an Android phone and a Windows tablet. Continuity is pretty great. Performance may leave a lot to be desired depending on what you get; but then again, nobody buys a Mac for gaming anyway.
The gestures are really counter-intuitive until they become second-nature.
>paying more than the hardware is worth
This isn't true anymore. The build quality of Macs is far greater than any competitor. The ability to virtualize/dual-boot Linux or Windows makes it an even more valuable machine.
The displays on the MacBook Pro alone cost more than a low-end PC.
>You're going to regret getting an iMac, bigtime
nah. I don't regret it at all. It's a really nice all-in-one machine, and pretty powerful compared to my last machine, which was a shitty HP desktop with an AMD APU. For reference, I'm using the 2017 model with the i7 Kaby Lake and 5k resoultion.
Well that's nice.
In my case, I love the newer MacBooks but can't stand iMacs. I don't know what it is but somehow macOS becomes suddenlu insufferable once you put it in desktop form.
A 2007 Mac? Yeah, they're nice hobby machines with good loonix support. Snow leopard is meh, though.
Pick one.
I think for me it's just the screen. You could probably sit any 27" 5k screen in front of me with Windows or Linux and I'd probably enjoy it just as much
>his machine can't boil water
Spotted the American. Being able to make tea without leaving your desk is the superior way.
>wholesome bants
I chuckled
I pretty much dislike every apple product except for the macbooks
fucking gorgeous. hate iPod Classics?
every current apple product*
everyone loved the fucking ipod
Is this accurate?
>Linux requires a lot of customization, but gives you the power to do whatever the fuck you want (pic related)
>MacOS just werks and requires no customization, but also doesn't give you the power to do any
>Windows is somewhere in between
>Linux requires a shitload of compiling and maintenance just so you can have access to fewer programs and a glitchy user experience
>macOS is a walled garden OS that doesn't let you do anything
>Windows is basically spyware with ads
technology sucks in general
With Linux, you either learn a bunch of cryptic text commands (each with a load of options, exceptions, and more options) or you try to make sense of a desktop with no underlying metaphor.
After a few years of either the distro you are using has morphed out of all recognition and you may as well not have bothered.
You can rice it. Each UI element is stored as a PNG in a folder.
This, get a MacBook and install OSX on your PC (it's really easy for a desktop).
Only if you're doing graphics design / video / vfx. It's pretty good for that and the OSX versions of Adobe are superior to the Windows versions.
I wish Apple would go back to the plastic cases ,the brushed aluminium look is kinda boring now,iMac is still a nice machine though and yes it just werks.
>What am I in for?
a $3000 hole in your pocket and a shitty piece of plastic
OP, dont listen to all the haters here. I've been rocking a MBP for the last three years. Its been great. Im in engineering so i keep my main rig at home but otherwise the mac is superior in the every way.
Macs are a devices, retard.
Oh, and linux is a kernel.
so what? are you homophobic user?
What generation MBP?