>extremely unsecure
>hackings and theft happen regularly
>anonymous broker unaccountable to anyone, can rob storage with impunity
>crypto is a commodity
>price MASSIVELY fluctuates
>dumb investment
>will tank to next to nothing during the incoming recession and those following it
>pyramid scheme
>requires all members to scam their friends and gullible internet strangers into throwing away $50k on mining equipment
>the chinese and russian govt already control the entire crypto ecosystem

Surely you didnt fall for the cryptoscam too, user?

they're the ones most interested in evading taxes

Yeah, the $46,000 sitting in my bank account from mining and trading cryptos is a scam.

Do you even lift, pussy?

Post an actual photo of yourself so I can laugh.

Tonight, in things that didn't happen...

;) ok friendo, I don't need you to be a part of the crypto wealth club, it's just fun for some of us to watch their funds go up up up.

All currency is a commodity you fool, and crypto exchange hacks and cryptocurrency hacks are not the same thing.

Fantastic, you found the magical cash cow and, somewhy, you're telling everybody about it! Why would you be doing that, if not for the fact that your gains depended on more people joining the pyramid? Nobody finds a cash cow and tells everybody about it, they keep it to themselves.

Nobody personally knows any actual person who has profited from Bitcoin in real life. It's all unverifiable fabulous tales of immeasurable profits from anonymous people online.

All fiction, just like stories of people profiting millions from MLM shit like Mary Kay.

>crypto exchange hacks and cryptocurrency hacks are not the same thing
I think we'd get an actual WWIII + dark age if some asshole at the Dow Jones Industrial just decided one day "I'm just gonna keep all the stocks and cash here for myself, bye everybody :^)"

You know the future is digital currency BUT all these little coins need to FAIL before the big guys move in and implement it.

This is hilarious. When will nocoiners learn?

That's great man, but I wasn't born yesterday. If you do find someone who believes you though, do tell him that I have a bridge I want to sell in case he's interested.

Most of the things that you just listed doesn't factor into every cryptocurrency. They are just generalizations. For instance, XMR prioritizes on privacy and security, while BTC doesn't.

One word friends

>extremely unsecure
Literally more secure than anything else.

>anonymous broker unaccountable to anyone, can rob storage with impunity
wow if you give your money to some anonymous person they can run off with it, who would have thought

>will tank to next to nothing during the incoming recession and those following it
And there are a million other commentators claiming it will go to a million dollars a coin. You have no idea and neither do they.

>pyramid scheme
So are most investments.

>requires all members to scam their friends and gullible internet strangers into throwing away $50k on mining equipment
Flat out wrong.

>the chinese and russian govt already control the entire crypto ecosystem
A citation please.

Please stop talking about things you don't understand.

>Literally more secure than anything else.
>wow if you give your money to some anonymous person they can run off with it, who would have thought
Holy fuck man are you listening to yourself?

Shit like Cryptsy, Mt. Gox and Silk Road made Lehman Brothers/Madoff look like an asshole on a street corner running a three card-monty, the crypto economy has been running on fraud and disaster since day one and we're not even a decade in.

>I give my money to other people to hold on in a currency half the point of which is the ability to be your own bank

you forgot
>enabling people who steal from you and rape kids to cover their tracks

Cryptocurrency is basically a giant tax haven accessible everywhere, of course they're interested. No point in this retarded thread.

>by 2014, Mt. Gox was handling 70% of all Bitcoin exchanges worldwide
>850,000 bitcoins were stolen in the fraud
So by your standards the vast majority of crypto users are retards

And also you're going to get rich just using the magic numbers sitting alone on your own hard drive

The DIA is an Index retard, not a broker, and scamming brokers were a incredibly common thing until the late 90's, and they're still around
They literally made a movie about it
And companies/banks have completely fucked stockholders by selling all their assets without any benefit to the investors, Santander and Banco Popular recently did it with the EU blessing, literally nothing happened to them
Forbes routinely does articles on crypto richfags, go there retarded normalfag
Lehman/Madoff and whatever scam GS is running is done with the blessing of the SEC and bailouts from the Fed, anyone could see that Mt. Gox was retarded and there were plenty of red flags everywhere, Silk Road was expected to happen since it's literally a black market
And unlike Lehman and GS, people are actually prosecuted for Silk Road and Mt.Gox, there's a case for Cryptsy too

>Forbes routinely does articles on crypto richfags
Yeah, they do articles about people who got rich with MLM too. But in any Ponzi scheme, only the first ones in ever make any profit. This is the oldest trick in the book and you naive brainlets are falling for it!

>anyone could see that Mt. Gox was retarded and there were plenty of red flags everywhere, Silk Road was expected to happen since it's literally a black market
If anyone can see it how did so many hip, smart crypto big shots lose everything? I thought you guys were geniuses.

All of the smart crypto big shots will tell you about how keeping their coins on a cryptocurrency exchange was the worst mistake they could have made. This is something they constantly tell their new followers.

and where are you supposed to exchange them when you want to cash out?

guys how about
you listening?
how about
Sup Forums-coin!
get it, like a bit-coin, but our own!
Sup Forums-coin!

someone design the logo

Dogecoin was born in Sup Forums

"Sup Forums money" sounds better.

Normies eat it every day.

FWIW more people ran off with my shekels than with my bitcoins.


Citation needed, all I see is exchanges insecure



Max keiser on rt is the best source on it and he recommends offline storage for any crypto. I've used it to buy weed, I think the numerous normies who use it for dark web steam etc will keep it going for a long time even if it goes up and down

Keiser is a cocaine fiend who shills it cause he has hundreds of buttcoins since the early days. But at least he's right sometimes.

The tears from nocoiners who missed the train are always so fucking delicious. Time and time again the same argument:


Meanwhile everyone who went to /biz/ before December 100x'ed their investment, with every non-retarded investor having already cashed out at least part of the gains.

Reddit is that way

>buy my shitcoins

Reddit website

People who brag about their gains always forget how many people tried, but got screwed. Also there's survivalist bias. A rich cryptofag will repeat his success story again and again on the internet and people will assume that there are a shitload of people who made a fortune in crypto.
What they forget is that there are far more people who are silent because they have failed.

inb4 salty nocoiner

No, just someone who was in crypto since 2013 and i didn't get rich ;_;

>No-coiners buttmad ITT

>I bought high and sold low and now I don't have any money

You are a retard. Anyone who invested in literally any of the major cryptocurrencies and held on to their investment for 6+ months has made a significant amount of money.