Not having absolute shit tons of ram

>not having absolute shit tons of ram
>he doesn't use DDR2 Masterrace(tm)
>ramlets BTFO

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I've got 32GB of RAM coming in the mail tomorrow.

Is that more in the background

Ramlet BTFO

yeah ramlet how does that make you feel not having a juicy 512 KB array

ya bro cant wait to hook this shit up to my shitty AMD Athlon II and get an all around terribly performing PC with slow ass RAM but at least ima have a SICK 64GB OF RAM!!! SKORE!1

i bet you have 128KB as opposed to 512kb like the chad I am
t. ramchad

Nah bro amd is shit you have to go with that new Pentium dual core clocked in at 1.4GHz

>corporate lighting
How have you not killed yourself being in whitebox building/PC repair?

>not literally searing your eyes up for breakfast on those 1000W fluorescent tube lights

who you callin ramlet boy...

i actually have a few multicolored ones of those in the box

you ramlets make me sick

I accidentally won a 32gb ddr3 kit from Crucial a few months back

what you gonna do with all dat RAM white boi?

the fuck?

>tfw im a ramlet

DDR2 master race for the last ten years or so...recently almost all of my chips blew up (already >5 years old atm)
>8GB PC2-6400: $57

>Not installing 512kb of trap ram
Disgusting desu

>installing gay ram

That's how you get a computer virus.

That one already died of AIDS when the battery jizzed all over it, so maybe you're right

What's a trustworthy site to download more ram?

always the original, they've been around as long as piriform (the guys who made ccleaner and speccy)
legit as fuck

I trust noone else really, when it comes to memory performance I want the best