ITT we describe how KDE Plasma should improve

ITT we describe how KDE Plasma should improve.

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Make it plasmaier.

Texture mapping from depleting /random/ entropy to a weak colourish noise that overlays the bars.

Also make use of right click.

Add better mouse options and an option to disable triple buffering, that's it. I'm good with the rest of it really

Not getting every settings in the app, or make GTK per app settings, setting up good file browser ruined up firefox etc...

Also more per app settings...

Mouse gestures!


5.12 LTS, being the last KDE to get feature updates for X, better be damn stable. Also universal menubar for GTK2/3 programs; and a better scaling algorithm for HiDPI. And a non-obnoxious clock. Lastly NVIDIA (although I know it's NVIDIA's fault) should play nicely with KDE. It's the only proprietary shitware that tears on KDE

Not being just open, but having modification tutorials.

May be make it stable?

Scaling of the fuck huge clock is changed in 5.12.

Make it more like unity, implement locally integrated menus the way they were implemented in unity and not this bullshit button that only work with the default breeze decoration.. Also make more decorations and themes not flat, to resemble old redmond style.

add wacom settings.

Nice desktop user

I like this

the answer is simple

Make the taskbar less uglier

>make use of right click
What did he mean by this?


get rid of that ugly panel shadow

Option to fully integrate title bar into taskbar, like Unity had. You can get close, but it isn't quite there.

Also better themes.

I think he meant the noise texture what windows 10 arclyc uses

Make it more stable before adding new features

they should make a better theme because breeze sucks

I hate transparency

>tfw no fully functioning ambiance theme for plasma

How'd you get konsole to be tabless?

Right click the title bar and force the rule

In special application settings*

>I hate transparency
guess fucking who has transparent taskbar

my memepad screen is so shit I didn't even notice

Shame that new blur didn't make it into the next LTS.

I think kvantum comes with an ambiance clone along with dosen other themes. Most of them are crap tho.

By not blurring the fucking wallpaper that is on the second monitor

I submitted the patch too late in the dev cycle, sorry about that
it will come in 5.13 though so no worries
noone stays on LTS for so long anyways

I haven't used it in a while.
Needs more transparency, and/or a better default theme overall. Is KolourPaint still not installed by default? Also does it still default to desktop without icons (wallpaper only mode)?

I love you nigga. No homo.

add open as root context menu to dolphin
i dont care about the lame security excuse. it's simply way more efficient to move files around with a gui over terminal.

sudo dolphin

newest version blocks it

s-stop that

Wow. How do i make it look like that??

Does the panel finally support intelligent autohide?

Didn't know konsole supported the blur effect.

the latest kde neon dev git unstable has the new blur

>Didn't know konsole supported the blur effect
it does when you add this to your .bashrc

if [[ $(ps --no-header -p $PPID -o comm) =~ yakuake|konsole ]]; then
for wid in $(xdotool search --pid $PPID); do
xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 32c -set _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 0 -id $wid; done

I submitted patches to add native blur support to Konsole and Yakuake but the main devs don't want to accept my solution.
pic is where the blur option would be
if they would have accepted it

Damn, that native setting would have been great.

It's already perfect

They need to get the Wayland version working right because it feels like it's still 2014 over here with all the crashes and general bugginess. I don't understand how Gnome gets it right (but Gnome is shit)

Remove all the feature bloat and have it use CSDs exclusively.

Why not just upload your own patched package to the AUR. If it gets really popular, the devs would have to accept your genius.


It looks like shit.

Why would you want to use KDE bloated shit, tried it 3 days ago
> 550 MB in the desktop
> Meanwhile XFCE4 was using 250 MB
KDE is bloated and trash just as GNOME

>If it gets really popular, the devs would have to accept your genius.
thats not how it works

y-you too

That's like half of a default GNOME install.
If it was your first time booting it might also be higher as usual while Baloo indexes all your files.

I said they would have to accept your genius(tacitly), not necessarily accept your patch.

>A DE designed to be as lightweight as possible takes up less memory than one that's not.
No shit.
I'm not saying that bloat is ok, but KDE is far from bloated.

How do I enable the KDE file picker on Kubuntu for firefox?

You need a patched Firefox. If you're on Arch it's in the AUR as firefox-kde-opensuse.

You need the version of Firefox patched by the openSUSE team. There's an Ubuntu PPA somewhere around, but it lags a bit behind "standard" FF.

It means let me do this in the file picker like I can in windows

you know that has been a feature in kde since before windows got it right?

I literally use KDE asshole

There is a right click option, but it doesn't let me open anything it's dumb meaningless bullshit file options crap I don't give a shit about, I want to open files using krita, gimp, or a videoplayer for the sake of previewing shit I can't preview via thumbnail, or so I can do a quick edit while it's already sitting there staring me in the face

Give us the option to move this fucking option menu into a different location on the panel.

I like to place a show desktop button/widget on the far right of the panel, but this fucking fuck option menu just won't move.

Works on my set-up

You could just disable it.

what the hell are you talking about?

hide it
then when you need to change something enable it, change your shit, and hide it again


He's talking about the file picker, not the file manager. If you right click a file it just gives you the context menu for the folder.

>file picker
that's hardly kde isnt it

The KDE file picker. Stop being retarded.
But then again he should stop being retarded and make a bug report or see if there already is one.

i stand corrected, i see what you mean
that being said, what the hell does he want to open with other files inside the file picker of an application for?
>open word
>go to file open
>pick excel, opens in word as an workbook object
>right click open with excel instead
or are you that much of an autist that you need to open everything from within your firefox window?

Small detail, but make it so I can have rounded corners at the bottom of a window without drawing the bottom border.

Bump. A KDE dev is in this thread. Tell him your wishes before he disappears.

I agree with him, the filepicker is too limited

Say I want to upload a picture, but it has the wrong filename
You can't rename files within the filepicker, so F2 doesn't work; right-clicking on a file only gives you the option to open the directory in dolphin
And if you do do that, it doesn't even have the decency to autoselect the file in the newly opened dolphin window, so you have to search for the file again before you can rename it
So much work for something that should be instant

There is a way to do this, I had it years ago, but I didn't find it useful enough to keep after a fresh install.

Use the mascots more visibly. Like have an optional splash screen that shows Katee when I open Kate. And make a Konqi desktop buddy like what was popular in the late 90s/early 00s. Basically, more disgustingly cutsie stuff.

Also, Konsole should have Konrad, who could be like Katie and Konqi's dad.

What the fuck is this faggotry?

lock your widgets you monkey

I remember I used to be able to control mpd from a little music tab in the task bar, recently reinstalled kde and that's missing.
Is there a package that I didn't install?

It's sarcasm.

It's my workflow and it speeds shit up enormously

There's a bug report with firefox where they don't let you use alternative file pickers even if you install them.

It's fixed upstream but the firefox devs refuse to patch it for some reason.

what's with all the Kbloat threads lately? Have you people finally gone mad?

Stay away from that shit, literally the worst KDE experience possible.

kde could take some touches
there are some parts that are insanely bloated with space that is there for no reason at all or it just doesn't make sense and the continuation is garbage
kde is fucking ugly, but i bet with some small touches it could do nice, they could take some tips from the mac os bible and help it look better and have a better guideline ffs
im not saying that they should copy mac os bit for bit, just take the good parts and put it in there
find beauty in computing

>Option to fully integrate title bar into taskbar, like Unity had. You can get close, but it isn't quite there.

It was one of the few great things about Unity and it seems most DEs still haven't learned from it

Most of that is Qt toolkit bugs that explode just as violently under Sway or Weston.

Design patches welcome. Show what you mean graphically, even if it's just a screenshot with red circles highlighting problem areas. In my experience they'll take that feedback seriously.

Steal cover flow from Mac OS X (don't forget to add it to the file picker as well) and I'm sold.
It's tremendously useful and not only eye candy, despite everybody saying it is.

That's not going to work with Wayland. For non-lame security reasons.

Please make KMail send emails again.
Please make desktop not to fuck up or delete my widgets on connecting external monitor.
Please make the online services integration work.
Thank you.

Make it possible to drag and drop files into the file picker.

It is the reason why Mac OS X/macOS and Cinnamon are the most advanced user interfaces for surfing right now.

Read: You have a file in a file manager, click 'Browse...' here on Sup Forums, the file picker opens and you drag and drop the file in the file manager into the file picker. The file picker changes into the directory the file is lying in and selects it. The only thing then needed is to click okay.

I don't know, maybe that feature does already exist in KDE.

File pickers are truly underrated by software developers.

Can't you just drop the file to the "browse" button?
All these filepicker things are cool and all but they are kinda useless unless programs like firefox and libreoffice start supporting desktop native filepickers.

Flatpak actually enforces that. There's one portal that file pick actions go through and it spawns the DE native one.

That's cool. Do you know if snaps do anything like that? Iirc Solus for example is going with snaps for now.

Yes, but if you accidentally miss, the browser opens the file you dragged into the browser window and you have to go back and eventually lose any text you entered into forms.
Other than that the application has to support this behaviour itself.
Oftentimes I find myself having a file in the file picker which I want to edit in some stupid way (change color or add some anime eyes to make it OC). So I drag and drop it into an image editor programs "Open File..." dialog (or the image editors icon).
I am desperately missing this feature right now here in Xfce. I have to right click, copy path, and then enter that path into the file picker of the image editor and manually search for the file in that folder. Only to then repeat the process when the file is finished editing. A real pain the ass, introduced from the Windows operating system, I assume. Appearantly 85% of all computer users think this it the only way to do things.

That's great news. Let's hope things change for the better.

I one of these fat cats that switched from OS X to Linux.

I'm sorry for the typos.

>this is the only way
>I'm one of these

I don't know.

You can copy and paste raw image data into GIMP.
>right click uguu.png
>copy image
>move to GIMP
>image appears for editing

You can copy and paste raw image data into GIMP.
>right click uguu.png
>copy image
>move to GIMP
>image appears for editing